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RE: cannot pass objects of non-POD type [] through '...'

> nope. [18.7/3]
>   If the parmeter parmN [stream in this case] is declared with a function,
> array or reference type, or with a type that is not compatible with the
> type that results when passing an argument for which there is no
> parameter,
> the behaviour is undefined.


if I got you right, this happen's because I'm passing a reference to the
ostream object.
> ostream& func(ostream &stream, ...)

But, sorry, why in heavens sake this result's in undefined behaviour?
Is it really coincidence that it works like expected when gcc eventually
builds a binary? May it stall in, say 5 of 100, sucessive runs?

So, in short: I simply have to redesign my app to avoid this?


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