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Re: inline-asm/4823: gcc reports internal compiler error on legalcode

This is also visible on x86-linux. A short testcase is this:
void f() {
   double result;
   asm volatile (
      "  faddp    %0, %1  \n\t"
   :  "=&t" (result)
   :  "u"   (result),
      "0"   (result)
   :  "%st",    "%st(1)", "%st(2)", "%st(3)",
      "%st(4)", "%st(5)", "%st(6)", "%st(7)"

It crashes like so:
tmp/g> /home/bangerth/bin/gcc-3.4-pre/bin/gcc temp.c
temp.c: In function `f':
temp.c:3: error: output constraint 0 cannot be specified together with 
"st" clobber
temp.c:11: internal compiler error: in convert_regs_1, at reg-stack.c:2740

The crash is in fact a regression since it worked in gcc2.95. gcc3.0.4 
issued this, differing, message:

tmp/g> /home/bangerth/bin/gcc-3.0.4/bin/gcc temp.c
temp.c: In function `f':
temp.c:11: Internal compiler error in emit_swap_insn, at reg-stack.c:951

gcc3.2 crashes (with the internal error replaced with "bailing out"), as 
well as 3.3 and 3.4.


Wolfgang Bangerth             email:  

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