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2.95 and 3.0 compatibility

Can I use libraries compiled and linked with gcc/g++ 2.95 with g++
3.0?  I've hunted around, but can't find a direct answer.

The problem arose because I am using g++ 3.0 and tried to link with
strutilsxx, a C++ wrapper (around some standard C libraries, I think.
At any rate regexx is, and I want to use that).  It didn't work.

I was also unable to compile strutilsxx from source with 3.0; I
suspect this may have something to do with changes in header files and
streams, but I haven't tracked it down.

I'm using debian woody, so the prebuilt libraries I get are done with

Also, can anyone direct me to a good description/summary of the
differences between 2.95 and 3.0?

Sorry to ask such basic questions, but the FAQ seemed concerned with
far more advanced matters.


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