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Re: how to read out binary data

Am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2001 04:09 schrieben Sie:
> hello,
> the  linux system I am using is installed in the pc with intel III.
> I have a problem in reading binary data file (e.g., a binary file
> (integer*2) downloaded from a website) using a fortran program under my
> linux environment.
> The program (also was provided by those data people) to read the file
> is:
> integer*2 isea(100,100)
> open(1,file='seatemp.dat',form='unformatted')
>  read(1) isea
> print*,isea(1,1)
> stop
> end
> I used g77 to compile that program. The output from that program is
> totally wrong.
> for example, the value of isea(1,1) is a very large integer number.

May this be a problem of byteorder ? On a PC for example the word order of 
integers is different so that the lowest order byte written into a data file 
by a SUN or other machine will go into the highest byte of the PC integer. 
The effect of byteorder problems is exactly that small numbers will end up in 
very large one. Please crosscheck that.

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