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Hello anybody!
I am a beginning programmer for Windows. I heard of GNU ports for
DOS/Windows. I chose MINGW32 , so I downloaded the binaries, the libraries,
the tools etc. I installed it (unzipped and set up the environment). Then I
compiled and linked a few examples (one from the SDK and one from Petzold)
using the main libraries (user32, gdi32, kernel32, comdlg32 and  comctl32),
like this.

SET DEFAULTLIB=c:\mingw32\lib
SET GUILIBS=-L%DEFAULTLIB% -luser32 -lgdi32 -lkernel32 -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32
gcc -c hellowin.c
gcc -o hellowin.exe hellowin.o %GUILIBS%

It generally worked, but it shows up a console window. It is reported as
c:\windows\system\conagent.exe in its properties, but I guess it is not so
informative. I also know that each Win32 application has a console attached
to it, but as far as I know the startup code should normally get rid of it.
Unfortunately, I do not have enough experience to clear it all up myself, so
I would like to ask you. Any help would be appreciated.


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