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Preprocessing & #error

Here is some code.

====== C code : foo.c : BEGIN ======
#define ITEM1 100
#define ITEM2 200
#if (ITEM1 != ITEM2)
#error BUG : ITEM1 != ITEM2
====== C code : foo.c : END ========

====== Compilation (Preprocessing) : BEGIN ======

$ gcc -v
gcc version 3.3.1 (cygming special)

$ gcc foo.c
foo.c:4:2: #error BUG : ITEM1 != ITEM2

====== Compilation (Preprocessing) : END ========

I would like to get the following output :
$ gcc foo.c
foo.c:4:2: #error BUG : 100 != 200

Is it possible?

   Alex Vinokur

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