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Re: ARM native gcc-2.95.2

> That would be a problem.  AFAIK, GCC 2.95.2 has to be configured with
> the actual prefix it's going to have at run-time.  It's ok to `make
> install prefix=/somewhere/else', then tar it up and install it in the
> configured place, though.

OK, i specified '--prefix=/usr' at the "./configure" step, and
'prefix=/tmp/isolated-gcc-2.95.2/usr' at the "make install" step.  I cd'd to
/tmp/isolated-gcc-2.95.2/, and tarred up everything, including the /usr
directory.  Then i untarred the entire thing to /. (overwriting my previously
installed cross-compiler).  Now the config.guess script that comes with all
autoconf projects wont work, insisting that It cannot guess my host, and I must
specify it instead.

Please help.  It is important for me that ./configure can guess my host type,
as a whole wack of scripts i've written will be broke if it cannot.


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