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aren't specialized templates templates?

hi all.

the code snippet below is extracted from a much more
complicated piece of code. basically the problem is that
g++ (3.3 and 3.4) demand different typedef syntax inside
template bodies, depending on whether full or partial
specialization is used.

is this really the correct behaviour and standard conform?
(to me it seems, line20 should still be considered part of
a template and thus accept the "typename")

template<class C>
struct Base {
  typedef C* Iterator;

template<class C, class D>
struct Derived : Base<D> {
  typedef typename Base<D>::Iterator Iterator;

#define BASE_ITER(BASE) typename BASE :: Iterator

template<class D>
struct Derived<char, D> : Base<D> {
  typedef BASE_ITER (Base<D>) Iterator;         // line15

struct Derived<char, int> : Base<int> {
  typedef BASE_ITER (Base<int>) Iterator;       // line20

// error: using `typename' outside of template

--- ciaoTJ

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