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[Bug tree-optimization/37310] gfortran errors in compilation and the making for upgraded compilers

------- Comment #10 from petermorgan at grapevine dot net dot au  2008-09-02 12:11 -------
Subject: Re:  gfortran errors in compilation and the making
 for upgraded compilers

Dear Guys

Here are the requests that you asked for.

The first run is without any mention of f2c in option names.
It still fails

Running unimake to create Makefile for blsum
System name:  Linux currawong #1 SMP Mon Aug 4 
13:46:35 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
System release number translated to  2625
No i86 compiler specification--assuming gfortran (gcc 4.2x)
Makefile for blsum remade by unimake
gfortran -O -Wuninitialized -fno-automatic -fno-backslash blsum.f  
../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a ../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a 
../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o blsum
rm -f blsum.o
gfortran -O -Wuninitialized -fno-automatic -fno-backslash ensum.f  
../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a ../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a 
../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o ensum
rm -f ensum.o
gfortran -O -Wuninitialized -fno-automatic -fno-backslash tssum.f  
../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a ../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a 
../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o tssum
tssum.f: In function 'remove_ejmp':
tssum.f:712: internal compiler error: in set_uids_in_ptset, at 
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <> for instructions.
make: *** [tssum] Error 1
Failure in make_globk -- install_software terminated

Here is a second run with only -O set
It also has the same error in blsum

Running unimake to create Makefile for blsum
System name:  Linux currawong #1 SMP Mon Aug 4 
13:46:35 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
System release number translated to  2625
No i86 compiler specification--assuming gfortran (gcc 4.2x)
Makefile for blsum remade by unimake
gfortran -O  blsum.f  ../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a 
../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a ../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o blsum
rm -f blsum.o
gfortran -O  ensum.f  ../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a 
../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a ../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o ensum
rm -f ensum.o
gfortran -O  tssum.f  ../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a 
../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a ../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o tssum
tssum.f: In function 'remove_ejmp':
tssum.f:712: internal compiler error: in set_uids_in_ptset, at 
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <> for instructions.
make: *** [tssum] Error 1
Failure in make_globk -- install_software terminated

Now I know that I had version 10.33 running under 4.2.2 on a 32 bit 
machine so I built a version 4.2.2 language system on my 64 bit machine.

[peterm@currawong blsum]$ gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../gcc-4.2.2.source/configure --prefix=/opt 
--with-mpfr-lib=/opt/lib --with-mpfr-include=/opt/include --disable-multilib
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.2

There are no errors in a compilation of GAMIT/GLOBK
when I use this package.

I have attached the code modules for you. As I said they compile okay 
under 4.2.2

Please let me know how this helps.

cheers Peter

kargl at gcc dot gnu dot org wrote:
> ------- Comment #9 from kargl at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-09-02 03:46 -------
> (In reply to comment #8)
>> gfortran -O3 -Wuninitialized -fno-f2c -ffast-math -fno-automatic 
>> -fno-backslash tssum.f  ../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a 
>> ../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a ../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o tssum
>> tssum.f: In function 'remove_ejmp':
>> tssum.f:712: internal compiler error: in set_uids_in_ptset, at 
>> tree-ssa-structalias.c:4789
>> Please submit a full bug report,
> What happens if you use a sane set of options?   In particular,
> DO NOT USE any option with f2c in it name.   DO NOT USE --ffast-math,
> which is misnamed.  What happens if you use -O or -O2.
> Finally, is the source available?

*                                     *
*  Peter and Carol Morgan             *
*  20 Goodparla St                    *
*  Hawker, ACT, 2614                  *
*  Australia                          *
*                                     *
* Home Phone      +61 (0)2 6254 0137  *
* Peter's Mobile  +61 (0)4 1854 0137  *
*                                     *
*                                     *

      program tssum

*     Program to generate PBO time series files
*     Usages:
*     tssum <dir> <prod_id> <-R> <list of .org files>
*     where <dir>  -- directory to put the time series in.  This directory
*      will be checked for existing files and these will be appended to
*           <prod_id> is product id with form: pbo.final_frame.  Characters
*                  5:9 will used for time series type (normally rapid or final)
*           <-R> causes exisiting time series files to be ignored
*           <list of .org files> glred/globk org files with output option PBOP
*      output option set.
*     PROD_ID types valid in PBO:
*     Format <cen>.<series>_<frame>+<type>
*     <cen>     - Center 3 characters (bsl cwu pbo mit) or special product
*                 code e.g., aug for Augustine Volcano, aku for Akutan volcano
*     <series>  - Orbit series: final or rapid
*     <frame>   - Frame type: loose or frame 
*     <type>    - Optional type.  If not given series name is used.  Additional
*                 type put in the final series is supplemental run (suppl).
*     Stsndard PROD_ID
*     pbo.rapid_frame
*     pbo.final_frame
*     pbo.final_frame+suppl

      include 'tssum.h'

      integer*4 len_run, nr, ierr, ns, rcpar, trimlen
      character*64 runstring 

****  OK, Read the runsting (for the moment just by position)
      len_run = rcpar(1,tsdir)
      ln_tsdir = len_run
      if( len_run.eq.0 ) then
        call proper_runstring('tssum.hlp','tssum',1)
      len_run = rcpar(2,prod_id)

* MOD TAH 051129: Extract type from prod_id: Format pbo.final_frame+suppl
      ts_ref_type = prod_id(5:9)
      if( ) then
          ts_ref_type = prod_id(17:21)
          prod_id = prod_id(1:15)

      ln_prod_id = trimlen(prod_id)

      len_run = rcpar(3,runstring)
      if( runstring(1:2).eq.'-R' ) then
          ts_refresh = .true.
          ts_refresh = .false.

***** OK Loop over input files
      num_ent = 0
      num_site = 0
      num_code = 0 
      nr = 3
      len_run = 1

      do while ( )

         nr = nr + 1
         len_run = rcpar(nr,in_file)
         if( ) then
             call read_in
      end do

      call systime( date_rel, sec_rel) 

****  OK, now loop over all the codes
      do ns = 1, num_code

*        Generate TS file name
         ts_file = tsdir(1:ln_tsdir) // '/' // in_code(ns) // '.' // 
     .             prod_id(1:ln_prod_id) // '.pos'

*****    Try to open file unless we are refreshing
         if( .not.ts_refresh ) then
             if( ) then
                 new_ts = .true.
                 new_ts = .false.
             end if
             new_ts = .true.
         end if

*****    See if we should read old series
         num_ts = 0
         if( .not.new_ts ) then
             call read_ts(200)
             call gen_refdata(ns)

* MOD TAH 080325: Before merging correct input series for any
*        East jumps due to latitude shifts

         call remove_ejmp(ns)

*****    OK, merge new entries with old
         call merge_ts(ns)

*****    Now close the infile and re-open to write
         call write_ts(200, ns)
      end do

***** Thats all


      subroutine read_in
      include 'tssum.h'

      character*8 gsite_name 
      character*16 gsite_full

      integer*4 date(5), ierr, jerr, j, ns, cs, ne
      integer*4 trimlen, indx
      real*8  gmjd, pos_xyz_fin(3),xyz_std(6), unc_geod(3),llu_std(3),
     .        pos_neu_fin(3), neu_std(6), sec 

      character*512 line

****  Open the input file
      open(100,file=in_file, iostat=ierr, status='old')
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'open',in_file,0,'tssum')

      sec = 0.d0

      do while ( ierr.eq.0 )
         read(100,'(a)', iostat=ierr) line
* MOD TAH 060921: Replaced XPS with X since eq-renames may change the name
         if( ierr.eq.0 .and. line(1:4).eq.'pbo.' .and.
     .       line(11:11).ne.'X' ) then
            read(line,100,iostat=jerr) gsite_name, gsite_full,
     .                  date, gmjd,
     .                 (pos_xyz_fin(j), j=1,3), (xyz_std(j),j=1,6),
     .                 (unc_geod(j),j=1,3), (llu_std(j),j=1,3),
     .                 (pos_neu_fin(j),j=1,3), (neu_std(j),j=1,6)
 100        format(5x,a8,1x,a16,1x,i5,4(1x,i2.2),1x,F10.4,
     .                  1x,3F15.5,3F8.5,3F7.3,3x,
     .                  2F16.10,1x,F10.5,1x,2F8.1,1x,F10.5,3x,
     .                  2F15.5,1x,F10.5,3F8.5,3F7.3)
            call report_error('IOSTAT',jerr,'read',line,0,'read_in')
c100        format('pbo. ',a8,1x,a16,1x,i5,4(1x,i2.2),1x,F10.4,
c    .                  1x,3F15.5,3F8.5,3F7.3,' | ',
c    .                  2F16.10,1x,F10.5,1x,2F8.1,1x,F10.5,' | ',
c    .                  2F15.5,1x,F10.5,3F8.5,3F7.3)
            call ymdhms_to_mjd(date, sec, gmjd)

            if( jerr.eq.0 ) then

*             See if we can match site name
              indx = 0
              call get_cmd(gsite_name,in_site,num_site,ns,indx)
              if( ns.le.0 ) then
                  num_site = num_site + 1
                  ns = num_site
                  in_site(ns) = gsite_name
              end if
              indx = 0
              call get_cmd(gsite_name(1:4),in_code,num_code,cs,indx)
              if( cs.le.0 ) then
                  num_code = num_code + 1
                  cs = num_code
                  in_full(cs) = gsite_full
                  in_code(cs) = gsite_name(1:4)
              end if

*****         OK save this entry
              num_ent = num_ent + 1
              ne = num_ent
              in_ns(ne)  = ns
              in_cs(ne)  = cs
              in_mjd(ne) = gmjd
              do j = 1,3
                 in_xyz(j,ne) = pos_xyz_fin(j)
                 in_neu(j,ne) = pos_neu_fin(j)
                 in_llu(j,ne) = unc_geod(j)
              end do
              do j = 1,6
                 in_xyz_std(j,ne) = xyz_std(j)
                 in_neu_std(j,ne) = neu_std(j)
              end do
            end if
         end if
      end do

****  Tell user were we are
      write(*,110) in_file(1:trimlen(in_file)), num_site, num_code, 
     .             num_ent
 110  format('File: ',a,' Sites ',i5,' Codes ',i5,' Entries ',i10)

      subroutine read_ts(unit)

      include 'tssum.h'

      integer*4 unit, ierr, jerr, trimlen, date(5), i, j, isec
      integer*4 ts_srt(max_ts)  ! indexs to sorted time series 
      integer*4 kn, cnt, in 
      real*8 sec, rot(3,3)
      real*8 max_mjd, min_mjd   ! Max and min m,jd used in sorting
      logical line_read  ! Set true when line has been read checking for
                         ! Field dscriptions.
      logical time_order_out  ! Set true to denote file out of time order
      logical set ! Set true when ranked value put in ts_srt

      character*512 line

****  Read the header records
      read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
* MOD TAH 051129: See if version line next
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',line,1,'read_ts')
      read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
      if( index(line,'Version').gt.0 ) then
          read(line,105,iostat=ierr) ts_ver_read
 105      format(16x,a)
c105      format('Format Version: ',a)
          call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',line,1,'read_ts')
          read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line

      read(line,110,iostat=ierr) ts_code
 110  format(16x,a)
c110  format('4-character ID: ',a4)
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',line,1,'read_ts')
      read(unit,120,iostat=ierr) ts_full
 120  format(16x,a16)
c120  format('Station name  : ',a16)
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read','Station',1,'read_ts')
      read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
      read(line,130,iostat=ierr) date, isec
 130  format(16x,i4,i2,i2,1x,i2,i2,i2)
      sec = isec
c130  format('First Epoch   : ', i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',line,1,'read_ts')
      call ymdhms_to_mjd(date,sec,ts_first)
cFirst Epoch   : 20060521 120000
      read(unit,140,iostat=ierr) date, isec
      sec = isec
 140  format(16x, i4,i2,i2,1x,i2,i2,i2)
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read','Last Epoch',1,'read_ts')
c140  format('Last Epoch    : ', i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)
      call ymdhms_to_mjd(date,sec,ts_last)

C**** Do not read release date, since we will generate a new one here
C     read(unit,150,iostat=ierr) date_rel, nint(sec_rel)
      read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
 150  format(16x, i4,i2,i2,1x,i2,i2,i2)
c150  format('Release Data  : ', i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',line,1,'tssum')

      read(unit,200,iostat=ierr) ref_xyz
 200  format(25x,3F15.5)
c200  format('XYZ Reference position : ',3F15.5)
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',line,1,'tssum')

      call XYZ_to_GEOD(rot,ref_xyz, ref_llu) 
      call loc_to_geod(ref_llu, ref_neu)

C     Use compute version
C      read(unit,220,iostat=ierr) (pi/2-ref_llu(1))*180/pi,
C     .                            ref_llu(2)*180/pi,ref_llu(3)
      read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
 220  format(25x,2F16.10,1x,F10.5)
      call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',line,1,'tssum')
c220  format('NEU Reference position : ',2F16.10,1x,F10.5)

* MOD TAH 080108: See if field descrription lines are present
      read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
      line_read = .true.
      if( index(line,'Start Field Description').gt.0 ) then
          do while (index(line,'End Field Description').eq.0 )
             read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
             call report_error('IOSTAT',ierr,'read',ts_file,0,
     .                         'tssum/Field Description')
          line_read = .false.

****  OK, Now read in the time series
      i = 0
      time_order_out = .false.
      do while ( ierr.eq.0 )
          if( .not.line_read ) then
              read(unit,'(a)',iostat=ierr) line
          line_read = .false.

          if( ierr.eq.0 ) then
             i = i + 1
             read(line,300,iostat=jerr) date, isec, ts_mjd(i),
     .        (ts_xyz(j,i),j=1,3), (ts_xyz_std(j,i),j=1,6),
     .        (ts_llu(j,i),j=1,3),
     .        (ts_neu(j,i),j=1,3), (ts_neu_std(j,i),j=1,6),
     .         ts_type(i)
             sec = isec
 300         format(1x,i4,i2,i2,1x,i2,i2,i2,1x,F10.4,
     .           3F15.5,3F9.5,3F7.3,3x,2F16.10,1x,F10.5,3x,
     .           3(F9.5,1x),1x,3F9.5,3F7.3,1x,a5)
             if( ) then
                 write(*,310) jerr, line(1:trimlen(line))
 310             format('JERR ',i4,1x,a)
             call ymdhms_to_mjd(date,sec,ts_mjd(i))
             do j = 1,3
                 ts_neu(j,i) = ts_neu(j,i) + ref_neu(j)
             end do

****         Make sure that time series is in time order.
             if( .and. ts_mjd(i).lt.ts_mjd(i-1) ) then
                write(*,320) ts_file(1:trimlen(ts_file)),i
 320            format('**WARNING** Time series in ',a,
     .                 ' out of time order at record ',i5)
                time_order_out = .true.
          end if
      end do

* MOD TAH 080104: If time seris out of order, resort now.
      num_ts = i
      if( time_order_out ) then
*        Buildup up list of indices in time order.  In this
*        approach dupliucate times are replaced with later 
*        values.
         do i = 1,num_ts
             ts_srt(i) = 0
         end do
         max_mjd = -1e20
         cnt = 0
         do i = 1, num_ts
             min_mjd = 1e20
             set = .false.
             do j = 1, num_ts
                if( ts_mjd(j) .le. min_mjd .and.
     .              ts_mjd(j) .gt. max_mjd ) then
                    ts_srt(i) = j
                    min_mjd  = ts_mjd(j)
                    set = .true.
             if( set ) then
                 cnt = cnt + 1
                 max_mjd = ts_mjd(ts_srt(i))
             end if
*        ts_srt now is sorted list.  Sort the list of values
         do i = 1, num_ts
            in = ts_srt(i)
*           if in > 0 then swap the ith entry with the in'th
*           value
            call save_ts(i,0)  ! cp i'th entries to save values (0)
            call save_ts(in,i) ! cp in'th entries to ith values
            call save_ts(0,in) ! cp saved values to in'th entry
*           Now update ts_srt to show values have moved
            kn = 0
            do j = i+1,num_ts
               if( ts_srt(j).eq.i ) then
                   kn =j
            if( 0 ) then
                ts_srt(kn) = in
         end do
*        Save number of values in time series
         num_ts = cnt

      write(*,400) ts_file(1:trimlen(ts_file)), num_ts
 400  format('TS_file ',a,' sorted entries ',i5)

****  Thats all


      subroutine save_ts(in,out)

*     Routine to save time series values from index in to index out
*     If out is zero, save to or from save arrrays

      include 'tssum.h'

      integer*4 in, out

      integer*4 i

****  See which way we are saving
      if( .and. ) then
          ts_mjd(out) = ts_mjd(in)
          ts_type(out) = ts_type(in)
          do i = 1,3
             ts_xyz(i,out) = ts_xyz(i,in)
             ts_llu(i,out) = ts_llu(i,in)
             ts_neu(i,out) = ts_neu(i,in)
          do i = 1,6
             ts_xyz_std(i,out) = ts_xyz_std(i,in)
             ts_neu_std(i,out) = ts_neu_std(i,in)
      elseif( out .eq. 0 ) then
          sv_mjd = ts_mjd(in)
          sv_type = ts_type(in)
          do i = 1,3
             sv_xyz(i) = ts_xyz(i,in)
             sv_llu(i) = ts_llu(i,in)
             sv_neu(i) = ts_neu(i,in)
          do i = 1,6
             sv_xyz_std(i) = ts_xyz_std(i,in)
             sv_neu_std(i) = ts_neu_std(i,in)
      elseif( in.eq.0 ) then
          ts_mjd(out) = sv_mjd
          ts_type(out) = sv_type
          do i = 1,3
             ts_xyz(i,out) = sv_xyz(i)
             ts_llu(i,out) = sv_llu(i)
             ts_neu(i,out) = sv_neu(i)
          do i = 1,6
             ts_xyz_std(i,out) = sv_xyz_std(i)
             ts_neu_std(i,out) = sv_neu_std(i)
          call report_error('PROG',-1,'sav','timeseries',0,'save_ts')


      subroutine gen_refdata(ns)
      include 'tssum.h'
      integer*4 ns  ! code site number

      real*8 av_xyz(3)
      integer*4 na, i, j

****  Routine to generate reference XYZ
      do j = 1,3 
        av_xyz(j) = 0.0d0
      end do
      na = 0

      do i = 1, num_ent
         if( in_cs(i).eq.ns) then
             if( in_xyz_std(1,i).lt.0.1d0 .and.
     .           in_xyz_std(2,i).lt.0.1d0 .and.
     .           in_xyz_std(3,i).lt.0.1d0 ) then 
                na = na + 1
                do j = 1,3
                   av_xyz(j) = av_xyz(j) + in_xyz(j,i)
                end do
             end if
         end if
      end do
      if( ) then
          do j = 1,3
             ref_xyz(j) = av_xyz(j)/na
          end do
*         Nothing with sigmas less than 10 cm: So what to do?
*         Use all available data?
          do i = 1, num_ent
             if( in_cs(i).eq.ns) then
                 na = na + 1
                 do j = 1,3
                    av_xyz(j) = av_xyz(j) + in_xyz(j,i)
                 end do
              end if
          end do
          if( ) then
              do j = 1,3
                 ref_xyz(j) = av_xyz(j)/na
              end do
          end if

****  Thats all

      subroutine merge_ts(ns)

*     Routine to merge the new time series values with the old ones
*     If a time matches with an old value, the older value will be replaced.

      include 'tssum.h'

      integer*4 ns  ! code site number

      integer*4 i,j,k, n, l

      logical replaced ! Logical set true if entry is being replaced with
                       ! a new one.

      do i = 1, num_ent
         if( in_cs(i).eq.ns) then

****        The site code matches, scan the old time series values
*           to see we need to replace the value, insert a new one or
*           append to the old list (later would be most common).
*           Times may differ by a minute or so; so test with toleranace
C           if( .and. in_mjd(i).le.ts_mjd(num_ts) ) then
            replaced = .false.
            if( .and. 
     .          in_mjd(i)-ts_mjd(num_ts).lt.1.d-3 ) then
*               This entry is earlier.  Find out where to put it.
                n = num_ts
                do while ( ) 
C                    if ( ts_mjd(n).eq.in_mjd(i) ) then
                    if ( abs(ts_mjd(n)-in_mjd(i)).le.1.d-3 ) then
*                      Matches the time, so replace the old values
*                      with the new
                       k = n
                       n = 0
                       replaced = .true.  
                    elseif ( ts_mjd(n).lt.in_mjd(i) .or.n.eq.1) then
*                      Need to move up all the old values and insert
*                      the new entry in at n+1
                       k = n+1
*                      Move up the old values
                       do l = num_ts+1, k, -1
                          ts_mjd(l) = ts_mjd(l-1)
                          ts_type(l) = ts_type(l-1)
                          do j = 1, 3
                             ts_xyz(j,l) = ts_xyz(j,l-1)
                             ts_neu(j,l) = ts_neu(j,l-1)
                             ts_llu(j,l) = ts_llu(j,l-1)
                          do j = 1, 6
                             ts_xyz_std(j,l) = ts_xyz_std(j,l-1)
                             ts_neu_std(j,l) = ts_neu_std(j,l-1)
                       end do
                       num_ts = num_ts + 1
                       n = 0
                       n = n -1
                    end if
                end do
*               Normal case of just adding new results to end
                num_ts = num_ts + 1
                k = num_ts

*           Now add the new values
            ts_mjd(k) = in_mjd(i)
*           Get which code we should add for this point.  
            if( replaced .and. ts_ref_type.eq.'suppl' ) then
                ts_type(k) = 'suppf'
            elseif( replaced .and. ts_ref_type.eq.'campd' ) then
                ts_type(k) = 'campf'
                ts_type(k) = ts_ref_type

            do j = 1, 3
               ts_xyz(j,k) = in_xyz(j,i)
               ts_neu(j,k) = in_neu(j,i)
               ts_llu(j,k) = in_llu(j,i)
            do j = 1, 6
               ts_xyz_std(j,k) = in_xyz_std(j,i)
               ts_neu_std(j,k) = in_neu_std(j,i)

         end if
      end do
****  Thats all

      subroutine write_ts(unit,ns)

      include '../includes/const_param.h'
      include 'tssum.h'

      integer*4 ns  ! code site number
      integer*4 unit  ! unit number

      integer*4 ierr, i, j, date(5)
      real*8 sec, rot(3,3)
      real*8 ts_mag, Cts_mag  ! Magnitude of XYZ/NEU and function to
                                  ! compute it.

***** Scan the ts list and get start and stop times
      ts_first = 1.d6
      ts_last  = 0.d0
      do i = 1, num_ts
         if( ts_mjd(i).lt.ts_first ) ts_first = ts_mjd(i)
         if( ts_mjd(i).gt.ts_last  ) ts_last = ts_mjd(i)
      end do

***** Write out the header lines
 100  format('PBO Station Position Time Series')
* MOD TAH 051129: Write out version number
      write(unit,105,iostat=ierr) ts_ver
 105  format('Format Version: ',a)

      write(unit,110,iostat=ierr) in_code(ns)
 110  format('4-character ID: ',a4)
      write(unit,120,iostat=ierr) in_full(ns)
 120  format('Station name  : ',a16)
      call jd_to_ymdhms(ts_first+1d-6, date,sec)
      write(unit,130,iostat=ierr) date, nint(sec)
 130  format('First Epoch   : ', i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)
      call jd_to_ymdhms(ts_last+1d-6, date,sec)
      write(unit,140,iostat=ierr) date, nint(sec)
 140  format('Last Epoch    : ', i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)
      write(unit,150,iostat=ierr) date_rel, nint(sec_rel)
 150  format('Release Data  : ', i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)

      write(unit,200,iostat=ierr) ref_xyz
 200  format('XYZ Reference position : ',3F15.5)

      call XYZ_to_GEOD(rot,ref_xyz, ref_llu) 
      call loc_to_geod(ref_llu, ref_neu)

      write(unit,220,iostat=ierr) (pi/2-ref_llu(1))*180/pi,
     .                            ref_llu(2)*180/pi,ref_llu(3)
 220  format('NEU Reference position : ',2F16.10,1x,F10.5)

****  OK, Now write out the time series
      do i = 1, num_ts
          call jd_to_ymdhms(ts_mjd(i)+1.d-6,date,sec)
*         Check size
          ts_mag = Cts_mag(ts_neu(1,i),ref_neu)
          if( ) then 
*            Use Standard format                  
             write(unit,300) date, nint(sec), ts_mjd(i),
     .           (ts_xyz(j,i),j=1,3), (ts_xyz_std(j,i),j=1,6),
     .           (ts_llu(j,i),j=1,3),
     .           (ts_neu(j,i)-ref_neu(j),j=1,3), 
     .           (ts_neu_std(j,i),j=1,6),
     .            ts_type(i)
 300         format(1x,i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2,1x,F10.4,
     .           3F15.5,3F9.5,3F7.3,3x,2F16.10,1x,F10.5,3x,
     .           3(F9.5,1x),1x,3F9.5,3F7.3,1x,a) 
             write(unit,310) date, nint(sec), ts_mjd(i),
     .           (ts_xyz(j,i),j=1,3), (ts_xyz_std(j,i),j=1,6),
     .           (ts_llu(j,i),j=1,3),
     .           (ts_neu(j,i)-ref_neu(j),j=1,3), 
     .           (ts_neu_std(j,i),j=1,6),
     .            ts_type(i)
 310         format(1x,i4,i2.2,i2.2,1x,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2,1x,F10.4,
     .           3F15.5,3F9.5,3F7.3,3x,2F16.10,1x,F10.5,3x,
     .           3(F9.3,1x),1x,3F9.5,3F7.3,1x,a) 

      end do

****  Thats all 



      real*8 function CTS_mag(NEU, Ref)

      implicit none

*     routine to compute magnitude of max element
      real*8 NEU(3), Ref(3)
      real*8 dNEU(3)
      integer*4 i

      CTS_mag = 0.d0
      do i = 1,3
         dneu(i) = NEU(i)-REF(i)
         if( abs(dneu(i)).gt.CTS_mag ) CTS_mag = abs(dneu(i))
      end do



      subroutine remove_ejmp(ns)

*     Subroutine to remove east jumps that can occur when a site
*     moves too far in latitude.  Usually only a problem for ice
*     sites.  Here we compare the reference lat with the latitude
*     in the individual entries

      include '../includes/const_param.h'
      include 'tssum.h'

      integer*4 ns  ! code site number

      integer*4 i

      real*8 locref(3), locdat(3)  ! Geod Co-lat, long and heigt
                                   ! with reference latitude and 
                                   ! day value of latitude
      real*8 rot(3,3)
      real*8 neuref(3), neudat(3)  ! NEU values for reference and
                                   ! daily latiude.  If no latitude
                                   ! induced East jump, then should
                                   ! be the same
      real*8 dEast, old_dEast      ! East change and previous east change
                                   ! (latter used for output)
***** Get the reference positions for this site.
      call XYZ_to_GEOD(rot,ref_xyz, ref_llu) 

*     Loop over entries finding the one for this site
      old_dEast = 0.0d0

      do i = 1, num_ent
         if( in_cs(i).eq.ns) then
*           Test to see if change.  Call loc_to_geod with
*           actual and refence latitude
            locdat(1) = pi/2-in_llu(1,i)*pi/180
            locref(2) = in_llu(2,i)*pi/180
            locdat(2) = in_llu(2,i)*pi/180
            locref(3) = in_llu(3,i)
            locdat(3) = in_llu(3,i)
*           Now change reference lat in locref
            locref(1) = ref_llu(1)
*           Convert to NEU
            call loc_to_geod(locref, neuref)
            call loc_to_geod(locdat, neudat)
c            print *,' Ref ',i, locref, neuref
c            print *,' Dat ',i, locdat, neudat

*           Get the East difference
            dEast = neuref(2)-neudat(2)
            if( abs(dEast).gt.1.d-4 ) then
               in_neu(2,i) = in_neu(2,i)+dEast
            if( abs(dEast-old_dEast).gt.1.d-2) then
               write(*,220) in_code(ns), in_mjd(i), dEast
 220           format('East Offset at ',a4,' MJD ',F12.4,
     .                ' dEast ',F15.3,' m')
            old_dEast = dEast
       end do

*****  Thats all

*     DECLARATIONS of tssum
      integer*4 max_ent   ! Maximum number of total entries
      integer*4 max_site  ! Maximum number of sites
      integer*4 max_ts    ! Maximum number of entries per site

      character*(*) ts_ver   ! Version of time series files

      parameter ( max_ent  = 5000000 )
      parameter ( max_site =    2048 )
      parameter ( max_ts   =   10000 )
* MOD TAH 051129: Added version 1.0.1: Version number in file and type 
*     designation (rapid/final)
      parameter ( ts_ver   = '1.0.1' )

* Declaratons
      integer*4 num_ent, num_site, num_code, num_ts

* Data records from .org files
      integer*4 in_ns(max_ent), in_cs(max_ent)
      integer*4 ln_tsdir, ln_prod_id

      integer*4 date_rel(5)
      real*8    sec_rel

      real*8 in_mjd(max_ent), in_xyz(3,max_ent), in_xyz_std(6,max_ent),
     .       in_llu(3,max_ent), 
     .       in_neu(3,max_ent),in_neu_std(6,max_ent) 

      real*8 ts_mjd(max_ts), ts_xyz(3,max_ts), ts_xyz_std(6,max_ts),
     .       ts_llu(3,max_ts), 
     .       ts_neu(3,max_ts),ts_neu_std(6,max_ts) 

      real*8 sv_mjd, sv_xyz(3), sv_xyz_std(6),
     .       sv_llu(3), 
     .       sv_neu(3),sv_neu_std(6) 

      real*8 ts_first, ts_last

      real*8 ref_xyz(3), ref_llu(3), ref_neu(3)

      character*8  in_site(max_site)
      character*4  in_code(max_site), ts_code
      character*128 tsdir, prod_id
      character*5  ts_type(max_ts)     ! Based on prod_id, rapid/final and any
                                ! type passed in the prod_id.  Normally updated
                                ! the value read in.
     .,            sv_type
     .,            ts_ref_type  ! New reference type based on prod_id

      character*128 in_file, ts_file
      character*16 in_full(max_site), ts_full

      character*16 ts_ver_read

      logical ts_refresh, new_ts

      common / ts_i4 / num_ent, num_site, num_code, num_ts,
     .      in_ns, in_cs, date_rel, ln_tsdir, ln_prod_id,
     .      ts_refresh, new_ts

      common / ts_r8 /sec_rel,  in_mjd, in_xyz, in_xyz_std,
     .       in_llu, in_neu,in_neu_std, ts_mjd, ts_xyz, ts_xyz_std,
     .       ts_llu, ts_neu,ts_neu_std, ts_first, ts_last, 
     .       ref_xyz, ref_llu, ref_neu, 
     .       sv_mjd, sv_xyz, sv_xyz_std, sv_llu, sv_neu,sv_neu_std 

      common / ts_ch /in_site,in_code, ts_code, tsdir, 
     .       prod_id, in_file, ts_file, in_full, ts_full, ts_ver_read,
     .       ts_type, sv_type, ts_ref_type

*                                                     CONST_PARAM.FTNI
*     This include file gives all of the constants which are used
*     in the Kalman filter processing software.
*     T.Herring                   12:41 PM  TUE., 13  JAN., 1987

*   earth_flat  - Earth's flattening
*   earth_rad   - Equatorial radius of the Earth (m) -- Also the
*               - semi-major-axis of the ellipsoid.
*   earth_to_moon   - Mass ratio of earth and moom
*   g_earth     - Gravitional acceleration at the equator (m/s**2)
*   GM_moon     - GM for moon
*   GM_sun      - GM for sun
*   GM_earth    - GM for Earth 
*   G_univ      - Gravitional constant
*   pi          - PI
*   rad_to_deg  - Conversion from radians to degs.
*   rad_to_mas  - Conversion from radians to milliarcsecs.
*   sec_per_day - Number of seconds in 24 hours
*   vel_light   - speed of light in m/s
*   DJ2000      - Julian date of J2000
*   sec360      - number of seconds in 360 degreees.
*   solar_to_sidereal   - Conversion from solar days to sidereal
*                       - days (at J2000)
*   fL1, fL2    - GPS frequencies in Hz at L1 and L2

*   dfsf, sfdf  - Difference of frequency divided by the sum of
*               - frequencies (used form widelane and
*               - narrowlane)
*   lcf1, lcf2  - Multipliers for LC from L1 and L2 frequencies
*   lgf1, lgf2  - Multipliers for LG from L1 and L2 frequencies
*   pcf1, pcf2  - Multipliers for PC from P1 and P2 frequencies

      real*8 earth_flat, earth_rad, earth_to_moon, g_earth, 
     .    GM_earth, GM_moon, GM_sun, G_univ,
     .    pi, rad_to_deg, rad_to_mas, sec_per_day,
     .    vel_light, DJ2000, sec360, solar_to_sidereal, fL1, fL2

      real*8 dfsf, sfdf, lcf1, lcf2, lgf1, lgf2, pcf1, pcf2

*     Values for the parameters

C     parameter ( earth_flat    = 0.003352891869D0     )
*                                                        ! m
C     parameter ( earth_rad     = 6378145.D0           )

* WGS-84 parameters for the elliposoid (a and 1/f)
      parameter ( earth_rad     = 6378137.D0           )
      parameter ( earth_flat    = 1.d0/298.257222101d0 )

      parameter ( earth_to_moon = 81.30065918D0        )
*                                                        ! m/sec**2
      parameter ( g_earth       =  9.780318458D0       )
*                                                        ! m**3/sec**2
      parameter ( GM_moon       = 0.49027975D+13       )
*                                                        ! m**3/sec**2
      parameter ( GM_sun        = 0.132712499D+21      )
*                                                        ! m**3/sec**2
* IERS Value 3.986004418d+14; solve value 3.9860346D+14
      parameter ( GM_earth      = 3.986004418d+14      )
*                                                        ! m**2/(kg sec**2)
      parameter ( G_univ        = 0.66732D-10          )
      parameter ( pi            = 3.1415926535897932D0 )
      parameter ( sec_per_day   = 86400.D0             )
*                                                        ! m/s
      parameter ( sec360            = 1296000.d0       )
      parameter ( vel_light     = 299792458.D0         )
*                                                        ! Julian days
      parameter ( DJ2000        = 2451545.d0           )

      parameter ( solar_to_sidereal = 1.002737909d0 )

      parameter ( fL1 = 154*10.23d6 )    
      parameter ( fL2 = 120*10.23d6 )    

*     Computed quanities

      parameter ( rad_to_deg    = 180.d0   /pi         )
      parameter ( rad_to_mas    = 648000.d3/pi         )

      parameter ( dfsf = (fL1-fL2)/(fL1+fL2) )
      parameter ( sfdf = (fL1+fL2)/(fL1-fL2) )

      parameter ( lcf1 = 1.d0/(1.d0 - (fL2/fL1)**2) )
      parameter ( lcf2 = -(fL2/fL1)/(1.d0 - (fL2/fL1)**2) )

      parameter ( lgf1 = -fL2/fL1)
      parameter ( lgf2 = 1.d0 )

      parameter ( pcf1 =  fL1**2/(fL1**2-fL2**2) )
      parameter ( pcf2 = -fL2**2/(fL1**2-fL2**2) )


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