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The order of starfile in specs seems to be important.

Good morning.

I try to compile a toolchain for arm7tdmi (gameboy) providing binutils-2.15, gcc-3.4.3 and newlib-1.13.0.
I build it under slackware 9.1 with gcc 3.2.3.

I apply a patch to the sources to provide a start code, linkscript and syscalls for my target.

The build process go well.

I can use the toolchain and build examples (a simple hello world for example) with it.

The problem is that the examples don't run on the target. I found one solution and i wonder if it is the good one.

In the file $(PREFIX)/lib/gcc/$(TARGET)/$(GCC_VER)/specs i switch the order of the startfiles from :
crti%O%s crtbegin%O%s crt0%O%s
to :
crti%O%s crt0%O%s crtbegin%O%s
[/code] .

Then every thing go well.

My questions are :
Does the order is important ?
If no, where could be the real problem ?
If yes, can i modify it before compiling gcc (within my patch for example) ?



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