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Re: Large Arrays/Commons wrote:

eventually somebody can help (or tell me that there is no solution):

- I have a rather complex finite element code (to be compiled with g77)
and would like to run
a bigger model than previously. I have however problems in using
sufficiently large arrays.
I split the large arrays into three COMMON BLOCKS, e.g.
COMMON /A(50000000)
COMMON /SOL1/ B(28000000)
COMMON /SOL2/ C(56000000)
I can compile and link without problems,
but get a segment violation at excution (immediately, and also if
a use just a main program for storage allocation (i.e. don't call
any subroutines)
I suppose that the maximum storage to be allocated is limited by the
physical memory of my PC (1 GB), because there are no problems as long
as the sum of all allocated storage is araound 900 MB. Is there any solution?
Do you need more information?
Well, actually, we do (for instance, what operating system are you using on this PC? Windows, DOS, Linux, {Free|Net|Open}BSD, etc. ;-)

However, I'll cut you a deal: The problem you see is most probably caused by the fact that on Linux, shared libraries are assigned memory addresses from 2**30 onwards, i.e., at about 1 Gbyte.

If you compile and link your program statically, i.e., using the option -static, you should be OK.

The maximum amount of memory you can use is the sum of RAM and SWAP sizes.

Hope this helps,

Toon Moene - - phoneto: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
Maintainer, GNU Fortran 77:
Join GNU Fortran 95: (under construction)

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