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[Bug inline-asm/13850] Fails to compile ffmpeg on x86: can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS' while reloading `asm'

------- Additional Comments From bero at arklinux dot org  2004-01-24 22:58 -------
True... Unfortunately we can't fix the CPUs. ;) 
Another note: 
It works with gcc 3.3.x only at -O1 and higher. 
[bero@build-athlon i386]$ gcc --version 2>&1 |head -n 1 
gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 20040111 (Ark Linux 1.0 3.3.3-0.20040111.1ark) 
[bero@build-athlon i386]$ gcc-ssa --version 2>&1 |head -n 1 
gcc-ssa (GCC) 3.5-tree-ssa 20040120 (Ark Linux 3.5-0.ssa20040120.1ark) 
[bero@build-athlon i386]$ gcc -O0 -c -o test.o dsputil_mmx.c 
dsputil_mmx.c: In function `h263_h_loop_filter_mmx': 
dsputil_mmx.c:45: error: can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS' while 
reloading `asm' 
[bero@build-athlon i386]$ gcc -O1 -c -o test.o dsputil_mmx.c 
[bero@build-athlon i386]$ gcc-ssa -O0 -c -o test.o dsputil_mmx.c 
dsputil_mmx.c: In function `h263_h_loop_filter_mmx': 
dsputil_mmx.c:45: error: can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS' while 
reloading `asm' 
[bero@build-athlon i386]$ gcc-ssa -O1 -c -o test.o dsputil_mmx.c 
dsputil_mmx.c: In function `h263_h_loop_filter_mmx': 
dsputil_mmx.c:45: error: can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS' while 
reloading `asm' 
[bero@build-athlon i386]$ gcc-ssa -O99 -c -o test.o dsputil_mmx.c 
dsputil_mmx.c: In function `h263_h_loop_filter_mmx': 
dsputil_mmx.c:45: error: can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS' while 
reloading `asm' 


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