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RE: need help with installation

Andrea 'fwyzard' Bocci / James Anderson wrote:

> > I'm using Solaris and the Solaris binaries use the Solaris
> > packaging system which I know nothing about but strongly suspect
> > thatv they require admin privileges.

Yeah, unfortunately. It's pkgadd; it does have an install-to-another-root
option, -R, but still refuses to run if it isn't root (you need to be root
to access the installed package database in /var/sadm). You may be able to
hack the data out with one of the other pkg tools but I don't know how.

I agree the best thing to do would be to ask your admin to install it.

> If you find an older version that still uses the Solaris packagin
> system, you'd still be stuck, wouldn't you ?

The GNAT distribution, available from

is distributed as a tar.gz that you can uncompress and run from your home
directory without root. It's an old version of GCC (2.8.1) combined with the
latest Ada compiler, so it'll compile both Ada and C. If you bootstrap your
own GCC from this you might have to specify --enable-languages without ada
or follow the Ada build / install instructions otherwise it'll attempt to
include Ada in the bootstrap - I can't remember if niaevely including Ada in
a simple bootstrap just works.

Good luck,

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