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Re: g77, cygwin, Win XP Pro, CALL System(Command, Status)

Hi Lars,

> I guess the routine CALL System does not work?

Hmmm, maybe.

There is no "cls" application, nor "dir" application. Both of those are cooked into the CMD.EXE shell.

>BTW: clear is a unix-command. Can it work in a dos-shell with cygwin?

I presumed your shell was the CygWin bash shell, since you mentioned CygWin. Since clear (or more appropriately, clear.exe in CygWin) is an application, I was hoping it'd work in this situation. But alas.

I am surprised that the X3.64 "ESC [ 2 J" sequence didn't work. The console you must be working with must not be "ANSI.SYS" savvy. Alas and alack!

Hmmm, I'm not a FORTRAN guy, so I don't have any more tricks up my sleeve that'd be appropriate. (Unless there's an NCurses analog for FORTRAN...)


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