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Re: How compiling a selfmade kernel?

On Wed, 01 Sep 1999 20:09:19 +0200, RiverTonic <> wrote:
>I wrote a main.c file. Normally, it prints a serie of characters on the
>screen when booted, but how do I have to compile my main.c file, so I
>can tell lilo to boot it. When I compile it the normal way, lilo tries
>to boot it, but it fails.

I don't know a whole lot about this, but I am in the middle of compiling an application in C
to boot and run on Motorola DSP EVM boards.  That's a WHOLE lot smaller problem than trying
to run on a PC.  Anyway, the Kernel for C programs is in a file called something like
"crt0.asm" or some variation of this.  I think it's the Linker for the Motorola system that
has a "-crt" switch to select the Kernel object to link the application to.  The kernel for
an executable application will likely be very simple compared to a bootable kernel.  Here
are some files I had to deal with for the Motorola application ...

stdio.c    stdio.h
hostio.c    hostio.h
fread.c    read.c
fwrt.c    write.c

If something doesn't come to you in a "pop top can", get ready for a lot of hard work!  Good

All the best, and ENJOY!

Art Du Rea
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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