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g++: __builtin_frame_address(0) behaviour


For a lightweight argument tracing I've tried

template <ptrdiff_t x>
class diff_const{
	static void p(){
		cout << x << endl;

void* f5_2(char* arg1,string& arg2,int arg3){
  diff_const<(char*)&arg1-(char*)__builtin_frame_address(0)> xj;

...but even though (&arg1-__builtin_frame_address(0)) should be a constant
expression on most platforms, gcc does not recognize it as such.

I need to store this as a stack/frame offset information for walking down
the call tree with full argument display in case of a function/method
failure. This would have zero overhead in the normal (successful) case.

Ideas, anyone?



Stefan Schuerger

NEU : GMX Internet.FreeDSL
Ab sofort DSL-Tarif ohne Grundgebühr:

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