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[Bug rtl-optimization/54993] [4.8 regression] PIC register not marked as live

--- Comment #2 from Andreas Schwab <> 2012-10-28 15:30:37 UTC ---
What exactly did you test?  The bug is clearly present before r192890.  Here is
the diff between r192889 and r192890:

@@ -1663,16 +1663,17 @@ _Z6test01v:
     .cfi_personality 0,__gxx_personality_v0
     .cfi_lsda 0,.LLSDA2633
-    link.w %fp,#-68
+    link.w %fp,#-72
     .cfi_offset 14, -8
     .cfi_def_cfa 14, 8
     movem.l #12348,-(%sp)
-    .cfi_offset 2, -100
-    .cfi_offset 3, -96
-    .cfi_offset 10, -92
-    .cfi_offset 11, -88
-    .cfi_offset 12, -84
-    .cfi_offset 13, -80
+    .cfi_offset 2, -104
+    .cfi_offset 3, -100
+    .cfi_offset 10, -96
+    .cfi_offset 11, -92
+    .cfi_offset 12, -88
+    .cfi_offset 13, -84
+    lea (%pc, _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_@GOTPC), %a5
     clr.l -48(%fp)
     clr.l -44(%fp)
     pea 104.w
@@ -1791,22 +1792,22 @@ _Z6test01v:
     jsr _ZNSt6thread15_M_start_threadESt10shared_ptrINS_10_Impl_baseEE
     addq.l #8,%sp
-    move.l -16(%fp),%a5
-    tst.l %a5
+    move.l -16(%fp),%a1
+    tst.l %a1
     jeq .L329
-    lea (4,%a5),%a0
+    lea (4,%a1),%a0
     move.l #_ZL28__gthrw___pthread_key_createPjPFvPvE,%d2
     jeq .L323
     move.l (%a0),%d0
-    move.l %d0,%a1
+    move.l %d0,%d3
     move.l %d0,%d1
     subq.l #1,%d1
     cas.l %d0,%d1,(%a0)
     seq %d1
     tst.b %d1
     jeq .L324
-    move.l %a1,%d0
+    move.l %d3,%d0
     moveq #1,%d1
     cmp.l %d0,%d1
     jeq .L446
@@ -1925,7 +1926,7 @@ _Z6test01v:
     cmp.l %a0,%d1
     jeq .L450
-    movem.l -92(%fp),#15372
+    movem.l -96(%fp),#15372
     unlk %fp
@@ -2005,30 +2006,32 @@ _Z6test01v:
     sub.l %a0,%a0
     jra .L321
-    move.l (%a5),%a0
-    move.l %a5,-(%sp)
+    move.l (%a1),%a0
+    move.l %a1,-(%sp)
     move.l 8(%a0),%a0
+    move.l %a1,-72(%fp)
     jsr (%a0)
-    lea (8,%a5),%a0
+    move.l -72(%fp),%a1
+    lea (8,%a1),%a0
     addq.l #4,%sp
     tst.l %d2
     jeq .L326
     move.l (%a0),%d0
-    move.l %d0,%a1
+    move.l %d0,%d2
     move.l %d0,%d1
     subq.l #1,%d1
     cas.l %d0,%d1,(%a0)
     seq %d1
     tst.b %d1
     jeq .L327
-    move.l %a1,%d0
+    move.l %d2,%d0
     moveq #1,%d1
     cmp.l %d0,%d1
     jne .L329
-    move.l (%a5),%a0
-    move.l %a5,-(%sp)
+    move.l (%a1),%a0
+    move.l %a1,-(%sp)
     move.l 12(%a0),%a0
     jsr (%a0)
     addq.l #4,%sp
@@ -2056,7 +2059,7 @@ _Z6test01v:
     move.l 12(%a0),%a0
     jsr (%a0)
     addq.l #4,%sp
-    movem.l -92(%fp),#15372
+    movem.l -96(%fp),#15372
     unlk %fp
@@ -2147,19 +2150,19 @@ _Z6test01v:
     addq.l #1,4(%a2)
     jra .L312
-    move.l 4(%a5),%d0
+    move.l 4(%a1),%d0
     move.l %d0,%d1
     subq.l #1,%d1
-    move.l %d1,4(%a5)
+    move.l %d1,4(%a1)
     moveq #1,%d1
     cmp.l %d0,%d1
     jne .L329
     jra .L446
-    move.l 8(%a5),%d0
+    move.l 8(%a1),%d0
     move.l %d0,%d1
     subq.l #1,%d1
-    move.l %d1,8(%a5)
+    move.l %d1,8(%a1)
     moveq #1,%d1
     cmp.l %d0,%d1
     jne .L329

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