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Re: Professional support for Vxworks cross-compiler

> If you know solutions to the above mentioned problems, please let us know or
> make an offer of the kind of professional help or even support and how we
> can appreciate your help finacally or by other means.


Please understand that this is a volunteer's list, so we (as the group
of gcc contributor's) don't provide any kind of commercial support.

That said, it is certainly the case that GCC contributors do so. I
know WindRiver people are monitoring this list (hi Mike), and a few
other companies offer support as well. I probably can't provide a
complete list, but may serve as a
starting point. Some of these individuals and companies are also
frequent GCC contributors - I'd recommend you compare the services
list with the GCC ChangeLogs to get an impression whom to contact


P.S. Should we update gcc/SERVICES from the FSF list, or remove that
file from gcc?

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