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building cross compiler - c++ and gcc-3.0.2


(those who are on both gcc and gcc-help: sorry to bother you over on gcc
- I guess here is the more appropriate place.)

I'm trying to get a c++ x86-linux to arm-uclinux cross compiler
toolchain, gcc-3.0.2. c compiler builds fine, and c++ compiler - without
libstdc++ - also builds. But how do I build libstdc++?

If I leave the libstdc++ - directory in the gcc directory tree, I get an
error in make executing libiberty/configure (after it has successfully
built all libgcc varaints) on 'check wether C compiler works'.
Apparently it can't find my libc (of course - there isn't one, at this
point...) - it tries to link with crt1.o and all these files.

Now - using the c compiler - I successfully built ucLibc and am
wondering how to tell the build system to either not link with libc  at
this ponit (is this possible at all?) or where the libc files are.
greets from Zürich
-- vbi

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