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std::osteram_iterator<value_type> giving error with GCC 3.2

 I am getting a certain error while compiling the code below under GCC3.2:

    template <class Cont>
    struct IterRange
    	typedef typename Cont::iterator iterator;
        IterRange(iterator fst, iterator lst) : first(fst), last(lst) {}
		~IterRange() {}
        typename Cont::iterator  first;
        typename Cont::iterator  last;

    template <class Cont>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const IterRange<Cont>& range)
        typedef typename Cont::value_type value_type;
        std::copy(range.first, range.last,
std::ostream_iterator<value_type>(s, ", "));   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Error
        return s;

The error on the line indicated says : parse error before token '>'

I had checked through various codes on net, and they showed the same
syntax. Moreover, the same piece of code executes perfectly on VC++.
What should I do?
Am I missing something? 

I don't know the key to sucess, but the key to faliure is to try to
please everyone.
-- Bill Cosby

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