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inline assembler question

hi there!

courrently I'm workin with gcc using inlineasm instructions for SSE and
But there are some things i'd like to know (since i'm new to gcc i
apologize herby for newbee-questions :)

first of all, where is the arg stored?

int function(int arg);
__asm__(" movl arg,%eax ");

doesn't work because the arg symbol isn't parsed as variable to the asm

how to tell in sse the operand-size assumption like the 'quadword ptr'
or 'xmmword ptr' in intel syntax?

example:(in itel-syntax)

float function(float *arg)
 __asm mov eax, dword ptr arg
 __asm movups xmm1, xmmword ptr [eax]

how wold this function look in gcc?

are operand and operator in the same or oppostie order than in intel

how does the asm behave when you have mnemonics with 3 args ?
(like 'shufps' for example...)

michael saenger

P.S. I'd be thankful for any help, or even a link to a website(but it
must be a SSE/MMX specific one :)

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