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Re: inline of inline

> In this example
>     static inline int f (int x) { return x + 1; }
>     static inline int g (int x, inline int f (int x))
>     { return 1 + f (x); }
>     int h (int x)
>     { return g (x, f); }
> is h supposed to optimize to return x + 2 or supposed to actually call
> f.  Here's what I get with current gcc mainline cvs -O2
>     f:
> 	    leal	1(%rdi), %eax
> 	    ret
>     h:
> 	    call	f
> 	    incl	%eax
> 	    ret
> Is this a bug?  If not, how to I get gcc to emit "return x + 2"?

Currently GCC never inline indirect calls (even tought it did before
unit-at-a-time has been implemented).  We will hopefully get this
feature back with IPA constant propagation and clonning.

> Thanks,
> Eliot

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