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Re: 2 GCC regressions, 2 new, with your patch on2003-02-23T04:05:29Z.

On Mon 24 Feb 2003  02:20, "GCC regression checker" wrote:
> With your recent patch, GCC has some regression test failures, which
> used to pass.  There are 2 new failures, and 0
> failures that existed before and after that patch; 2 failures
> have been fixed.
> The new failures are:
> native gcc.sum gcc.dg/noreturn-1.c
> native gcc.sum gcc.dg/return-type-1.c
> The fixed failures are:
> native gcc.sum gcc.dg/20020201-4.c
> native gcc.sum gcc.dg/20020304-1.c
> For more information, see
> ----

I've looked a bit at "return-type-1.c" (renamed to "t.c" in the test
below because I'm lazy...):

1 /* Missing warning for falling off the end of a non-void function.
2    egcs-1.1.2 passes, egcs-ss-19990428 fails.
3 */
4 /* { dg-do compile } */
5 /* { dg-options "-O -Wreturn-type" } */
6 int
7 foo(void)
8 {
9 } /* { dg-warning "control reaches end of non-void function" "warning for falling off end of non-void function" } */

Could the FAIL be caused by incorrect line numbers? gcc-3.3 correctly
sees the warning on line 9, whereas gcc-3.4 thinks it is on line 8.


steven:~/devel/gcc/build/gcc > cc1 -version -O -Wreturn-type t.c
GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=42 --param ggc-min-heapsize=23891
GNU C version 3.4 20030227 (experimental) (i586-pc-linux-gnu)
	compiled by GNU C version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE).
options passed:  -O -Wreturn-type
options enabled:  -fdefer-pop -fthread-jumps -fpeephole -ffunction-cse
 -fkeep-static-consts -fpcc-struct-return -fgcse-lm -fgcse-sm
 -floop-optimize -fcrossjumping -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2
 -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fbranch-count-reg -fcprop-registers
 -fcommon -fgnu-linker -fargument-alias -fmerge-constants
 -fzero-initialized-in-bss -fident -fguess-branch-probability -fmath-errno
 -ftrapping-math -m80387 -mhard-float -mno-soft-float -mieee-fp
 -mfp-ret-in-387 -mtune=pentium -march=i386
t.c: In function `foo':
t.c:8: warning: control reaches end of non-void function

Execution times (seconds)
 parser                :   0.02 (29%) usr   0.00 ( 0%) sys   0.02 (22%) wall
 flow analysis         :   0.00 ( 0%) usr   0.00 ( 0%) sys   0.02 (22%) wall
 TOTAL                 :   0.07             0.00             0.09

steven:~/devel/gcc/build-3.3/gcc > cc1 -version -O -Wreturn-type t.c
GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=42 --param ggc-min-heapsize=23891
GNU C version 3.3 20030224 (prerelease) (i586-pc-linux-gnu)
	compiled by GNU C version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE).
options passed:  -O -Wreturn-type
options enabled:  -fdefer-pop -fthread-jumps -fpeephole -ffunction-cse
 -fkeep-static-consts -fpcc-struct-return -fgcse-lm -fgcse-sm
 -floop-optimize -fcrossjumping -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2
 -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fbranch-count-reg -fcprop-registers
 -fcommon -fgnu-linker -fargument-alias -fmerge-constants
 -fzero-initialized-in-bss -fident -fguess-branch-probability -fmath-errno
 -ftrapping-math -m80387 -mhard-float -mno-soft-float -mieee-fp
 -mfp-ret-in-387 -mcpu=pentium -march=i386
t.c: In function `foo':
t.c:9: warning: control reaches end of non-void function

Execution times (seconds)
 parser                :   0.01 (50%) usr   0.00 ( 0%) sys   0.01 (23%) wall
 rest of compilation   :   0.00 ( 0%) usr   0.01 (50%) sys   0.02 (38%) wall
 TOTAL                 :   0.02             0.02             0.05

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