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simple linking question


I am having linking problems with user-generated libraries on my Redhat 7.2
using gcc-3.3.

To demonstrate the problem, I created the following simple example:

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FILE: /home/test/jingjing.hpp
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef JINGJING_H
#define JINGJING_H

void jingjing();


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FILE: /home/test/jingjing.cpp
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "jingjing.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>

void jingjing()
        fprintf(stderr, "jingjing invoked!\n");

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FILE: test.cpp
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "jingjing.hpp"

int main()


        return 0;

compilation and linking
/home/test>g++ -g -O2 -c jingjing.cpp -o jingjing.o
/home/test>ar cru libjingjing.a jingjing.o
/home/test>ranlib libjingjing.a
/home/test>chmod 755 *.o *.a
/home/test>g++ -o test.exe  -L/usr/lib -L/home/test   -ljingjing     test.cpp

At the linking stage, when I execute the last command shown on the last line (g++ -o test.exe ....),
I get the following error:
/tmp/ccuw3cNo.o: In function `main':
/tmp/ccuw3cNo.o(.text+0x11): undefined reference to `jingjing()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

when I try 
	/home/test>g++ jingjing.o test.cpp
it generates the executable properly.

but when I try  
	/home/test>g++ libjingjing.a test.cpp
I get the same error.

Can someone tell me what is wrong?!

thanks so much


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