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Getting the stack pointer on VxWorks/MIPS

Hello all,

I found a nice looking piece of code for VxWorks that can help to track
memory problems, however, the code has some 64K asm in it, I wanted to try
to get the routine to work on MIPS using inline asm.

The old code is commented out at the top, and my attempt at replacing it is
underneath, I've tried to combine x86 inline asm g++ tutorials I have
googled and MIPS assembler tutorials, and I don't imagine I am too far off
the mark.

Can anyone offer any help?

long getStackPointer(void)
 /* assembly routine to return stack pointer value */
	static const short code_array[] = {
0x4e56, 0000,		// LINK.W  A6,#0
0x200F,			// MOVE.L  A7,D0
0x4e5e,			// ULNK    A6
0x4e75			// RTS

 	return (((long(*)()) code_array)());

	static long n_stack_address;
	asm	(
			"move %%29, %0\n"			// $29 and
$sp mean the same thing

	return n_stack_address;
}// end getStackPointer

Many thanks for any help!



* *

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