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Re: Newbie - gcc apparently not building obj file

The first thing you need to do is
  ls -l
to make sure that gcc is really creating the output file ``hello'',
and setting the "executable" bit (there should be a "x" in the
permissions column of the listing for ``hello'', but a '-' in the same
column for ``hello.c'').

On my machine, I used to have to type
to execute a program in the current directory. My sysadmin claims it's
a "security feature". Without the ``./'', my machine looks in the
(supposedly "secure") locations for executables ( my ``path'' includes
lots of directories that end in ``/bin/'' ). When it doesn't find it
there, I get the ``command not found'' message. Don't tell him I added
the "./" directory to the end of my path.

By the way, folks around here use the term ``object file'' to talk
about (non-executable) intermediate files sometimes generated by the
compiler (if you use the -c option) and ending with the extension

Richard De Berry <>, in frustration, wrote:
> I enter
>    gcc -o hello hello.c
>, then
>    hello
> I get a command not found message.

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