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[Bug other/59882] dev-cpp/xsd: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault

--- Comment #2 from David Kredba <nheghathivhistha at gmail dot com> ---
c-reduce at --sllooww>

namespace std
template < class, class > struct pair;
template < typename _Iterator > struct iterator_traits
    typedef typename _Iterator::value_type value_type;
template < typename > class allocator
    template < typename > struct rebind
        typedef allocator other;
template < typename > struct less
template < typename > struct _Select1st;

namespace __gnu_cxx
template < typename _Alloc > struct __alloc_traits
    template < typename _Tp > struct rebind
        typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind < _Tp >::other other;
namespace std
template < typename > struct _Rb_tree_node;
template < typename, typename _Val, typename, typename _Compare,
         typename _Alloc = allocator < _Val > >class _Rb_tree
    typedef typename __gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits < _Alloc >::template rebind <
    _Rb_tree_node < _Val > >::other _Node_allocator;
    typedef _Alloc allocator_type;
    template < typename _Key_compare > struct _Rb_tree_impl
        _Rb_tree_impl (_Key_compare, _Node_allocator);
    _Rb_tree_impl < _Compare > _M_impl;
    _Rb_tree (_Compare __comp, allocator_type __a):_M_impl (__comp,
template < typename _Key, typename _Tp, typename _Compare =
less < _Key >, typename _Alloc =
allocator < pair < _Key, _Tp > > >class map
    typedef _Key key_type;
    typedef pair < _Key, _Tp > value_type;
    typedef _Compare key_compare;
    typedef _Alloc allocator_type;
    typedef _Rb_tree < key_type, value_type, _Select1st < value_type >,
            key_compare > _Rep_type;
    _Rep_type _M_t;
    map (_Compare __comp, allocator_type __a = allocator_type ()):_M_t (__comp,
template < typename _Tp > struct _List_iterator
    typedef _Tp value_type;
template < typename _Tp > class list
    typedef _List_iterator < _Tp > iterator;

namespace Cult
namespace Types
namespace Fundamental
typedef void Void;
typedef int WideChar;
} using Fundamental::Void;
using Fundamental::WideChar;
} namespace
template < typename I > class IteratorAdapter
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits <
    I >::value_type Value;
} namespace Types
template < typename > class StringTemplate;
typedef StringTemplate < WideChar > WideString;
} namespace Containers
template < typename K, typename T > class Map:std::map < K, T >
    typedef std::map < K, T > Base;
    typedef typename Base::key_compare Compare;
    Map (Compare comp = Compare ()):Base (comp)
template < typename T > class List
    typedef std::list < T > Base;
    typedef IteratorAdapter < typename Base::iterator >

using namespace Cult::Types;

namespace XSDFrontend
namespace SemanticGraph
namespace Bits
template < typename > struct strip_pointer;
template < typename X > struct strip_pointer <X * >
    typedef X Type;
template < typename I > struct PointerIterator
    typedef typename strip_pointer < typename I::Value >::Type Reference;
    Reference operator* ();
} class Edge
class Node;
class Names:public Edge
class Scope
    typedef Cult::Containers::List < Names * >NamesList;
    typedef Bits::PointerIterator < NamesList::Iterator >
class Type;
class Complex:public Scope
namespace FrontendElements
namespace Traversal
template < typename > class TraverserBase
template < typename X > class DispatcherBase
    virtual Void dispatch (X);
template < typename X > class Dispatcher:public DispatcherBase < X >

namespace XSDFrontend
namespace Traversal
namespace Bits
using FrontendElements::Traversal::TraverserBase;
using FrontendElements::Traversal::DispatcherBase;
using FrontendElements::Traversal::Dispatcher;
} typedef Bits::DispatcherBase < SemanticGraph::Edge > EdgeDispatcherBase;
struct EdgeBase:virtual Bits::Dispatcher < SemanticGraph::Edge >,
        Bits::Dispatcher < SemanticGraph::Node >
template < typename > struct Edge:Bits::TraverserBase <
        SemanticGraph::Edge >, EdgeBase
struct Names:Edge < Names >
template < typename T > struct ScopeTemplate
    template < typename > Void names (T, EdgeDispatcherBase & d)
        typename T::NamesIterator b;
        d.dispatch (*b);
    } Void names (T s, EdgeDispatcherBase & d)
        names < ScopeTemplate > (s, d);
struct Complex:ScopeTemplate < SemanticGraph::Complex >
} typedef WideString String;
class Context
namespace Parser
typedef Cult::Containers::Map < SemanticGraph::Type,
        String > TypeInstanceMap;
struct BaseType
    BaseType (Context);
struct ArgList:Traversal::Complex
    ArgList (Context, TypeInstanceMap)
    } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex c)
        names (c, names_);
    } TypeInstanceMap map_;
    Traversal::Names names_;
struct ParserConnect:Context
    ParserConnect (Context c, TypeInstanceMap):base_ (c)
        ArgList (*this, map_);
    } TypeInstanceMap map_;
    BaseType base_;
} Void generate_driver_source (Context ctx)
    TypeInstanceMap map;
    ParserConnect (ctx, map);

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