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Re: Can you help with gcc build GCC_NO_EXECUTABLES problem?

Jonathan Beit-Aharon wrote:

Although I don't enjoy building systems "from scratch", occasionally we all have to upgrade (or even downgrade) some software in order to port applications between systems (in my case, FreeBSD 5.4 to Linux Fedora 3).

My point was in not being allowed to use any prebuilt FreeBSD 5.4 or
Fedora3 parts only because the sources for them do exist. Still the
"you have to" advices are related only using the prebuilt target parts
in crosstools, but when the new bolsheviks have followers enough, maybe
the next phase will be to advice people to remove the installed native
binutils, GCC, glibc etc. prebuilt native components before starting to build a native GCC... How they then can be built from absolute scratch,
will then be seen (maybe the advice will be to use some proprietary
'pure' cross-host, pure from anything which could have sources for it).

Advices like the following (by Ian Lance Taylor in August) :

>>>> Building a cross-compiler to Linux is a complex operation with many
>>>> steps.  See for some helpful scripts.

can be see all the time, suggesting people to build their Red Hat, SuSE,
Fedora, Ubuntu etc. Linux-targeted toolchains from absolute scratch...

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