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Re: GCC 3.3.1; HP-UX B.10.20; Make 3.80: You do the math wrote:
In message <>, Mario Nigrovic writes:
 >/var/tmp//cc1asr4R.s: Assembler messages:
 >/var/tmp//cc1asr4R.s:641: Error: bad expression
 >/var/tmp//cc1asr4R.s:641: Warning: rest of line ignored; first ignored charac
 >ter is `g'
It looks like something in GCC is forgetting to strip out the '*' at the
start of a variable name ('*' at the start of a name has special meaning to
gcc and it needs to be stripped before the name can be put into an assembler


Someone (who shall remain nameless since he replied off-list ;-) suggested maybe sed. Unfortunately, putting in sed-4.0.7 didn't fix my problem.

So I decided to try and compare the glob.s files from Solaris and HP-UX.

Here are the snipits around the definition of glob64:

Solaris 5.8:

        .asciz  "."
        .section        ".text"
        .align 4
        .stabs  "*glob64:F(0,1)",36,0,368,glob64
        .stabs  "pattern:P(1,1)=*(1,2)=k(0,2)",64,0,364,19
        .stabs  "flags:P(0,1)",64,0,365,25
        .stabs  "errfunc:P(1,3)=*(1,4)=f(0,1)",64,0,366,26
        .stabs  "pglob:P(1,5)=*(37,2)",64,0,367,27
        .global glob64
        .type   glob64, #function
        .proc   04
        .stabn 68,0,368,.LLM1-glob64
        !#PROLOGUE# 0
        save    %sp, -320, %sp
        !#PROLOGUE# 1
        .stabn 68,0,375,.LLM2-glob64
        subcc   %g0, %i0, %g0
        subx    %g0, -1, %o5
        subcc   %g0, %i3, %g0
        .stabn 68,0,375,.LLM3-glob64

HP-UX B.10.20:

        .word   P%collated_compare
        .SPACE $TEXT$
        .SUBSPA $CODE$

        .align 4
        .stabs  "*glob64:F1",36,0,368,glob64
        .stabs  "pattern:P150",64,0,364,8
        .stabs  "flags:P1",64,0,365,10
        .stabs  "errfunc:P293=*294=f1",64,0,366,16
        .stabs  "pglob:P295=*281",64,0,367,13
        .stabs  "/media/gnu/make-3.80/glob/glob.c",132,0,0,L$text0005
        .stabn 68,0,368,0
        stw %r2,-20(%r30)
        copy %r3,%r1
        .stabn 68,0,375,L$M17-*glob64
        comiclr,= 0,%r23,%r0
        comiclr,<> 0,%r26,%r19
        ldi 1,%r19
        .stabn 68,0,368,L$M18-*glob64

The more I looked at this, the more it seemed like all that stabn and stabs stuff was for -g debugging, so I tried recompiling "make" with 'make CFLAGS="-O2"' and it worked. But that seems to imply something buggy in GCC itself.

Should I go over and report this or is someone already watching this list for
compiler bugs?

-- Mario

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