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[Bug lto/48851] lto-plugin.c:224:7: error: missing sentinel in function call [-Werror=format]

--- Comment #4 from Michael Richmond <michael.a.richmond at nasa dot gov> 2011-05-03 15:44:25 UTC ---
Listed below is the most recently-created version of lto-plugin.i (I truncated
it to comply with the limits in bugzilla):

# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c"
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/lto-plugin//"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c"
# 36 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c"
# 1 "./config.h" 1
# 37 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3 4
# 41 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/machine/cdefs.h" 1 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 1 3 4
# 45 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 3 4
typedef signed char __int8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
typedef short __int16_t;
typedef unsigned short __uint16_t;
typedef int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;

typedef long long __int64_t;

typedef unsigned long long __uint64_t;

typedef __int8_t __int_least8_t;
typedef __uint8_t __uint_least8_t;
typedef __int16_t __int_least16_t;
typedef __uint16_t __uint_least16_t;
typedef __int32_t __int_least32_t;
typedef __uint32_t __uint_least32_t;
typedef __int64_t __int_least64_t;
typedef __uint64_t __uint_least64_t;

typedef __int32_t __int_fast8_t;
typedef __uint32_t __uint_fast8_t;
typedef __int32_t __int_fast16_t;
typedef __uint32_t __uint_fast16_t;
typedef __int32_t __int_fast32_t;
typedef __uint32_t __uint_fast32_t;
typedef __int64_t __int_fast64_t;
typedef __uint64_t __uint_fast64_t;

typedef long __intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long __uintptr_t;

typedef __int64_t __intmax_t;
typedef __uint64_t __uintmax_t;

typedef __int32_t __register_t;

typedef unsigned long __vaddr_t;
typedef unsigned long __paddr_t;
typedef unsigned long __vsize_t;
typedef unsigned long __psize_t;

typedef int __clock_t;
typedef int __clockid_t;
typedef long double __double_t;
typedef long double __float_t;
typedef long long __off_t;
typedef long __ptrdiff_t;
typedef unsigned long __size_t;
typedef long __ssize_t;
typedef int __time_t;
typedef int __timer_t;

typedef __builtin_va_list __va_list;

typedef int __wchar_t;

typedef int __wint_t;
typedef int __rune_t;
typedef void * __wctrans_t;
typedef void * __wctype_t;
# 24 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 32 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef __int8_t int8_t;

typedef __uint8_t uint8_t;

typedef __int16_t int16_t;

typedef __uint16_t uint16_t;

typedef __int32_t int32_t;

typedef __uint32_t uint32_t;

typedef __int64_t int64_t;

typedef __uint64_t uint64_t;

typedef __int_least8_t int_least8_t;
typedef __uint_least8_t uint_least8_t;
typedef __int_least16_t int_least16_t;
typedef __uint_least16_t uint_least16_t;
typedef __int_least32_t int_least32_t;
typedef __uint_least32_t uint_least32_t;
typedef __int_least64_t int_least64_t;
typedef __uint_least64_t uint_least64_t;

typedef __int_fast8_t int_fast8_t;
typedef __uint_fast8_t uint_fast8_t;
typedef __int_fast16_t int_fast16_t;
typedef __uint_fast16_t uint_fast16_t;
typedef __int_fast32_t int_fast32_t;
typedef __uint_fast32_t uint_fast32_t;
typedef __int_fast64_t int_fast64_t;
typedef __uint_fast64_t uint_fast64_t;

typedef __intptr_t intptr_t;
typedef __uintptr_t uintptr_t;

typedef __intmax_t intmax_t;
typedef __uintmax_t uintmax_t;
# 40 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/assert.h" 1 3 4
# 62 "/usr/include/assert.h" 3 4

__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __assert(const char *, int, const char *);
__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __assert2(const char *, int, const char *,
const char *);

# 42 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/string.h" 1 3
# 52 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/string.h" 3
typedef __size_t size_t;
# 63 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/string.h" 3

void *memchr(const void *, int, size_t);
void *memrchr(const void *, int, size_t);
int memcmp(const void *, const void *, size_t);
void *memcpy(void *, const void *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,1,3)))
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,2,3)));
void *memmove(void *, const void *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,1,3)))
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,2,3)));
void *memset(void *, int, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,1,3)));
char *strcat(char *, const char *);
char *strchr(const char *, int);
int strcmp(const char *, const char *);
int strcoll(const char *, const char *);
char *strcpy(char *, const char *);
size_t strcspn(const char *, const char *);
char *strerror(int);
size_t strlen(const char *);
char *strncat(char *, const char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,3)));
int strncmp(const char *, const char *, size_t);
char *strncpy(char *, const char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,3)));
char *strpbrk(const char *, const char *);
char *strrchr(const char *, int);
size_t strspn(const char *, const char *);
char *strstr(const char *, const char *);
char *strtok(char *, const char *);
char *strtok_r(char *, const char *, char **);
size_t strxfrm(char *, const char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,3)));

void *memccpy(void *, const void *, int, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,1,4)));

int bcmp(const void *, const void *, size_t);
void bcopy(const void *, void *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,1,3)))
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,2,3)));
void bzero(void *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__buffer__,1,2)));
int ffs(int);
char *index(const char *, int);
char *rindex(const char *, int);
int strcasecmp(const char *, const char *);
int strncasecmp(const char *, const char *, size_t);
char *strdup(const char *);

int strerror_r(int, char *, size_t)
     __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,2,3)));

char *strndup(const char *, size_t);
size_t strnlen(const char *, size_t);

char *strcasestr(const char *, const char *);
size_t strlcat(char *, const char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,3)));
size_t strlcpy(char *, const char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,3)));
void strmode(int, char *);
char *strsep(char **, const char *);
char *strsignal(int);
int timingsafe_bcmp(const void *, const void *, size_t);

# 43 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdlib.h" 1 3
# 50 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdlib.h" 3
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h"
1 3 4
# 53 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h"
3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/_types.h" 1 3 4
# 39 "/usr/include/sys/_types.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long __cpuid_t;
typedef __int32_t __dev_t;
typedef __uint32_t __fixpt_t;
typedef __uint32_t __gid_t;
typedef __uint32_t __id_t;
typedef __uint32_t __in_addr_t;
typedef __uint16_t __in_port_t;
typedef __uint32_t __ino_t;
typedef long __key_t;
typedef __uint32_t __mode_t;
typedef __uint32_t __nlink_t;
typedef __int32_t __pid_t;
typedef __uint64_t __rlim_t;
typedef __uint8_t __sa_family_t;
typedef __int32_t __segsz_t;
typedef __uint32_t __socklen_t;
typedef __int32_t __swblk_t;
typedef __uint32_t __uid_t;
typedef __uint32_t __useconds_t;
typedef __int32_t __suseconds_t;
typedef __uint64_t __fsblkcnt_t;
typedef __uint64_t __fsfilcnt_t;

typedef union {
 char __mbstate8[128];
 __int64_t __mbstateL;
} __mbstate_t;
# 54 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h"
2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/machine/endian.h" 1 3 4
# 58 "/usr/include/machine/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/endian.h" 1 3 4
# 161 "/usr/include/sys/endian.h" 3 4

__uint64_t htobe64(__uint64_t);
__uint32_t htobe32(__uint32_t);
__uint16_t htobe16(__uint16_t);
__uint64_t betoh64(__uint64_t);
__uint32_t betoh32(__uint32_t);
__uint16_t betoh16(__uint16_t);

__uint64_t htole64(__uint64_t);
__uint32_t htole32(__uint32_t);
__uint16_t htole16(__uint16_t);
__uint64_t letoh64(__uint64_t);
__uint32_t letoh32(__uint32_t);
__uint16_t letoh16(__uint16_t);

# 59 "/usr/include/machine/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 55 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h"
2 3 4

typedef unsigned char u_char;
typedef unsigned short u_short;
typedef unsigned int u_int;
typedef unsigned long u_long;

typedef unsigned char unchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;

typedef __cpuid_t cpuid_t;
typedef __register_t register_t;
# 120
"/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __uint8_t u_int8_t;
typedef __uint16_t u_int16_t;
typedef __uint32_t u_int32_t;
typedef __uint64_t u_int64_t;

typedef __int64_t quad_t;
typedef __uint64_t u_quad_t;
typedef quad_t * qaddr_t;

typedef __vaddr_t vaddr_t;
typedef __paddr_t paddr_t;
typedef __vsize_t vsize_t;
typedef __psize_t psize_t;

typedef char * caddr_t;
typedef __int32_t daddr32_t;
typedef __int64_t daddr_t;
typedef __int64_t daddr64_t;
typedef __dev_t dev_t;
typedef __fixpt_t fixpt_t;
typedef __gid_t gid_t;
typedef __id_t id_t;
typedef __ino_t ino_t;
typedef __key_t key_t;
typedef __mode_t mode_t;
typedef __nlink_t nlink_t;
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
typedef __rlim_t rlim_t;
typedef __segsz_t segsz_t;
typedef __swblk_t swblk_t;
typedef __uid_t uid_t;
typedef __useconds_t useconds_t;
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;
typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t;
typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t;
# 169
"/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __in_addr_t in_addr_t;
typedef __in_port_t in_port_t;
typedef __sa_family_t sa_family_t;
typedef __socklen_t socklen_t;

typedef __clock_t clock_t;

typedef __clockid_t clockid_t;
# 198
"/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __ssize_t ssize_t;

typedef __time_t time_t;

typedef __timer_t timer_t;

typedef __off_t off_t;
# 222
"/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h" 3 4

off_t lseek(int, off_t, int);
int ftruncate(int, off_t);
int truncate(const char *, off_t);

# 237
"/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 1 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 1 3 4
# 39 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h"
1 3 4
# 40 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 2 3 4
# 49 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4
struct timeval {
 long tv_sec;
 long tv_usec;

struct timespec {
 time_t tv_sec;
 long tv_nsec;
# 74 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4
struct timezone {
 int tz_minuteswest;
 int tz_dsttime;
# 139 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4
struct bintime {
 time_t sec;
 uint64_t frac;

static __inline void
bintime_addx(struct bintime *bt, uint64_t x)
 uint64_t u;

 u = bt->frac;
 bt->frac += x;
 if (u > bt->frac)

static __inline void
bintime_add(struct bintime *bt, struct bintime *bt2)
 uint64_t u;

 u = bt->frac;
 bt->frac += bt2->frac;
 if (u > bt->frac)
 bt->sec += bt2->sec;

static __inline void
bintime_sub(struct bintime *bt, struct bintime *bt2)
 uint64_t u;

 u = bt->frac;
 bt->frac -= bt2->frac;
 if (u < bt->frac)
 bt->sec -= bt2->sec;
# 193 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4
static __inline void
bintime2timespec(struct bintime *bt, struct timespec *ts)

 ts->tv_sec = bt->sec;
 ts->tv_nsec = (long)(((uint64_t)1000000000 * (uint32_t)(bt->frac >> 32)) >>

static __inline void
timespec2bintime(struct timespec *ts, struct bintime *bt)

 bt->sec = ts->tv_sec;

 bt->frac = (uint64_t)ts->tv_nsec * (uint64_t)18446744073ULL;

static __inline void
bintime2timeval(struct bintime *bt, struct timeval *tv)

 tv->tv_sec = bt->sec;
 tv->tv_usec = (long)(((uint64_t)1000000 * (uint32_t)(bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32);

static __inline void
timeval2bintime(struct timeval *tv, struct bintime *bt)

 bt->sec = (time_t)tv->tv_sec;

 bt->frac = (uint64_t)tv->tv_usec * (uint64_t)18446744073709ULL;
# 235 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4
struct itimerval {
 struct timeval it_interval;
 struct timeval it_value;

struct itimerspec {
 struct timespec it_interval;
 struct timespec it_value;

struct clockinfo {
 int hz;
 int tick;
 int tickadj;
 int stathz;
 int profhz;
# 346 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/time.h" 1 3 4
# 97 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/time.h" 3 4
struct tm {
 int tm_sec;
 int tm_min;
 int tm_hour;
 int tm_mday;
 int tm_mon;
 int tm_year;
 int tm_wday;
 int tm_yday;
 int tm_isdst;
 long tm_gmtoff;
 char *tm_zone;

struct timespec;
char *asctime(const struct tm *);
clock_t clock(void);
char *ctime(const time_t *);
double difftime(time_t, time_t);
struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *);
struct tm *localtime(const time_t *);
time_t mktime(struct tm *);
size_t strftime(char *, size_t, const char *, const struct tm *)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,2)));
char *strptime(const char *, const char *, struct tm *);
time_t time(time_t *);
char *asctime_r(const struct tm *, char *)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__minbytes__,2,26)));
char *ctime_r(const time_t *, char *)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__minbytes__,2,26)));
struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *, struct tm *);
struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *, struct tm *);
int nanosleep(const struct timespec *, struct timespec *);

extern char *tzname[2];
void tzset(void);

char *timezone(int, int);
void tzsetwall(void);
time_t timelocal(struct tm *);
time_t timegm(struct tm *);
time_t timeoff(struct tm *, const long);

# 347 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 2 3 4

int adjtime(const struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
int adjfreq(const int64_t *, int64_t *);

int clock_getres(clockid_t, struct timespec *);
int clock_gettime(clockid_t, struct timespec *);
int clock_settime(clockid_t, const struct timespec *);
int futimes(int, const struct timeval *);
int getitimer(int, struct itimerval *);
int gettimeofday(struct timeval *, struct timezone *);
int setitimer(int, const struct itimerval *, struct itimerval *);
int settimeofday(const struct timeval *, const struct timezone *);
int utimes(const char *, const struct timeval *);

# 39 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
# 55 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
typedef int32_t __fd_mask;

typedef struct fd_set {
 __fd_mask fds_bits[(((1024) + ((((unsigned)(sizeof(__fd_mask) * 8))) - 1)) /
(((unsigned)(sizeof(__fd_mask) * 8))))];
} fd_set;
# 89 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4

struct timeval;
int select(int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, struct timeval *);

# 238
"/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/sys/types.h" 2 3
# 51 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdlib.h" 2
3 4
# 67 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdlib.h" 3
typedef int wchar_t;

typedef struct {
 int quot;
 int rem;
} div_t;

typedef struct {
 long quot;
 long rem;
} ldiv_t;

typedef struct {
 long long quot;
 long long rem;
} lldiv_t;

typedef struct {
 quad_t quot;
 quad_t rem;
} qdiv_t;
# 110 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdlib.h" 3
extern size_t __mb_cur_max;
# 124 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdlib.h" 3

__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void abort(void);
int abs(int);
int atexit(void (*)(void));
double atof(const char *);
int atoi(const char *);
long atol(const char *);
void *bsearch(const void *, const void *, size_t, size_t,
     int (*)(const void *, const void *));
void *calloc(size_t, size_t);
div_t div(int, int);
char *ecvt(double, int, int *, int *);
__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void exit(int);
__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void _Exit(int);
char *fcvt(double, int, int *, int *);
void free(void *);
char *gcvt(double, int, char *);
char *getenv(const char *);
long labs(long);
ldiv_t ldiv(long, long);
void *malloc(size_t);
int posix_memalign(void **, size_t, size_t);
void qsort(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *));
int rand(void);
void *realloc(void *, size_t);
void srand(unsigned);
double strtod(const char *, char **);
float strtof(const char *, char **);
long strtol(const char *, char **, int);
long double
  strtold(const char *, char **);
unsigned long
  strtoul(const char *, char **, int);
int system(const char *);

int mblen(const char *, size_t);
size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
int wctomb(char *, wchar_t);
int mbtowc(wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
size_t wcstombs(char *, const wchar_t *, size_t);

int rand_r(unsigned int *);

double drand48(void);
double erand48(unsigned short[3]);
long jrand48(unsigned short[3]);
void lcong48(unsigned short[7]);
long lrand48(void);
long mrand48(void);
long nrand48(unsigned short[3]);
unsigned short *seed48(unsigned short[3]);
void srand48(long);

int putenv(char *);

long a64l(const char *);
char *l64a(long);

char *initstate(unsigned int, char *, size_t)
  __attribute__((__bounded__ (__string__,2,3)));
long random(void);
char *setstate(const char *);
void srandom(unsigned int);

int mkstemp(char *);
char *mktemp(char *);

char *realpath(const char *, char *);

int setkey(const char *);

int ttyslot(void);

void *valloc(size_t);

long long
  atoll(const char *);
long long
  llabs(long long);
  lldiv(long long, long long);
long long
  strtoll(const char *, char **, int);
unsigned long long
  strtoull(const char *, char **, int);

int setenv(const char *, const char *, int);
int unsetenv(const char *);

void *alloca(size_t);

char *getbsize(int *, long *);
char *cgetcap(char *, const char *, int);
int cgetclose(void);
int cgetent(char **, char **, const char *);
int cgetfirst(char **, char **);
int cgetmatch(char *, const char *);
int cgetnext(char **, char **);
int cgetnum(char *, const char *, long *);
int cgetset(const char *);
int cgetusedb(int);
int cgetstr(char *, const char *, char **);
int cgetustr(char *, const char *, char **);

int daemon(int, int);
char *devname(int, mode_t);
int getloadavg(double [], int);

void cfree(void *);

int getopt(int, char * const *, const char *);
extern char *optarg;
extern int opterr, optind, optopt, optreset;
int getsubopt(char **, char * const *, char **);
extern char *suboptarg;

char *mkdtemp(char *);
int mkstemps(char *, int);

int heapsort(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *));
int mergesort(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *));
int radixsort(const unsigned char **, int, const unsigned char *,
int sradixsort(const unsigned char **, int, const unsigned char *,

void srandomdev(void);
long long
  strtonum(const char *, long long, long long, const char **);

void setproctitle(const char *, ...)
 __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));

quad_t qabs(quad_t);
qdiv_t qdiv(quad_t, quad_t);
quad_t strtoq(const char *, char **, int);
u_quad_t strtouq(const char *, char **, int);

u_int32_t arc4random(void);
void arc4random_stir(void);
void arc4random_addrandom(unsigned char *, int)
 __attribute__((__bounded__ (__string__,1,2)));
u_int32_t arc4random_uniform(u_int32_t);
void arc4random_buf(void *, size_t)
 __attribute__((__bounded__ (__string__,1,2)));

# 44 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 1 3
# 14 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/stdarg.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
# 41 "/usr/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
# 15 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 2 3
# 82 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef off_t fpos_t;
# 91 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 3 4
struct __sbuf {
 unsigned char *_base;
 int _size;
# 120 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 3
typedef struct __sFILE {
 unsigned char *_p;
 int _r;
 int _w;
 short _flags;
 short _file;
 struct __sbuf _bf;
 int _lbfsize;

 void *_cookie;
 int (*_close)(void *);
 int (*_read)(void *, char *, int);
 fpos_t (*_seek)(void *, fpos_t, int);
 int (*_write)(void *, const char *, int);

 struct __sbuf _ext;

 unsigned char *_up;
 int _ur;

 unsigned char _ubuf[3];
 unsigned char _nbuf[1];

 struct __sbuf _lb;

 int _blksize;
 fpos_t _offset;

extern FILE __sF[];

# 225 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 3

void clearerr(FILE *);
int fclose(FILE *);
int feof(FILE *);
int ferror(FILE *);
int fflush(FILE *);
int fgetc(FILE *);
int fgetpos(FILE *, fpos_t *);
char *fgets(char *, int, FILE *)
  __attribute__((__bounded__ (__string__,1,2)));
FILE *fopen(const char *, const char *);
int fprintf(FILE *, const char *, ...);
int fputc(int, FILE *);
int fputs(const char *, FILE *);
size_t fread(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *)
  __attribute__((__bounded__ (__size__,1,3,2)));
FILE *freopen(const char *, const char *, FILE *);
int fscanf(FILE *, const char *, ...);
int fseek(FILE *, long, int);
int fseeko(FILE *, off_t, int);
int fsetpos(FILE *, const fpos_t *);
long ftell(FILE *);
off_t ftello(FILE *);
size_t fwrite(const void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *)
  __attribute__((__bounded__ (__size__,1,3,2)));
int getc(FILE *);
int getchar(void);
char *gets(char *);

extern int sys_nerr;
extern char *sys_errlist[];

void perror(const char *);
int printf(const char *, ...);
int putc(int, FILE *);
int putchar(int);
int puts(const char *);
int remove(const char *);
int rename(const char *, const char *);
void rewind(FILE *);
int scanf(const char *, ...);
void setbuf(FILE *, char *);
int setvbuf(FILE *, char *, int, size_t);
int sprintf(char *, const char *, ...);
int sscanf(const char *, const char *, ...);
FILE *tmpfile(void);
char *tmpnam(char *);
int ungetc(int, FILE *);
int vfprintf(FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int vprintf(const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int vsprintf(char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);

int snprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, ...)
  __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 3, 4)))
  __attribute__((__nonnull__ (3)))
  __attribute__((__bounded__ (__string__,1,2)));
int vfscanf(FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list)
  __attribute__((__format__ (scanf, 2, 0)))
  __attribute__((__nonnull__ (2)));
int vscanf(const char *, __gnuc_va_list)
  __attribute__((__format__ (scanf, 1, 0)))
  __attribute__((__nonnull__ (1)));
int vsnprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, __gnuc_va_list)
  __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 3, 0)))
  __attribute__((__nonnull__ (3)))
int vsscanf(const char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list)
  __attribute__((__format__ (scanf, 2, 0)))
  __attribute__((__nonnull__ (2)));

# 309 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 3

char *ctermid(char *);
char *cuserid(char *);
FILE *fdopen(int, const char *);
int fileno(FILE *);

int pclose(FILE *);
FILE *popen(const char *, const char *);

void flockfile(FILE *);
int ftrylockfile(FILE *);
void funlockfile(FILE *);

int getc_unlocked(FILE *);
int getchar_unlocked(void);
int putc_unlocked(int, FILE *);
int putchar_unlocked(int);

char *tempnam(const char *, const char *);

int asprintf(char **, const char *, ...)
  __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)))
  __attribute__((__nonnull__ (2)));
char *fgetln(FILE *, size_t *);
int fpurge(FILE *);
int getw(FILE *);
int putw(int, FILE *);
void setbuffer(FILE *, char *, int);
int setlinebuf(FILE *);
int vasprintf(char **, const char *, __gnuc_va_list)
  __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 2, 0)))
  __attribute__((__nonnull__ (2)));

FILE *funopen(const void *,
  int (*)(void *, char *, int),
  int (*)(void *, const char *, int),
  fpos_t (*)(void *, fpos_t, int),
  int (*)(void *));

int __srget(FILE *);
int __swbuf(int, FILE *);

static __inline int __sputc(int _c, FILE *_p) {
 if (--_p->_w >= 0 || (_p->_w >= _p->_lbfsize && (char)_c != '\n'))
  return (*_p->_p++ = _c);
  return (__swbuf(_c, _p));
# 414 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stdio.h" 3
extern int __isthreaded;
# 45 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 2 3 4
# 249 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
typedef struct {
 intmax_t quot;
 intmax_t rem;
} imaxdiv_t;

intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t);
imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t, intmax_t);
intmax_t strtoimax(const char *, char **, int);
uintmax_t strtoumax(const char *, char **, int);
intmax_t wcstoimax(const __wchar_t * __restrict,
      __wchar_t ** __restrict, int);
uintmax_t wcstoumax(const __wchar_t * __restrict,
      __wchar_t ** __restrict, int);

# 46 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 1 3 4
# 86 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 3 4
struct stat {
 dev_t st_dev;
 ino_t st_ino;
 mode_t st_mode;
 nlink_t st_nlink;
 uid_t st_uid;
 gid_t st_gid;
 dev_t st_rdev;
 int32_t st_lspare0;

 struct timespec st_atim;
 struct timespec st_mtim;
 struct timespec st_ctim;
# 107 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 3 4
 off_t st_size;
 int64_t st_blocks;
 u_int32_t st_blksize;
 u_int32_t st_flags;
 u_int32_t st_gen;
 int32_t st_lspare1;

 struct timespec __st_birthtim;

 int64_t st_qspare[2];
# 225 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 3 4

int chmod(const char *, mode_t);
int fstat(int, struct stat *);
int mknod(const char *, mode_t, dev_t);
int mkdir(const char *, mode_t);
int mkfifo(const char *, mode_t);
int stat(const char *, struct stat *);
mode_t umask(mode_t);

int chflags(const char *, unsigned int);
int fchflags(int, unsigned int);
int fchmod(int, mode_t);
int lstat(const char *, struct stat *);
int isfdtype(int, int);

# 47 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/unistd.h" 1 3
# 49 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/unistd.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/unistd.h" 1 3 4
# 50 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/unistd.h" 2
3 4
# 75 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/unistd.h" 3

__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void _exit(int);
int access(const char *, int);
unsigned int alarm(unsigned int);
int chdir(const char *);
int chown(const char *, uid_t, gid_t);
int close(int);
int dup(int);
int dup2(int, int);
int execl(const char *, const char *, ...)
int execle(const char *, const char *, ...);
int execlp(const char *, const char *, ...)
int execv(const char *, char * const *);
int execve(const char *, char * const *, char * const *);
int execvp(const char *, char * const *);
pid_t fork(void);
long fpathconf(int, int);
char *getcwd(char *, size_t)
gid_t getegid(void);
uid_t geteuid(void);
gid_t getgid(void);
int getgroups(int, gid_t *);
char *getlogin(void);
pid_t getpgrp(void);
pid_t getpid(void);
pid_t getppid(void);
uid_t getuid(void);
int isatty(int);
int link(const char *, const char *);
off_t lseek(int, off_t, int);
long pathconf(const char *, int);
int pause(void);
int pipe(int *);
ssize_t read(int, void *, size_t)
int rmdir(const char *);
int setgid(gid_t);
int setuid(uid_t);
unsigned int sleep(unsigned int);
long sysconf(int);
pid_t tcgetpgrp(int);
int tcsetpgrp(int, pid_t);
char *ttyname(int);
int unlink(const char *);
ssize_t write(int, const void *, size_t)

pid_t setsid(void);
int setpgid(pid_t, pid_t);

size_t confstr(int, char *, size_t)
# 146 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/unistd.h" 3
int fsync(int);
int ftruncate(int, off_t);
int getlogin_r(char *, size_t)

char *crypt(const char *, const char *);
int encrypt(char *, int);
int fchdir(int);
int fchown(int, uid_t, gid_t);
long gethostid(void);
char *getwd(char *)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__minbytes__,1,1024)));
int lchown(const char *, uid_t, gid_t);
int mkstemp(char *);
char *mktemp(char *);
int nice(int);
int readlink(const char *, char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,2,3)));
int setkey(const char *);
int setpgrp(pid_t pid, pid_t pgrp);
int setregid(gid_t, gid_t);
int setreuid(uid_t, uid_t);
void swab(const void *, void *, size_t);
void sync(void);
int truncate(const char *, off_t);
unsigned int ualarm(unsigned int, unsigned int);
int usleep(useconds_t);
pid_t vfork(void);

pid_t getpgid(pid_t);
pid_t getsid(pid_t);

ssize_t pread(int, void *, size_t, off_t);
ssize_t pwrite(int, const void *, size_t, off_t);
int ttyname_r(int, char *, size_t)

int brk(void *);
int chroot(const char *);
int getdtablesize(void);
int getpagesize(void);
char *getpass(const char *);
void *sbrk(int);

int lockf(int, int, off_t);

int symlink(const char *, const char *);
int gethostname(char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,2)));
int setegid(gid_t);
int seteuid(uid_t);

int acct(const char *);
int closefrom(int);
int des_cipher(const char *, char *, int32_t, int);
int des_setkey(const char *);
void endusershell(void);
int exect(const char *, char * const *, char * const *);
char *fflagstostr(u_int32_t);
int getdomainname(char *, size_t)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,2)));
int getgrouplist(const char *, gid_t, gid_t *, int *);
mode_t getmode(const void *, mode_t);
int getresgid(gid_t *, gid_t *, gid_t *);
int getresuid(uid_t *, uid_t *, uid_t *);
char *getusershell(void);
int initgroups(const char *, gid_t);
int iruserok(u_int32_t, int, const char *, const char *);
int iruserok_sa(const void *, int, int, const char *, const char *);
int issetugid(void);
char *mkdtemp(char *);
int mkstemps(char *, int);
int nfssvc(int, void *);
int profil(char *, size_t, unsigned long, unsigned int)
  __attribute__ ((__bounded__(__string__,1,2)));
int quotactl(const char *, int, int, char *);
int rcmd(char **, int, const char *,
     const char *, const char *, int *);
int rcmd_af(char **, int, const char *,
     const char *, const char *, int *, int);
int rcmdsh(char **, int, const char *,
     const char *, const char *, char *);
char *re_comp(const char *);
int re_exec(const char *);
int reboot(int);
int revoke(const char *);
int rfork(int opts);
int rresvport(int *);
int rresvport_af(int *, int);
int ruserok(const char *, int, const char *, const char *);

int setdomainname(const char *, size_t);
int setgroups(int, const gid_t *);
int sethostid(long);
int sethostname(const char *, size_t);
int setlogin(const char *);
void *setmode(const char *);
int setresgid(gid_t, gid_t, gid_t);
int setresuid(uid_t, uid_t, uid_t);
int setrgid(gid_t);
int setruid(uid_t);
void setusershell(void);
int strtofflags(char **, u_int32_t *, u_int32_t *);
int swapctl(int cmd, const void *arg, int misc);
int syscall(int, ...);

# 48 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 1 3 4
# 174 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
struct flock {
 off_t l_start;
 off_t l_len;
 pid_t l_pid;
 short l_type;
 short l_whence;
# 193 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4

int open(const char *, int, ...);
int creat(const char *, mode_t);
int fcntl(int, int, ...);

int flock(int, int);

# 49 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/wait.h" 1 3 4
# 104 "/usr/include/sys/wait.h" 3 4
union wait {
 int w_status;

 struct {

  unsigned int w_Termsig:7,

 } w_T;

 struct {

  unsigned int w_Stopval:8,

 } w_S;
# 153 "/usr/include/sys/wait.h" 3 4

struct rusage;

pid_t wait(int *);
pid_t waitpid(pid_t, int *, int);

pid_t wait3(int *, int, struct rusage *);
pid_t wait4(pid_t, int *, int, struct rusage *);

# 52 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2

# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h" 1
# 43 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/ansidecl.h" 1
# 44 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h" 2

# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stddef.h" 1 3
# 54 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stddef.h" 3
typedef long int ptrdiff_t;
# 80 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/g95/./prev-gcc/include-fixed/stddef.h" 3
typedef __wint_t wint_t;

typedef __mbstate_t mbstate_t;
# 47 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h" 2
# 56 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern void unlock_stream (FILE *);

extern void unlock_std_streams (void);

extern FILE *fopen_unlocked (const char *, const char *);
extern FILE *fdopen_unlocked (int, const char *);
extern FILE *freopen_unlocked (const char *, const char *, FILE *);

extern char **buildargv (const char *) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern void freeargv (char **);

extern char **dupargv (char **) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern void expandargv (int *, char ***);

extern int writeargv (char **, FILE *);
# 106 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern char *basename (const char *);
# 117 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern const char *lbasename (const char *);

extern const char *dos_lbasename (const char *);

extern const char *unix_lbasename (const char *);

extern char *lrealpath (const char *);

extern char *concat (const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
__attribute__ ((__sentinel__));
# 147 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern char *reconcat (char *, const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
__attribute__ ((__sentinel__));

extern unsigned long concat_length (const char *, ...) __attribute__

extern char *concat_copy (char *, const char *, ...) __attribute__

extern char *concat_copy2 (const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__sentinel__));

extern char *libiberty_concat_ptr;
# 183 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern int fdmatch (int fd1, int fd2);
# 195 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern char * getpwd (void);
# 208 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern long get_run_time (void);

extern char *make_relative_prefix (const char *, const char *,
                                   const char *) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern char *make_relative_prefix_ignore_links (const char *, const char *,
      const char *) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern char *choose_temp_base (void) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern char *make_temp_file (const char *) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern int unlink_if_ordinary (const char *);

extern const char *spaces (int count);

extern int errno_max (void);

extern const char *strerrno (int);

extern int strtoerrno (const char *);

extern char *xstrerror (int);

extern int signo_max (void);
# 272 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern const char *strsigno (int);

extern int strtosigno (const char *);

extern int xatexit (void (*fn) (void));

extern void xexit (int status) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

extern void xmalloc_set_program_name (const char *);

extern void xmalloc_failed (size_t) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

extern void *xmalloc (size_t) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern void *xrealloc (void *, size_t);

extern void *xcalloc (size_t, size_t) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern char *xstrdup (const char *) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern char *xstrndup (const char *, size_t) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));

extern void *xmemdup (const void *, size_t, size_t) __attribute__

extern double physmem_total (void);
extern double physmem_available (void);

extern unsigned int xcrc32 (const unsigned char *, int, unsigned int);
# 371 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern const unsigned char _hex_value[256];
extern void hex_init (void);
# 397 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern struct pex_obj *pex_init (int flags, const char *pname,
     const char *tempbase);
# 492 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern const char *pex_run (struct pex_obj *obj, int flags,
       const char *executable, char * const *argv,
       const char *outname, const char *errname,
       int *err);
# 507 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern const char *pex_run_in_environment (struct pex_obj *obj, int flags,
                      const char *executable,
                                           char * const *argv,
                                           char * const *env,
                              const char *outname,
        const char *errname, int *err);

extern FILE *pex_input_file (struct pex_obj *obj, int flags,
                             const char *in_name);

extern FILE *pex_input_pipe (struct pex_obj *obj, int binary);

extern FILE *pex_read_output (struct pex_obj *, int binary);

extern FILE *pex_read_err (struct pex_obj *, int binary);

extern int pex_get_status (struct pex_obj *, int count, int *vector);

struct pex_time
  unsigned long user_seconds;
  unsigned long user_microseconds;
  unsigned long system_seconds;
  unsigned long system_microseconds;

extern int pex_get_times (struct pex_obj *, int count,
     struct pex_time *vector);

extern void pex_free (struct pex_obj *);
# 582 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern const char *pex_one (int flags, const char *executable,
       char * const *argv, const char *pname,
       const char *outname, const char *errname,
       int *status, int *err);
# 601 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern int pexecute (const char *, char * const *, const char *,
                     const char *, char **, char **, int);

extern int pwait (int, int *, int);

extern int asprintf (char **, const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__
(__printf__, 2, 3))) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int vasprintf (char **, const char *, va_list) __attribute__
((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 0))) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
# 638 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern void setproctitle (const char *name, ...);
# 648 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/libiberty.h"
extern void *C_alloca (size_t) __attribute__ ((__malloc__));
# 60 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/hashtab.h" 1
# 47 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/hashtab.h"
typedef unsigned int hashval_t;

typedef hashval_t (*htab_hash) (const void *);

typedef int (*htab_eq) (const void *, const void *);

typedef void (*htab_del) (void *);

typedef int (*htab_trav) (void **, void *);

typedef void *(*htab_alloc) (size_t, size_t);

typedef void (*htab_free) (void *);

typedef void *(*htab_alloc_with_arg) (void *, size_t, size_t);
typedef void (*htab_free_with_arg) (void *, void *);
# 100 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/hashtab.h"
struct htab {

  htab_hash hash_f;

  htab_eq eq_f;

  htab_del del_f;

  void ** entries;

  size_t size;

  size_t n_elements;

  size_t n_deleted;

  unsigned int searches;

  unsigned int collisions;

  htab_alloc alloc_f;
  htab_free free_f;

  void * alloc_arg;
  htab_alloc_with_arg alloc_with_arg_f;
  htab_free_with_arg free_with_arg_f;

  unsigned int size_prime_index;

typedef struct htab *htab_t;

enum insert_option {NO_INSERT, INSERT};

extern htab_t htab_create_alloc (size_t, htab_hash,
                                    htab_eq, htab_del,
                                    htab_alloc, htab_free);

extern htab_t htab_create_alloc_ex (size_t, htab_hash,
                                      htab_eq, htab_del,
                                      void *, htab_alloc_with_arg,

extern htab_t htab_create_typed_alloc (size_t, htab_hash, htab_eq, htab_del,
     htab_alloc, htab_alloc, htab_free);

extern htab_t htab_create (size_t, htab_hash, htab_eq, htab_del);
extern htab_t htab_try_create (size_t, htab_hash, htab_eq, htab_del);

extern void htab_set_functions_ex (htab_t, htab_hash,
                                       htab_eq, htab_del,
                                       void *, htab_alloc_with_arg,

extern void htab_delete (htab_t);
extern void htab_empty (htab_t);

extern void * htab_find (htab_t, const void *);
extern void ** htab_find_slot (htab_t, const void *, enum insert_option);
extern void * htab_find_with_hash (htab_t, const void *, hashval_t);
extern void ** htab_find_slot_with_hash (htab_t, const void *,
       hashval_t, enum insert_option);
extern void htab_clear_slot (htab_t, void **);
extern void htab_remove_elt (htab_t, void *);
extern void htab_remove_elt_with_hash (htab_t, void *, hashval_t);

extern void htab_traverse (htab_t, htab_trav, void *);
extern void htab_traverse_noresize (htab_t, htab_trav, void *);

extern size_t htab_size (htab_t);
extern size_t htab_elements (htab_t);
extern double htab_collisions (htab_t);

extern htab_hash htab_hash_pointer;

extern htab_eq htab_eq_pointer;

extern hashval_t htab_hash_string (const void *);

extern hashval_t iterative_hash (const void *, size_t, hashval_t);
# 61 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../gcc/lto/common.h" 1
# 23 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../gcc/lto/common.h"
static const char *lto_resolution_str[9] =
# 62 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h" 1
# 42 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h"
typedef struct simple_object_read_struct simple_object_read;
# 55 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h"
extern simple_object_read *
simple_object_start_read (int descriptor, off_t offset,
     const char *segment_name, const char **errmsg,
     int *err);
# 70 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h"
extern const char *
simple_object_find_sections (simple_object_read *simple_object,
        int (*pfn) (void *data, const char *,
      off_t offset, off_t length),
        void *data,
        int *err);
# 93 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h"
extern int
simple_object_find_section (simple_object_read *simple_object,
       const char *name, off_t *offset, off_t *length,
       const char **errmsg, int *err);

extern void
simple_object_release_read (simple_object_read *);

typedef struct simple_object_attributes_struct simple_object_attributes;

extern simple_object_attributes *
simple_object_fetch_attributes (simple_object_read *simple_object,
    const char **errmsg, int *err);

extern const char *
simple_object_attributes_merge (simple_object_attributes *to,
    simple_object_attributes *from,
    int *err);

extern void
simple_object_release_attributes (simple_object_attributes *attrs);

typedef struct simple_object_write_struct simple_object_write;
# 149 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h"
extern simple_object_write *
simple_object_start_write (simple_object_attributes *attrs,
      const char *segment_name,
      const char **errmsg, int *err);

typedef struct simple_object_write_section_struct simple_object_write_section;
# 167 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h"
extern simple_object_write_section *
simple_object_write_create_section (simple_object_write *simple_object,
        const char *name, unsigned int align,
        const char **errmsg, int *err);
# 179 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/simple-object.h"
extern const char *
simple_object_write_add_data (simple_object_write *simple_object,
         simple_object_write_section *section,
         const void *buffer, size_t size,
         int copy, int *err);

extern const char *
simple_object_write_to_file (simple_object_write *simple_object,
        int descriptor, int *err);

extern void
simple_object_release_write (simple_object_write *);
# 63 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 1 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/plugin-api.h" 1
# 47 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/../include/plugin-api.h"
enum ld_plugin_status
  LDPS_OK = 0,


enum ld_plugin_api_version

enum ld_plugin_output_file_type

struct ld_plugin_input_file
  const char *name;
  int fd;
  off_t offset;
  off_t filesize;
  void *handle;

struct ld_plugin_symbol
  char *name;
  char *version;
  int def;
  int visibility;
  uint64_t size;
  char *comdat_key;
  int resolution;

enum ld_plugin_symbol_kind

enum ld_plugin_symbol_visibility

enum ld_plugin_symbol_resolution









enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_claim_file_handler) (
  const struct ld_plugin_input_file *file, int *claimed);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_all_symbols_read_handler) (void);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_cleanup_handler) (void);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_register_claim_file) (ld_plugin_claim_file_handler handler);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_register_all_symbols_read) (
  ld_plugin_all_symbols_read_handler handler);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_register_cleanup) (ld_plugin_cleanup_handler handler);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_add_symbols) (void *handle, int nsyms,
                          const struct ld_plugin_symbol *syms);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_get_input_file) (const void *handle,
                             struct ld_plugin_input_file *file);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_get_view) (const void *handle, const void **viewp);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_release_input_file) (const void *handle);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_get_symbols) (const void *handle, int nsyms,
                          struct ld_plugin_symbol *syms);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_add_input_file) (const char *pathname);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_add_input_library) (const char *libname);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_set_extra_library_path) (const char *path);

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_message) (int level, const char *format, ...);

enum ld_plugin_level

enum ld_plugin_tag
  LDPT_NULL = 0,

struct ld_plugin_tv
  enum ld_plugin_tag tv_tag;
    int tv_val;
    const char *tv_string;
    ld_plugin_register_claim_file tv_register_claim_file;
    ld_plugin_register_all_symbols_read tv_register_all_symbols_read;
    ld_plugin_register_cleanup tv_register_cleanup;
    ld_plugin_add_symbols tv_add_symbols;
    ld_plugin_get_symbols tv_get_symbols;
    ld_plugin_add_input_file tv_add_input_file;
    ld_plugin_message tv_message;
    ld_plugin_get_input_file tv_get_input_file;
    ld_plugin_get_view tv_get_view;
    ld_plugin_release_input_file tv_release_input_file;
    ld_plugin_add_input_library tv_add_input_library;
    ld_plugin_set_extra_library_path tv_set_extra_library_path;
  } tv_u;

enum ld_plugin_status
(*ld_plugin_onload) (struct ld_plugin_tv *tv);
# 64 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c" 2
# 85 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c"
struct sym_aux
  uint32_t slot;
  unsigned id;
  unsigned next_conflict;

struct plugin_symtab
  int nsyms;
  struct sym_aux *aux;
  struct ld_plugin_symbol *syms;
  unsigned id;

struct plugin_objfile
  int found;
  simple_object_read *objfile;
  struct plugin_symtab *out;
  const struct ld_plugin_input_file *file;

struct plugin_file_info
  char *name;
  void *handle;
  struct plugin_symtab symtab;
  struct plugin_symtab conflicts;

enum symbol_style

static char *arguments_file_name;
static ld_plugin_register_claim_file register_claim_file;
static ld_plugin_register_all_symbols_read register_all_symbols_read;
static ld_plugin_get_symbols get_symbols;
static ld_plugin_register_cleanup register_cleanup;
static ld_plugin_add_input_file add_input_file;
static ld_plugin_add_input_library add_input_library;
static ld_plugin_message message;
static ld_plugin_add_symbols add_symbols;

static struct plugin_file_info *claimed_files = 0;
static unsigned int num_claimed_files = 0;

static char **output_files = 0;
static unsigned int num_output_files = 0;

static char **lto_wrapper_argv;
static int lto_wrapper_num_args;

static char **pass_through_items = 0;
static unsigned int num_pass_through_items;

static char debug;
static char nop;
static char *resolution_file = 0;

static int gold_version = -1;

static enum symbol_style sym_style = ss_none;

static void
check_1 (int gate, enum ld_plugin_level level, const char *text)
  if (gate)

  if (message)
    message (level, text);

      fprintf ((&__sF[2]), "%s\n", text);
      if (level == LDPL_FATAL)
 abort ();
# 190 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c"
static char *
parse_table_entry (char *p, struct ld_plugin_symbol *entry,
     struct sym_aux *aux)
  unsigned char t;
  enum ld_plugin_symbol_kind translate_kind[] =

  enum ld_plugin_symbol_visibility translate_visibility[] =

  switch (sym_style)
    case ss_win32:
      if (p[0] == '@')

    case ss_none:
   entry->name = xstrdup (p);

    case ss_uscore:
      entry->name = concat ("_", p, 0);
      check_1 (((0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("invalid symbol style requested"));
  while (*p)

  entry->version = 0;

  entry->comdat_key = p;
  while (*p)

  if (strlen (entry->comdat_key) == 0)
    entry->comdat_key = 0;
    entry->comdat_key = xstrdup (entry->comdat_key);

  t = *p;
  check_1 (((t <= 4) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("invalid symbol kind found"));
  entry->def = translate_kind[t];

  t = *p;
  check_1 (((t <= 3) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("invalid symbol visibility found"));
  entry->visibility = translate_visibility[t];

  memcpy (&entry->size, p, sizeof (uint64_t));
  p += 8;

  memcpy (&aux->slot, p, sizeof (uint32_t));
  p += 4;

  entry->resolution = LDPR_UNKNOWN;

  aux->next_conflict = -1;

  return p;

static void
translate (char *data, char *end, struct plugin_symtab *out)
  struct sym_aux *aux;
  struct ld_plugin_symbol *syms = 0;
  int n, len;

  len = (end - data)/8 + out->nsyms + 1;
  syms = xrealloc (out->syms, len * sizeof (struct ld_plugin_symbol));
  aux = xrealloc (out->aux, len * sizeof (struct sym_aux));

  for (n = out->nsyms; data < end; n++)
      aux[n].id = out->id;
      data = parse_table_entry (data, &syms[n], &aux[n]);

  ((n < len) ? (void)0 :
__assert2("/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c", 292,
__func__, "n < len"));

  out->nsyms = n;
  out->syms = syms;
  out->aux = aux;

static void
free_1 (void)
  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_claimed_files; i++)
      struct plugin_file_info *info = &claimed_files[i];
      struct plugin_symtab *symtab = &info->symtab;
      unsigned int j;
      for (j = 0; j < symtab->nsyms; j++)
   struct ld_plugin_symbol *s = &symtab->syms[j];
   free (s->name);
   free (s->comdat_key);
      free (symtab->syms);
      symtab->syms = 0;

static void
free_2 (void)
  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_claimed_files; i++)
      struct plugin_file_info *info = &claimed_files[i];
      struct plugin_symtab *symtab = &info->symtab;
      free (symtab->aux);
      free (info->name);

  for (i = 0; i < num_output_files; i++)
    free (output_files[i]);
  free (output_files);

  free (claimed_files);
  claimed_files = 0;
  num_claimed_files = 0;

  free (arguments_file_name);
  arguments_file_name = 0;

static void
dump_symtab (FILE *f, struct plugin_symtab *symtab)
  unsigned j;

  for (j = 0; j < symtab->nsyms; j++)
      uint32_t slot = symtab->aux[j].slot;
      unsigned int resolution = symtab->syms[j].resolution;

      ((resolution != LDPR_UNKNOWN) ? (void)0 :
__assert2("/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c", 360,
__func__, "resolution != LDPR_UNKNOWN"));

      fprintf (f, "%u %x %s %s\n", (unsigned int) slot, symtab->aux[j].id,

static void
finish_conflict_resolution (struct plugin_symtab *symtab,
      struct plugin_symtab *conflicts)
  int i, j;

  if (conflicts->nsyms == 0)

  for (i = 0; i < symtab->nsyms; i++)
      int resolution = LDPR_UNKNOWN;

      if (symtab->aux[i].next_conflict == -1)

      switch (symtab->syms[i].def)
 case LDPK_DEF:
   resolution = LDPR_RESOLVED_IR;
   resolution = LDPR_PREEMPTED_IR;
   resolution = symtab->syms[i].resolution;
   ((0) ? (void)0 :
__assert2("/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c", 401,
__func__, "0"));

      ((resolution != LDPR_UNKNOWN) ? (void)0 :
__assert2("/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c", 404,
__func__, "resolution != LDPR_UNKNOWN"));

      for (j = symtab->aux[i].next_conflict;
    j != -1;
    j = conflicts->aux[j].next_conflict)
 conflicts->syms[j].resolution = resolution;

static void
free_symtab (struct plugin_symtab *symtab)
  free (symtab->syms);
  symtab->syms = 0;
  free (symtab->aux);
  symtab->aux = 0;

static void
write_resolution (void)
  unsigned int i;
  FILE *f;

  check_1 (((resolution_file) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("resolution file not
  f = fopen (resolution_file, "w");
  check_1 (((f) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not open file"));

  fprintf (f, "%d\n", num_claimed_files);

  for (i = 0; i < num_claimed_files; i++)
      struct plugin_file_info *info = &claimed_files[i];
      struct plugin_symtab *symtab = &info->symtab;
      struct ld_plugin_symbol *syms = symtab->syms;

      get_symbols (info->handle, symtab->nsyms, syms);

      finish_conflict_resolution (symtab, &info->conflicts);

      fprintf (f, "%s %d\n", info->name, symtab->nsyms +
      dump_symtab (f, symtab);
      if (info->conflicts.nsyms)
   dump_symtab (f, &info->conflicts);
   free_symtab (&info->conflicts);
  fclose (f);

static void
add_output_files (FILE *f)
  for (;;)
      const unsigned piece = 32;
      char *buf, *s = xmalloc (piece);
      size_t len;

      buf = s;
      if (!fgets (buf, piece, f))
   free (s);
      len = strlen (s);
      if (s[len - 1] != '\n')
   s = xrealloc (s, len + piece);
   buf = s + len;
   goto cont;
      s[len - 1] = '\0';

 = xrealloc (output_files, num_output_files * sizeof (char *));
      output_files[num_output_files - 1] = s;
      add_input_file (output_files[num_output_files - 1]);

static void
exec_lto_wrapper (char *argv[])
  int t, i;
  int status;
  char *at_args;
  FILE *args;
  FILE *wrapper_output;
  char *new_argv[3];
  struct pex_obj *pex;
  const char *errmsg;

  arguments_file_name = make_temp_file ("");
  check_1 (((arguments_file_name) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("Failed to generate a
temorary file name"))

  args = fopen (arguments_file_name, "w");
  check_1 (((args) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not open arguments file"));

  t = writeargv (&argv[1], args);
  check_1 (((t == 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not write arguments"));
  t = fclose (args);
  check_1 (((t == 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not close arguments file"));

  at_args = concat ("@", arguments_file_name, 0);
  check_1 (((at_args) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not allocate"));

  for (i = 1; argv[i]; i++)
      char *a = argv[i];
      if (a[0] == '-' && a[1] == 'v' && a[2] == '\0')
   for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
     fprintf ((&__sF[2]), "%s ", argv[i]);
   fprintf ((&__sF[2]), "\n");

  new_argv[0] = argv[0];
  new_argv[1] = at_args;
  new_argv[2] = 0;

  if (debug)
      for (i = 0; new_argv[i]; i++)
 fprintf ((&__sF[2]), "%s ", new_argv[i]);
      fprintf ((&__sF[2]), "\n");

  pex = pex_init (0x2, "lto-wrapper", 0);
  check_1 (((pex != 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not pex_init

  errmsg = pex_run (pex, 0, new_argv[0], new_argv, 0, 0, &t);
  check_1 (((errmsg == 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not run lto-wrapper"));
  check_1 (((t == 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not run lto-wrapper"));

  wrapper_output = pex_read_output (pex, 0);
  check_1 (((wrapper_output) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not read lto-wrapper

  add_output_files (wrapper_output);

  t = pex_get_status (pex, 1, &status);
  check_1 (((t == 1) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not get lto-wrapper exit
  check_1 ((((((*(int *)&(status)) & 0177) == 0) && (int)(((unsigned)(*(int
*)&(status)) >> 8) & 0xff) == 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("lto-wrapper failed"))

  pex_free (pex);

  free (at_args);

static void
use_original_files (void)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_claimed_files; i++)
      struct plugin_file_info *info = &claimed_files[i];
      add_input_file (info->name);

static enum ld_plugin_status
all_symbols_read_handler (void)
  unsigned i;
  unsigned num_lto_args = num_claimed_files + lto_wrapper_num_args + 1;
  char **lto_argv;
  const char **lto_arg_ptr;
  if (num_claimed_files == 0)
    return LDPS_OK;

  if (nop)
      use_original_files ();
      return LDPS_OK;

  lto_argv = (char **) xcalloc (sizeof (char *), num_lto_args);
  lto_arg_ptr = (const char **) lto_argv;
  ((lto_wrapper_argv) ? (void)0 :
__assert2("/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c", 606,
__func__, "lto_wrapper_argv"));

  write_resolution ();

  free_1 ();

  for (i = 0; i < lto_wrapper_num_args; i++)
    *lto_arg_ptr++ = lto_wrapper_argv[i];

  for (i = 0; i < num_claimed_files; i++)
      struct plugin_file_info *info = &claimed_files[i];

      *lto_arg_ptr++ = info->name;

  *lto_arg_ptr++ = 0;
  exec_lto_wrapper (lto_argv);

  free (lto_argv);

  if (pass_through_items && gold_version < 111)
      unsigned int i;
      for (i = 0; i < num_pass_through_items; i++)
          if (strncmp (pass_through_items[i], "-l", 2) == 0)
            add_input_library (pass_through_items[i] + 2);
            add_input_file (pass_through_items[i]);
          free (pass_through_items[i]);
          pass_through_items[i] = 0;
      free (pass_through_items);
      pass_through_items = 0;

  return LDPS_OK;

static enum ld_plugin_status
cleanup_handler (void)
  unsigned int i;
  int t;

  if (debug)
    return LDPS_OK;

  if (arguments_file_name)
      t = unlink (arguments_file_name);
      check_1 (((t == 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not unlink arguments

  for (i = 0; i < num_output_files; i++)
      t = unlink (output_files[i]);
      check_1 (((t == 0) != 0), (LDPL_FATAL), ("could not unlink output

  free_2 ();
  return LDPS_OK;

static int eq_sym (const void *a, const void *b)
  const struct ld_plugin_symbol *as = (const struct ld_plugin_symbol *)a;
  const struct ld_plugin_symbol *bs = (const struct ld_plugin_symbol *)b;

  return !strcmp (as->name, bs->name);

static hashval_t hash_sym (const void *a)
  const struct ld_plugin_symbol *as = (const struct ld_plugin_symbol *)a;

  return htab_hash_string (as->name);

static int symbol_strength (struct ld_plugin_symbol *s)
  switch (s->def)
    case LDPK_UNDEF:
      return 0;
    case LDPK_WEAKDEF:
      return 1;
      return 2;
# 730 "/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c"
static void
resolve_conflicts (struct plugin_symtab *t, struct plugin_symtab *conflicts)
  htab_t symtab = htab_create (t->nsyms, hash_sym, eq_sym, 0);
  int i;
  int out;
  int outlen;

  outlen = t->nsyms;
  conflicts->syms = xmalloc (sizeof (struct ld_plugin_symbol) * outlen);
  conflicts->aux = xmalloc (sizeof (struct sym_aux) * outlen);

  out = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < t->nsyms; i++)
      struct ld_plugin_symbol *s = &t->syms[i];
      struct sym_aux *aux = &t->aux[i];
      void **slot;

      slot = htab_find_slot (symtab, s, INSERT);
      if (*slot != 0)
   int cnf;
   struct ld_plugin_symbol *orig = (struct ld_plugin_symbol *)*slot;
   struct sym_aux *orig_aux = &t->aux[orig - t->syms];

   if (symbol_strength (orig) < symbol_strength (s))
       do { struct ld_plugin_symbol tmp_; tmp_ = (*orig); (*orig) = (*s); (*s)
= tmp_; } while(0);
       do { uint32_t tmp_; tmp_ = (orig_aux->slot); (orig_aux->slot) =
(aux->slot); (aux->slot) = tmp_; } while(0);
       do { unsigned tmp_; tmp_ = (orig_aux->id); (orig_aux->id) = (aux->id);
(aux->id) = tmp_; } while(0);


   cnf = conflicts->nsyms++;
   conflicts->syms[cnf] = *s;
   conflicts->aux[cnf] = *aux;
   aux = &conflicts->aux[cnf];

   aux->next_conflict = orig_aux->next_conflict;
   orig_aux->next_conflict = cnf;


      if (out < i)
   t->syms[out] = *s;
   t->aux[out] = *aux;

      *slot = &t->syms[out];

  ((conflicts->nsyms <= outlen) ? (void)0 :
__assert2("/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c", 791,
__func__, "conflicts->nsyms <= outlen"));
  ((conflicts->nsyms + out == t->nsyms) ? (void)0 :
__assert2("/home/mrichmon/gcc-4.7-20110430/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c", 792,
__func__, "conflicts->nsyms + out == t->nsyms"));

  t->nsyms = out;
  htab_delete (symtab);

static int
process_symtab (void *data, const char *name, off_t offset, off_t length)
  struct plugin_objfile *obj = (struct plugin_objfile *)data;
  char *s;
  char *secdata;

  if (strncmp (name, ".gnu.lto_.symtab", (sizeof (".gnu.lto_.symtab") - 1)) !=
    return 1;

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