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Specialization of template member function of template class


I want to specialize a template member function of a template class.

template<class T>
struct B {

 template< unsigned int Nums>
 void func();

template<class T> template< unsigned int Nums> void B<T>::func() {

 // do sth. useful

template<class T>
class B<T>::func<3>() {

 // do sth. else

Under Windows, the .NET 2003 C++ compiler accepts the code but the gcc 3.4.0 rejects it with the following error:

main.cpp:45: error: invalid explicit specialization before '>' token
main.cpp:45: error: enclosing class templates are not explicitly specialized
main.cpp:47: error: expected identifier before '(' token
main.cpp:47: error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token
main.cpp:47: error: expected `;' before '{' token

Is this an issue of the gcc compiler or is the .NET compiler not C++ standard compliant in this case?


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