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[Survey Invite] Bug report duplication problem - Help our study

I've invited you to fill out the following form:
Professional Profile

To fill it out, visit:

Dear friend,

I am a master's student in Computer Science at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, under the advising of Dr. Eduardo Almeida.

We chose you because you participated in one of the open source projects included in this study. All the information provided will be kept confidential. We have no intention to judge your work since we are merely interested in learning about some aspects of your work.

We are investigating the bug report duplication problem, so based on your experience using bug-trackers, we would like to invite you to participate in a short 8-10 minute survey that our research group is conducting to get opinion about this subject.

Please, return it until March 31st, 2018. We will offer a lottery ticket to compete for an Amazon $100 credit and the results of the study when we finished the analysis.

We appreciate your time!

Best Regards,

Alexandre Gitirana

Google Forms: Create and analyze surveys.

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