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Re: X86 Built-in Functions

Ok, I partially solved this with:

#define	_mm_setzero_si128	__builtin_ia32_setzero128
#define	_mm_or_si128		__builtin_ia32_por128
#define	_mm_xor_si128		__builtin_ia32_pxor128
#define	_mm_and_si128		__builtin_ia32_pand128
#define	_mm_andnot_si128       	__builtin_ia32_pandn128
#define	_mm_srli_epi64		__builtin_ia32_psrlqi128
#define	_mm_slli_epi64		__builtin_ia32_psllqi128
#define	_mm_slli_si128		__builtin_ia32_pslldqi128
#define	_mm_srli_si128		__builtin_ia32_psrldqi128
#define	_mm_add_epi64		__builtin_ia32_paddq128
#define	_mm_sub_epi64		__builtin_ia32_psubq128

But I still haven't figured out the following:

_mm_cvtsi32_si128, _mm_cvtsi128_si32, _mm_set_epi32


> You can access the mmx/3dnow/sse instructions using built-in functions.
> These are documented (for gcc 3.3) in:
> However, the sse2 instructions are missing from the documentation, but it 
> seems that they are implemented by gcc 3.3... Any documentation anywhere?
> Or are these broken as they are not documented?
> I'd need the equivalents for the following icc (intel cc) builtins:
> _mm_add_epi64
> _mm_andnot_si128
> _mm_and_si128
> _mm_cvtsi128_si32
> _mm_cvtsi32_si128
> _mm_or_si128
> _mm_set_epi32
> _mm_setzero_si128
> _mm_slli_epi64
> _mm_slli_si128
> _mm_srli_epi64
> _mm_srli_si128
> _mm_sub_epi64
> _mm_xor_si128
> What the built-ins in gcc, and what are the corresponding modes?
> Thanks.

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