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macro expansion to achieve induction.

Im looking for a way to initialize an array of structs, ala:

static struct sensor_device_attribute sda_fan_input[] = {
__SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(fan1_input, S_IRUGO, show_fan_input, NULL, 0),
__SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(fan2_input, S_IRUGO, show_fan_input, NULL, 1),
__SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(fan3_input, S_IRUGO, show_fan_input, NULL, 2),
but to do so more readably / compactly, and w/o fixed N-length

since macro language doesnt have foreach loops, I tried to do induction,
(f(N) -> F(1), f(N-1)) to replace the missing loop, but Im not expanding
the 2nd iteration. (as info gcc discusses)

struct cell {
 char* name;
 int id;

#define CELL_INIT_1(N)         { "fan" # N "_input", N }
#define CELL_INIT_N(N)         CELL_INIT_1(N), CELL_INIT_N(N-1)
#define CELL_INIT_all(N)       CELL_INIT_N(N,1)

struct cell culture[] = {
 { "name", 1 }

the above fails as folllows: $ make macroN cc -g macroN.c -o macroN macroN.c:75: error: initializer element is not constant macroN.c:75: error: (near initialization for `culture[1].name') macroN.c:75: error: initializer element is not constant macroN.c:75: error: (near initialization for `culture[1]')

the real reason is evident in -cc -E expansion:

# 71 "macroN.c"
struct cell culture[] = {
 { "fan" "3" "_input", 3 }, CELL_INIT_N(3 -1)

as you can see, the recursive expansion isnt happening.

I know the above is over-simplified;  the induction doesnt
currently terminate at N=0, and this would infact result in
infinite expansion.


info cpp, macro pitfalls, Self-Reference Macros, says :

If the self-reference were considered a use of the macro, it
would produce an infinitely large expansion.  To prevent this, the
self-reference is not considered a macro call.  It is passed into the
preprocessor output unchanged.

SO: ie Qs

Is there any way to:
a. induce gcc/cpp to evaluate the macro as a macro,
perhaps a builtin _enable_recursive_eval_ modifier thigny
b. include conditionals in the macro def
this conditional-def could serve as the hint to induce re-eval as a macro.
c. its not clear how do this safely
the condition may not properly terminate the expansion. (want a limiter, settable ideally)
d. an explicit 1..N loop sounds safer.

Or is there an existing way that Ive missed ? (I hope)

Jim Cromie

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