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Re: caller function name, its filename and line number

>     /*
>      *  It should look for the caller function name and the file name
>      *  and line number where the call was done.
>      *
>      *  It could be done through the frame pointer, the stack and
>      *  the symbol table or whatever other means.
>      *
>      *  It should be possible to do it, because gdb is able to do it under
>      *  the backtrace command (or up command)

You got the name correct. you can use the backtrace function from glibc to
get the address and backtrace_symbols to get the symbol names for those
addresses. btw its a run time thing.... not a compile time.

>         const void* return_addr = __builtin_return_address(0);
>         const void* frame_addr = __builtin_frame_address(0);

you dont have to do this yourself. backtrace does it for you. its
xnot available for all glibc ports. since you already use
it shouldnt be a problem for you.


>         look_for_caller_file_and_line(return_addr, frame_addr,
>                                       caller_name, filename, line);
>         cout << "Error: value out of range " << x
>              << " in " << caller_name
>              << " in " << filename
>              << " at line " << line << endl;
> #else
>         cout << "Error: value out of range " << x << endl;
> #endif
>         abort();
>     }
> }
> int
> main()
> {
>     check(5);   // this is file main.cpp at line 65
>     check(20);  // this is file main.cpp at line 66
> }
> //- main.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------------
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> // Desired output:
> //
> // Error: value out of range 20 in main in main.cpp at line 66
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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