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Re: Is there a way to make static executable out of ELF shared one?

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 13:02, Andrea 'Fyre Wyzard' Bocci wrote:
> At 16.22 11/12/2001 (GMT -0200), vda wrote:
> >I need a bunch of static executables for linux initial ramdisk.
> >I have all needed executables but some of them require .so libs.
> >I know that static binaries can be made at compile time (ld -static)
> >but do I really need to download source for all my binaries?
> >
> >There must be a way to make static binary from shared one
> Silly as it may sound - can't you just put everything (binaries & .so libs)
> in the ramdisk ?

Yes I can but most shared binaries need (guess what?....) libc
which isn't exactly small :-(

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