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RE: Instalation of gcc on windows 2000?

Afbaxt wrote:

> How do you install gcc onto windows 2000? I tried to run from the
> start menu the following:
> C:\GNU\gcc-3.0.3\configure GCC_objdir
> I got back the message that the command "configure" was not 
> recognized?

configure is a unix shell script. You'd need a POSIX shell plus a few
other utilities to run it - such as you'd find in cygwin or interix.

(In any case, if you don't specify an extension NT will try to append
all specified in environment PATHEXT but won't try the unextended

> I was hopping to run gcc directly on windows, rather than 
> running it on cygwin.

Then your best bet is probably You won't be able to
bootstrap GCC yourself but you will be able to download a working
compiler and toolchain.

If you need to compile your own non-cygwin windows-hosted compiler, your
best bet would be take the headers and libraries from the mingw
distribution and then cross-compile to target i686-mingw32msvc from
cygwin (or even from a full unix-like OS).


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