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Re: string.h - strsep

>  Any comments?

Using the <string> library from the standard templates instead; but you
will have to do some work. You can find more info at:

For example, to tokenize a string;

#include <string>
#include <vector>

// headers necessary only for testing:
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

typedef vector <string> string_array;

unsigned int 
tokenize(const string &_str, 
	const string &_delim, 
	string_array &_tokens )
    _tokens = string_array();
    if ( _str.empty() ) return 0;
    for ( string :: size_type spos = 0; 
	    spos != _str.size(); 
	    spos += _delim.size() )
	string :: size_type epos = _str.find( _delim, spos );
	if ( epos == string :: npos )
	    _tokens.push_back( string( _str, spos, epos ) );
	_tokens.push_back( string( _str, spos, epos-spos ) );
	spos = epos;
    return _tokens.size();

int main(void)
    string_array tokens;
	// test: 1
    string str = "my string to be tokenized";
    string delimiter = " ";
    cout << "token count: " 
	<< tokenize( str, delimiter, tokens ) << endl;
    copy( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), 
	ostream_iterator <string> ( cout, "_" ) );
    cout << endl;
	// test: 2
    cout << "token count: " 
	<< tokenize( "another string to-!be-!tokenized-!", "-!", tokens ) 
	<< endl;
    copy( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), 
	ostream_iterator <string> ( cout, "_" ) );
    cout << endl;
	// test: 3
    cout << "token count: " 
	<< tokenize( "", " ", tokens ) << endl;
    copy( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), 
	ostream_iterator <string> ( cout, "_" ) );
    cout << endl;


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