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gcc installation


I'm trying to build a gcc cross compiler for my Intel i586 Linux 2.2.14 
to compile some sources for a Powerbook 180 (m68k). I followed exactly  
the instructions in the CrossGCC FAQ. Espescially I used the one-way 
installation with the additional build-cross shell skript. Before I had 
some troubles with the single installation anyway I'm not very confident 
with solving some make errors.

Everything went good till I got an error massage which I put into the 
file: shell_out_put_1 (You can see the second compilation with the 
error. The second part is the Makefile in libio (see below)). Now, 
something is really bad (I'm going soon crazy but surley I won't give 

Do you have any imagination what went wrong? Could it be that my 
headerfiles in /usr/include do not involve this function (because I use 
for my cross compiler newlib and on my system is glibc).

I observed something too. In the libio Makefile (automatic generated) I 
found the line:


But unfortunatly I don't have such a directory (only g++-2, of course I 
tried to change it in the Makefile but without any success).  

It would be great if you can give me an advice I really don't have any 
idee. If you need some additional information please tell me.

Many thanks Martin

Enjoy more time at less cost with sunrise freetime


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