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Re: GCJ built multithreaded program keeps creating zombies

>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Bangerth <> writes:

[ Wolfgang, I didn't meant to cut off the CCs in my earlier reply.
  Here it is again, with CCs preserved. ]

Wolfgang> OK, I see, you set a mutex on exit of the new thread, and in
Wolfgang> join() you just wait to get it. Is this right?

Close.  In Thread.join we wait on a condition variable.  When a thread
dies it signals this variable and all listeners wake up.

Wolfgang> Then on Linux you will create a zombie for every thread you
Wolfgang> create.

But empirically this doesn't happen, because we create non-joinable
threads.  In fact if we tried to join them, pthread_join would just
return an error (unless Linux egregiously violates POSIX or X/OPEN

Wolfgang> Unfortunately, I can't find the place where you actually
Wolfgang> create a new thread right away...

_Jv_ThreadStart in libjava/


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