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ada/8088: Internal error in GCC 3.2 ada compiler

>Number:         8088
>Category:       ada
>Synopsis:       Internal error in GCC 3.2 ada compiler
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          ice-on-legal-code
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Sep 29 08:46:02 PDT 2002
>Originator:     Jon Ashley
>Release:        3.2
System: Linux zelatrix 2.4.18-pre7-ac2 #4 Sun May 12 11:15:55 BST 2002 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686
host: i686-pc-linux-gnu
build: i686-pc-linux-gnu
target: i686-pc-linux-gnu
configured with: ../gcc-3.2/configure --prefix=/home/ash/gcc-3-ada/local --enable-languages=c,ada
gcc -c -I../ -O2 -gnatn -gnatwuwl -fPIC -I- ../gtk-extra-plot_data.adb
+===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
| 3.2 20020814 (release) (i686-pc-linux-gnu) GCC error:                    |
| Internal compiler error in assign_stack_temp_for_type, at                |
|    function.c:674                                                        |
| Error detected at
| Please submit a bug report, see            |
| Include the entire contents of this bug box in the report.               |
| Include the exact gcc or gnatmake command that you entered.              |
| Also include sources listed below in gnatchop format                     |
| (concatenated together with no headers between files).                   |
	I got this trying to build GtkAda-1.2.12. The files requested in this error message are below (after the "Fix:" line). Can repeat using both glibc-2.2.4 and 2.2.5.
	Program can be built fine using the gnat-3.14p-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin.tar.gz prepackaged binary (which I used to bootstrap the build of the Ada compiler).

--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 2000                            --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Glib;         use Glib;
with Gtk.Widget;   use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtkada.Types; use Gtkada.Types;
with Gdk.Color;    use Gdk.Color;
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

package body Gtk.Extra.Plot_Data is

   -- Gtk_New --

   procedure Gtk_New
     (Data : out Gtk_Plot_Data; Func : Plot_Function := null) is
      Data := new Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Initialize (Data, Func);
   end Gtk_New;

   -- Initialize --

   procedure Initialize
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record'Class; Func : Plot_Function := null)
      function Internal return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_new");

      function Internal2 (Func : Plot_Function) return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal2, "gtk_plot_data_new_function");
      if Func = null then
         Set_Object (Data, Internal);
         Set_Object (Data, Internal2 (Func));
      end if;
      Initialize_User_Data (Data);
   end Initialize;

   -- Set_Name --

   procedure Set_Name (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Name : String) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Name : in String);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_name");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Name & ASCII.NUL);
   end Set_Name;

   -- Paint --

   procedure Paint (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_paint");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Paint;

   -- Draw_Points --

   procedure Draw_Points (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; N : Gint) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; N : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_draw_points");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), N);
   end Draw_Points;

   -- Draw_Symbol --

   procedure Draw_Symbol
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; X, Y : Gdouble)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; X, Y : Gdouble);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_draw_symbol");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), X, Y);
   end Draw_Symbol;

   -- Set_Points --

   procedure Set_Points
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      X    : Gdouble_Array_Access;
      Y    : Gdouble_Array_Access;
      Dx   : Gdouble_Array_Access;
      Dy   : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data       : in System.Address;
                          X          : in System.Address;
                          Y          : in System.Address;
                          Dx         : in System.Address;
                          Dy         : in System.Address;
                          Num_Points : in Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_points");
      Xa, Ya, Dxa, Dya : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
      if X /= null then
         Xa := X (X'First)'Address;
      end if;

      if Y /= null then
         Ya := Y (Y'First)'Address;
      end if;

      if Dx /= null then
         Dxa := Dx (Dx'First)'Address;
      end if;

      if Dy /= null then
         Dya := Dy (Dy'First)'Address;
      end if;

      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Xa, Ya, Dxa, Dya, X'Length);
   end Set_Points;

   -- Get_Points --

   procedure Get_Points
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      X    : out Points_Array;
      Y    : out Points_Array;
      Dx   : out Points_Array;
      Dy   : out Points_Array)
      procedure Internal (Data       : in System.Address;
                          X          : out System.Address;
                          Y          : out System.Address;
                          Dx         : out System.Address;
                          Dy         : out System.Address;
                          Num_Points : out Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_points");
      Num_Points : Gint;
      X1, Y1, Dx1, Dy1 : System.Address;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), X1, Y1, Dx1, Dy1, Num_Points);
      X  := (Points => To_Double_Array (X1),  Num_Points => Num_Points);
      Y  := (Points => To_Double_Array (Y1),  Num_Points => Num_Points);
      Dx := (Points => To_Double_Array (Dx1), Num_Points => Num_Points);
      Dy := (Points => To_Double_Array (Dy1), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_Points;

   -- Set_X --

   procedure Set_X
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; X : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; X : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_x");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = X'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), X (X'First)'Address);
   end Set_X;

   -- Set_Y --

   procedure Set_Y
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Y : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Y : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_y");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = Y'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Y (Y'First)'Address);
   end Set_Y;

   -- Set_Z --

   procedure Set_Z
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Z : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Z : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_z");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = Z'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Z (Z'First)'Address);
   end Set_Z;

   -- Set_A --

   procedure Set_A
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; A : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; A : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_a");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = A'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), A (A'First)'Address);
   end Set_A;

   -- Set_Dx --

   procedure Set_Dx
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Dx : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Dx : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_dx");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = Dx'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Dx (Dx'First)'Address);
   end Set_Dx;

   -- Set_Dy --

   procedure Set_Dy
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Dy : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Dy : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_dy");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = Dy'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Dy (Dy'First)'Address);
   end Set_Dy;

   -- Set_Dz --

   procedure Set_Dz
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Dz : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Dz : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_dz");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = Dz'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Dz (Dz'First)'Address);
   end Set_Dz;

   -- Set_Da --

   procedure Set_Da
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Da : Gdouble_Array_Access)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Da : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_da");
      pragma Assert (Get_Numpoints (Data) = Da'Length);
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Da (Da'First)'Address);
   end Set_Da;

   -- Get_X --

   function Get_X (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_x");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_X;

   -- Get_Y --

   function Get_Y (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_y");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_Y;

   -- Get_Z --

   function Get_Z (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_z");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_Z;

   -- Get_A --

   function Get_A (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_a");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_A;

   -- Get_Dx --

   function Get_Dx (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_dx");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_Dx;

   -- Get_Dy --

   function Get_Dy (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_dy");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_Dy;

   -- Get_Dz --

   function Get_Dz (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_dz");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_Dz;

   -- Get_Da --

   function Get_Da  (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address; Num_Points : System.Address)
         return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_da");

      Num_Points : aliased Gint;
      S : System.Address := Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num_Points'Address);
      return (Points => To_Double_Array (S), Num_Points => Num_Points);
   end Get_Da;

   -- Set_Numpoints --

   procedure Set_Numpoints (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Num : Gint) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Num : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_numpoints");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Num);
   end Set_Numpoints;

   -- Get_Numpoints --

   function Get_Numpoints (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Gint is
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return Gint;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_numpoints");
      return Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Get_Numpoints;

   -- Set_Labels --

   procedure Set_Labels
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Labels : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Labels : Chars_Ptr_Array);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_labels");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Labels);
   end Set_Labels;

   -- Get_Labels --

   function Get_Labels (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array
      type Str_Array is array (Natural) of Chars_Ptr;
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return Str_Array;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_labels");

      N : constant size_t := size_t (Get_Numpoints (Data));
      return Chars_Ptr_Array
        (Internal (Get_Object (Data))(0 .. Integer (N) - 1));
   end Get_Labels;

   -- Show_Labels --

   procedure Show_Labels
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Show : Boolean)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Show : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_show_labels");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Boolean'Pos (Show));
   end Show_Labels;

   -- Labels_Set_Attributes --

   procedure Labels_Set_Attributes
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Font : String;
      Height : Gint;
      Angle  : Gint;
      Foreground : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Background : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data : System.Address;
         Font : String;
         Height, Angle : Gint;
         Foreground, Background : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_labels_set_attributes");

      F : aliased Gdk_Color := Foreground;
      B : aliased Gdk_Color := Background;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Font & ASCII.NUL, Height, Angle,
                F'Address, B'Address);
   end Labels_Set_Attributes;

   -- Set_Symbol --

   procedure Set_Symbol
     (Data         : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      The_Type     : Plot_Symbol_Type;
      Style        : Plot_Symbol_Style;
      Size         : Gint;
      Line_Width   : Gfloat;
      Color        : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Border_Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data                  : System.Address;
         The_Type, Style, Size : Gint;
         Line_Width            : Gfloat;
         Color, Border_Color   : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_symbol");
      C : aliased Gdk_Color := Color;
      B : aliased Gdk_Color := Border_Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Plot_Symbol_Type'Pos (The_Type),
                Plot_Symbol_Style'Pos (Style), Size, Line_Width,
                C'Address, B'Address);
   end Set_Symbol;

   -- Get_Symbol --

   procedure Get_Symbol
     (Data         : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      The_Type     : out Plot_Symbol_Type;
      Style        : out Plot_Symbol_Style;
      Size         : out Gint;
      Line_Width   : out Gint;
      Color        : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Border_Color : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data         : System.Address;
         The_Type     : out Plot_Symbol_Type;
         Style        : out Plot_Symbol_Style;
         Size         : out Gint;
         Line_Width   : out Gint;
         Color        : System.Address;
         Border_Color : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_symbol");
      C, B : aliased Gdk_Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), The_Type, Style, Size, Line_Width,
                C'Address, B'Address);
      Color := C;
      Border_Color := B;
   end Get_Symbol;

   -- Set_Connector --

   procedure Set_Connector
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Connector : Plot_Connector)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Connector : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_connector");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Plot_Connector'Pos (Connector));
   end Set_Connector;

   -- Get_Connector --

   function Get_Connector (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Plot_Connector
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return Gint;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_connector");
      return Plot_Connector'Val (Internal (Get_Object (Data)));
   end Get_Connector;

   -- Set_Line_Attributes --

   procedure Set_Line_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data  : System.Address;
         Style : Gint;
         Width : Gfloat;
         Color : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_line_attributes");
      C : aliased Gdk_Color := Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Plot_Line_Style'Pos (Style), Width,
   end Set_Line_Attributes;

   -- Get_Line_Attributes --

   procedure Get_Line_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : out Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : out Gfloat;
      Color : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data  : System.Address;
         Style : out Plot_Line_Style;
         Width : out Gfloat;
         Color : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_line_attributes");
      C : aliased Gdk_Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Style, Width, C'Address);
      Color := C;
   end Get_Line_Attributes;

   -- Set_X_Attributes --

   procedure Set_X_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data  : System.Address;
         Style : Gint;
         Width : Gfloat;
         Color : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_x_attributes");
      C : aliased Gdk_Color := Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Plot_Line_Style'Pos (Style), Width,
   end Set_X_Attributes;

   -- Set_Y_Attributes --

   procedure Set_Y_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data  : System.Address;
         Style : Gint;
         Width : Gfloat;
         Color : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_y_attributes");
      C : aliased Gdk_Color := Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Plot_Line_Style'Pos (Style), Width,
   end Set_Y_Attributes;

   -- Set_Z_Attributes --

   procedure Set_Z_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal
        (Data  : System.Address;
         Style : Gint;
         Width : Gfloat;
         Color : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_z_attributes");
      C : aliased Gdk_Color := Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Plot_Line_Style'Pos (Style), Width,
   end Set_Z_Attributes;

   -- Show_Xerrbars --

   procedure Show_Xerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_show_xerrbars");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Show_Xerrbars;

   -- Show_Yerrbars --

   procedure Show_Yerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_show_yerrbars");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Show_Yerrbars;

   -- Show_Zerrbars --

   procedure Show_Zerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_show_zerrbars");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Show_Zerrbars;

   -- Hide_Xerrbars --

   procedure Hide_Xerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_hide_xerrbars");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Hide_Xerrbars;

   -- Hide_Yerrbars --

   procedure Hide_Yerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_hide_yerrbars");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Hide_Yerrbars;

   -- Hide_Zerrbars --

   procedure Hide_Zerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_hide_zerrbars");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Hide_Zerrbars;

   -- Fill_Area --

   procedure Fill_Area (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Fill : Boolean) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Fill : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_fill_area");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Boolean'Pos (Fill));
   end Fill_Area;

   -- Area_Is_Filled --

   function Area_Is_Filled (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Boolean
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return Gint;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_area_is_filled");
      return Boolean'Val (Internal (Get_Object (Data)));
   end Area_Is_Filled;

   -- Set_Legend --

   procedure Set_Legend (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Legend : String)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Legend : String);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_legend");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Legend & ASCII.NUL);
   end Set_Legend;

   -- Show_Legend --

   procedure Show_Legend (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_show_legend");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Show_Legend;

   -- Hide_Legend --

   procedure Hide_Legend (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_hide_legend");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Hide_Legend;

   -- Set_Legend_Precision --

   procedure Set_Legend_Precision
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Precision : Gint)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Precision : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_legend_precision");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Precision);
   end Set_Legend_Precision;

   -- Get_Legend_Precision --

   function Get_Legend_Precision (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Gint
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return Gint;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_legend_precision");
      return Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Get_Legend_Precision;

   -- Set_Gradient_Mask --

   procedure Set_Gradient_Mask
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Mask : Plot_Gradient)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Mask : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_gradient_mask");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Plot_Gradient'Pos (Mask));
   end Set_Gradient_Mask;

   -- Get_Gradient_Mask --

   function Get_Gradient_Mask (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Plot_Gradient
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return Gint;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_gradient_mask");
      return Plot_Gradient'Val (Internal (Get_Object (Data)));
   end Get_Gradient_Mask;

   -- Gradient_Set_Visible --

   procedure Gradient_Set_Visible
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Visible : Boolean)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Visible : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_gradient_set_visible");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Boolean'Pos (Visible));
   end Gradient_Set_Visible;

   -- Gradient_Visible --

   function Gradient_Visible (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Boolean
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return Gint;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_gradient_visible");
      return Boolean'Val (Internal (Get_Object (Data)));
   end Gradient_Visible;

   -- Set_Gradient_Colors --

   procedure Set_Gradient_Colors
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal (Data, Min, Max : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_gradient_colors");
      Mi : aliased Gdk_Color := Min;
      Ma : aliased Gdk_Color := Max;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Mi'Address, Ma'Address);
   end Set_Gradient_Colors;

   -- Get_Gradient_Colors --

   procedure Get_Gradient_Colors
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal (Data, Min, Max : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_gradient_colors");
      Mi, Ma : aliased Gdk_Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Mi'Address, Ma'Address);
      Min := Mi;
      Max := Ma;
   end Get_Gradient_Colors;

   -- Set_Gradient --

   procedure Set_Gradient
     (Data     : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : Gdouble;
      Nlevels  : Gint)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address; Min, Max : Gdouble; N : Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_gradient");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Min, Max, Nlevels);
   end Set_Gradient;

   -- Get_Gradient --

   procedure Get_Gradient
     (Data     : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : out Gdouble;
      Nlevels  : out Gint)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address;
                          Min, Max : out Gdouble;
                          N : out Gint);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_gradient");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Min, Max, Nlevels);
   end Get_Gradient;

   -- Get_Gradient_Level --

   procedure Get_Gradient_Level
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Level : Gdouble;
      Color : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color)
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address;
                          Level : Gdouble;
                          Color : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_gradient_level");
      C : aliased Gdk_Color;
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Level, C'Address);
      Color := C;
   end Get_Gradient_Level;

   -- Set_Link --

   procedure Set_Link
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Link : System.Address)
      procedure Internal (Data, Link : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_set_link");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data), Link);
   end Set_Link;

   -- Get_Link --

   function Get_Link (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return System.Address
      function Internal (Data : System.Address) return System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_get_link");
      return Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Get_Link;

   -- Remove_Link --

   procedure Remove_Link (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) is
      procedure Internal (Data : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_plot_data_remove_link");
      Internal (Get_Object (Data));
   end Remove_Link;
end Gtk.Extra.Plot_Data;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 2000                            --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package defines the root of the plot hierarchy. It defines several
--  display strategies that can be used to show scientific data on the
--  screen (see the children for 3D, polar, bars,...)
--  All coordinates are in percent of the total size allocates for the data
--  set (ie the actual position is (x * width, y * height), where (x, y) is
--  the value stored in the data set and (width, height) its allocated screen
--  size.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>gtk+extra 0.99.14<c_version>

with Glib; use Glib;
with Gtk.Widget;
with Gtkada.Types;
with Gdk.Color;
with Unchecked_Conversion;

package Gtk.Extra.Plot_Data is

   type Gtk_Plot_Data_Record is new Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record with private;
   type Gtk_Plot_Data is access all Gtk_Plot_Data_Record'Class;
   --  A set of values that can be represented on the screen. There are
   --  several strategies to set the values, either explicitely in your
   --  application, or by having them automatically generated by a function.

   -- Types --

   type No_Range_Gdouble_Array is array (Natural) of Gdouble;
   --  An array of values.
   --  This is used to represent the data values displayed in the plot.
   --  This array does not have any range information (so that it can be
   --  easily returned from a C function, without requiring an extra
   --  copy of the table). You can not use 'Range on this array.

   type No_Range_Gdouble_Array_Access is access all No_Range_Gdouble_Array;
   --  An access to a flat array.

   type Gdouble_Array_Access is access all Glib.Gdouble_Array;
   --  The reason we use this type in the functions below is because
   --  gtk+-extra does not keep a copy of the arrays, but points to the one
   --  given in argument. Thus, the Ada arrays should not be allocated on the
   --  stack, or at least they should be at library level. Using this 'Access
   --  will force the compiler to do the check for us.

   type Points_Array is record
      Points     : No_Range_Gdouble_Array_Access;
      Num_Points : Gint := 0;
   end record;
   --  The points are indexed from 0 to Num_Points-1.
   --  Note that you can't use 'Range, 'First or 'Last on Points.

   type Plot_Connector is (Connect_None,
                           --  No connection

                           --  straight line

                           --  spline or Bezier curve

                           --  Horizontal then vertical

                           --  Vertical then horizontal

                           --  Split in the middle
   --  The type of connection between two adjacent points in a graph.

   type Plot_Gradient is new Integer;
   --  Indicate which color components vary along the gradient

   Gradient_H : constant Plot_Gradient; --  Hue
   Gradient_V : constant Plot_Gradient; --  Value
   Gradient_S : constant Plot_Gradient; --  Saturation

   type Plot_Symbol_Type is (Symbol_None,
   --  Type of symbol used to represent the points in a graph.

   type Plot_Symbol_Style is (Symbol_Empty,
   --  Style used to draw the points in a graph.

   type Plot_Line_Style is (Line_None,
   --  Lines used to connect two adjacent points in a graph.

   -- Plot functions --
   --  Plot functions should generate a unique Y value given a parameter.
   --  These can be used for instance to represent exactly mathematical
   --  functions.
   --  Note that due to the C interface, the subprograms in Gtk.Extra.Plot and
   --  in this package expect functions that take a System.Address as a
   --  parameter. However, since it is much more convenient in your application
   --  to get a Gtk_Plot_Record directly, GtkAda includes a generic function
   --  that automatically does the conversion for you (see
   --  Gtk.Plot.Generic_Plot_Function).

   type Plot_Function is access function
     (Plot  : System.Address;
      Set   : Gtk_Plot_Data;
      X     : Gdouble;
      Error : access Gboolean)
     return Gdouble;
   --  Function used for plotting.
   --  It should return the value associated with X in its graph, and set
   --  Error to True if there was an error while calculating the value.

   pragma Convention (C, Plot_Function);

   -- Creating a Data set --

   procedure Gtk_New (Data : out Gtk_Plot_Data; Func : Plot_Function := null);
   --  Creates a new data set. Its values can either be generated automatically
   --  from Func, or will have to be set explicitely using the other
   --  subprograms in this package.

   procedure Initialize
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record'Class; Func : Plot_Function := null);
   --  Internal initialization function.
   --  See the section "Creating your own widgets" in the documentation.

   function Get_Type return Gtk.Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Plot_Data.

   procedure Set_Name (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Name : String);
   --  Set the name used internally for that dataset.
   --  This name does not appear anywhere on the screen, but it is easier to
   --  find the dataset afterward by using this name.

   -- Drawing a set --
   --  Although a set is basically a list of values, it is closely associated
   --  with its representation on the screen (see the children of Gtk_Plot_Data
   --  for various possible representations).
   --  The Gtk.Extra packages are designed so that the drawing can be done
   --  either to the screen (through a Gdk adapter), to a postscript file for
   --  easy printing, or to any other media.

   procedure Paint (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   --  Emits the "draw_data" signal to request a redrawing of the data set.

   procedure Draw_Points (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; N : Gint);
   --  Draw at most N values of the Data set on the screen. If N is greater
   --  than the actual number of values in Data, then they are all displayed.

   procedure Draw_Symbol (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; X, Y : Gdouble);
   --  Draw the current symbol (see Set_Symbol) at specific coordinates on
   --  the screen.

   -- Manipulating values --

   procedure Set_Points
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      X    : Gdouble_Array_Access;
      Y    : Gdouble_Array_Access;
      Dx   : Gdouble_Array_Access;
      Dy   : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   --  Set some explicit points in the set.
   --  Note that the set must not be associated with a function, or the points
   --  will simply be ignored.
   --  All of the arrays must have the same length, the behavior is undefined
   --  otherwise.
   --  X and Y are the list of coordinates of the points.
   --  Dx and Dy are the list of size (precision) of these points. A bigger
   --  symbol will be displayed for the point whose (Dx, Dy) value is bigger.

   procedure Get_Points
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      X    : out Points_Array;
      Y    : out Points_Array;
      Dx   : out Points_Array;
      Dy   : out Points_Array);
   --  Return the value of the points in the set.
   --  Null-length arrays are returned if the set is associated with a
   --  function, since no explicit point has been set.
   --  See Set_Points for a definition of X, Y, Dx and Dy.

   procedure Set_X
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; X : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   procedure Set_Y
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Y : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   procedure Set_Z
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Z : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   procedure Set_A
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; A : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   --  Set the values for one specific coordinate in the set.
   --  The array must have a length of Get_Numpoints (if GtkAda was
   --  compiled with assertions enabled, an exception will be raised if the
   --  length are different).
   --  No copy of the array is made for efficiency reasons, thus modifying
   --  the array content later on will also modify the plot.
   --  "A" is used to specify the size of the symbols. When plotting boxes in
   --  two dimensions, "Z" is used to specify the size of the box.

   procedure Set_Dx
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Dx : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   procedure Set_Dy
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Dy : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   procedure Set_Dz
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Dz : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   --  Set the precision of the points in the set. A bigger symbol is displayed
   --  for the points whose (Dx, Dy, Dz) is bigger.
   --  The array must have a length of Get_Numpoints (if GtkAda was
   --  compiled with assertions enabled, an exception will be raised if the
   --  length are different).
   --  No copy of the array is made for efficiency reasons, thus modifying
   --  the array content later on will also modify the plot.

   procedure Set_Da
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Da : Gdouble_Array_Access);
   --  Specifies the colors to use for the points.
   --  The color of the symbols is detemined using the gradient. the gradient
   --  has (min, max) values, and corresponding colors. The symbol's color is
   --  interpolated between these values using hue/saturation/value depending
   --  on the gradient_mask.

   function Get_X  (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   function Get_Y  (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   function Get_Z  (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   function Get_A  (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   function Get_Dx (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   function Get_Dy (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   function Get_Dz (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   function Get_Da (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Points_Array;
   --  Return the coordinates for the points in the set.
   --  This is a direct access to the underlying C array, thus modifying this
   --  array's contents also modifies the graph.
   --  See the corresponding Set_* functions for a definition of the
   --  coordinates

   procedure Set_Numpoints (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Num : Gint);
   --  Set the number of points that should be expected in the graph.
   --  Note that this does not automatically resize all the internal structure,
   --  it just indicates what size the parameters to Set_X, Set_Y,... should
   --  have.

   function Get_Numpoints (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record) return Gint;
   --  Return the number of points expected in the graph.

   -- Labels --
   --  Each point in the data set can be associated with a label that describes
   --  it. This is only relevant for data sets where you explicitely give
   --  values, not when the values are generated by a function.

   procedure Set_Labels
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Labels : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array);
   --  Set the labels associated which each point in the canvas.
   --  There must be at least Get_Numpoints elements in Labels, or the
   --  behavior is undefined

   function Get_Labels (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array;
   --  Return the labels associated with the points in the data set.
   --  Note that this returns a *copy* of the actual array, and thus might
   --  be expensive to call.

   procedure Show_Labels (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Show : Boolean);
   --  Indicate whether the labels should be displayed next to each point in
   --  the data set. This has no effect if no labels were specified.

   procedure Labels_Set_Attributes
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Font : String;
      Height : Gint;
      Angle  : Gint;
      Foreground : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Background : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the properties of the labels

   -- Symbols and Connectors --
   --  Each point that is explicitely set in the data set through the
   --  Set_X, Set_Y,... subprograms is visually associated with a symbol. There
   --  are several representations for the symbols.
   --  All these symbols are then connected by a line, a curve or any other
   --  link. These are called connectors.
   --  Each symbol, in addition to being connected to the next one with a
   --  connector, can also be linked to the axis X=0, Y=0 or Z=0 so that it is
   --  easier to read its coordinates. These are called errbars, and they must
   --  be explicitely shown.

   procedure Set_Symbol
     (Data         : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      The_Type     : Plot_Symbol_Type;
      Style        : Plot_Symbol_Style;
      Size         : Gint;
      Line_Width   : Gfloat;
      Color        : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Border_Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the visual aspect of the symbols.

   procedure Get_Symbol
     (Data         : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      The_Type     : out Plot_Symbol_Type;
      Style        : out Plot_Symbol_Style;
      Size         : out Gint;
      Line_Width   : out Gint;
      Color        : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Border_Color : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Return the visual characteristics of the symbols.

   procedure Set_Connector
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Connector : Plot_Connector);
   --  Set the style of the connectors.

   function Get_Connector (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Plot_Connector;
   --  Return the connector style used for the data set.

   procedure Set_Line_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the line style used for the connectors.

   procedure Get_Line_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : out Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : out Gfloat;
      Color : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Return the line attributes used for the connectors.

   procedure Set_X_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the style of the lines used to connect the symbols to the X axis.

   procedure Set_Y_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the style of the lines used to connect the symbols to the Y axis.

   procedure Set_Z_Attributes
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Style : Plot_Line_Style;
      Width : Gfloat;
      Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the style of the lines used to connect the symbols to the Z axis.

   procedure Show_Xerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   procedure Show_Yerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   procedure Show_Zerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   --  Indicate that each symbol should be connected to the various axis

   procedure Hide_Xerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   procedure Hide_Yerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   procedure Hide_Zerrbars (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   --  Indicate the the symbol should not be connected to the axis.

   procedure Fill_Area (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Fill : Boolean);
   --  Indicate whether the area between two points should be filled or not.

   function Area_Is_Filled (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Boolean;
   --  Indicate whether the area between two points is filled.

   -- Legends --
   --  In addition to the drawing corresponding to the data set, it is possible
   --  to display a box that contains a legend. This is particulary useful when
   --  multiple data sets are displayed on the same plot.

   procedure Set_Legend (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Legend : String);
   --  Set the string printed in the legend for that data set.
   --  Note that an entry can exist in the legend even if there is no name
   --  associated with the graph.

   procedure Show_Legend (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   --  An entry will be made in the plot's legend for that dataset.

   procedure Hide_Legend (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   --  No entry will appear in the plot's legend for that dataset.

   procedure Set_Legend_Precision
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Precision : Gint);
   --  Number of digits to display when the legends is associated with values,
   --  as is the case for gradients.

   function Get_Legend_Precision (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Gint;
   --  Return the number of digits used for values in the legend

   -- Gradients --
   --  The symbols displayed in the plot can be assigned specific colors. But
   --  they can also compute their own color by picking it in a gradient,
   --  depending on the value.

   procedure Set_Gradient_Mask
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Mask : Plot_Gradient);
   --  Indicates which component of the colors vary along the gradient.

   function Get_Gradient_Mask (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Plot_Gradient;
   --  Return the mask used for the gradient.

   procedure Gradient_Set_Visible
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record; Visible : Boolean);
   --  Indicates whether the gradient should be visible

   function Gradient_Visible (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return Boolean;
   --  Return True if the gradient is currently visible

   procedure Set_Gradient_Colors
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the colors that define the gradient. The colors will vary from
   --  Min to Max along the components specified in Set_Gradient_Mask.

   procedure Get_Gradient_Colors
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Return the colors that define the range

   procedure Set_Gradient
     (Data     : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : Gdouble;
      Nlevels  : Gint);
   --  Define the values associated with the minimal color and the maximal
   --  color. Any value in between will have a color computed in between.
   --  Nlevels is the number of ticks to display in the gradient.

   procedure Get_Gradient
     (Data     : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Min, Max : out Gdouble;
      Nlevels  : out Gint);
   --  Return the values associated with the minimal and maximal colors.

   procedure Get_Gradient_Level
     (Data  : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Level : Gdouble;
      Color : out Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Return the color associated with a specific level.
   --  The color depends on the parameters to Set_Gradient and
   --  Set_Gradient_Colors.

   -- User Data --
   --  It is possible to associated your own user data with a plot. This is
   --  the mechanism provided by the C version of gtkextra. However, the best
   --  way to do this in Ada is to inherit from Gtk_Plot_Data_Record (or one
   --  of its children), and add your own fields.

   procedure Set_Link
     (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record;
      Link : System.Address);
   --  Associate some user data with Data.
   --  It is the responsability of the user to do some convert conversion to
   --  System.Address.

   function Get_Link (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record)
      return System.Address;
   --  Return the user data associated with Data, or Null_Address if there is
   --  none.

   procedure Remove_Link (Data : access Gtk_Plot_Data_Record);
   --  Remove the user data associated with Data.

   --  <doc_ignore>
   function To_Double_Array is new Unchecked_Conversion
     (System.Address, No_Range_Gdouble_Array_Access);
   --  </doc_ignore>

   type Gtk_Plot_Data_Record is new Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record with
     null record;

   Gradient_H : constant Plot_Gradient := 1;
   Gradient_V : constant Plot_Gradient := 2;
   Gradient_S : constant Plot_Gradient := 4;

   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_plot_data_get_type");
end Gtk.Extra.Plot_Data;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 2000                            --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This is the top level package of the Gtk.Extra widget hierarchy.
--  </description>

package Gtk.Extra is
end Gtk.Extra;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2001                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package provides some basic Gtk+ functionalities such as getting the
--  version number. This is the top level package of the Gtk widget hierarchy.
--  For general GtkAda initializations, @pxref{Package_Gtk.Main}.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.7</c_version>

with Glib;                use Glib;
with Gdk;                 use Gdk;
with System;

package Gtk is

   type Root_Type is tagged private;
   --  The base type of the hierarchy in GtkAda. It basically gives access
   --  to an underlying C object. This is not a controlled type, for efficiency
   --  reasons, and because gtk+ takes care of memory management on its own.

   --  <doc_ignore>
   type Root_Type_Access is access all Root_Type'Class;
   --  </doc_ignore>

   type Gtk_Rc_Style is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   --  Type used to handle resource styles.
   --  See package Gtk.Rc for more details.

   function Major_Version return Guint;
   --  Return the major version number for Gtk+.
   --  Note that this is not necessarily the same as for GtkAda.
   --  If the version is 1.2.6, returns 1.

   function Minor_Version return Guint;
   --  Return the minor version number for Gtk+.
   --  Note that this is not necessarily the same as for GtkAda.
   --  If the version is 1.2.6, returns 2.

   function Micro_Version return Guint;
   --  Return the micro version number for Gtk+.
   --  Note that this is not necessarily the same as for GtkAda.
   --  If the version is 1.2.6, returns 6.

   type Gtk_Type is new Guint;
   --  This type describes an internal type in Gtk+.
   --  You shouldn't have to use it in your own applications, however it might
   --  be useful sometimes.
   --  Every widget type is associated with a specific value, created
   --  dynamically at run time the first time you instantiate a widget of that
   --  type (thus if you have never used a Gtk_File_Selection, it won't have
   --  any Gtk_Type associated with it).
   --  You can get the exact type value for each type by using the functions
   --  Get_Type provided in all the packages in GtkAda.
   --  You can get the specific value for an existing widget by using the
   --  function Gtk.Object.Get_Type.

   Gtk_Type_Invalid : constant Gtk_Type := 0;
   Gtk_Type_None    : constant Gtk_Type := 1;
   Gtk_Type_Char    : constant Gtk_Type := 2;
   Gtk_Type_Uchar   : constant Gtk_Type := 3;
   Gtk_Type_Bool    : constant Gtk_Type := 4;
   Gtk_Type_Int     : constant Gtk_Type := 5;
   Gtk_Type_Uint    : constant Gtk_Type := 6;
   Gtk_Type_Long    : constant Gtk_Type := 7;
   Gtk_Type_Ulong   : constant Gtk_Type := 8;
   Gtk_Type_Float   : constant Gtk_Type := 9;
   Gtk_Type_Double  : constant Gtk_Type := 10;
   Gtk_Type_String  : constant Gtk_Type := 11;  --  Null terminated string.
   Gtk_Type_Enum    : constant Gtk_Type := 12;
   Gtk_Type_Flags   : constant Gtk_Type := 13;
   Gtk_Type_Boxed   : constant Gtk_Type := 14;
   Gtk_Type_Pointer : constant Gtk_Type := 15;  --  a general pointer type.
   Gtk_Type_Object  : constant Gtk_Type := 21;  --  One of the widgets/objects

   type Gtk_Notebook_Page is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   --  A page of the notebook.
   --  It can contain a single child, and is also associated with a tab
   --  label used to select that page in the notebook.

   function Gtk_Type_Gdk_Event return Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the type corresponding to a Gdk_Event.
   --  Note that this function must be called after Gtk+ has been initialized.

   function Type_Name (Type_Num : in Gtk_Type) return String;
   --  Return the type name corresponding to a Gtk_Type.
   --  This might be useful in debug messages.

   function Type_From_Name (Name : in String) return Gtk_Type;
   --  Convert a string to the matching type.
   --  Name should be the C widget's name, such as GtkScrollbar or GtkButton,
   --  rather than the Ada name.

   function Is_Created (Object : in Root_Type'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Return True if the associated C object has been created, False if no
   --  C object is associated with Object.
   --  This is not the same as testing whether an access type (for instance
   --  any of the widgets) is "null", since this relates to the underlying
   --  C object.

   -- Interfacing with C --
   --  The following functions are made public so that one can easily create
   --  new widgets outside the Gtk package hierarchy.
   --  Only experienced users should make use of these functions.

   function Get_Object (Object : access Root_Type'Class) return System.Address;
   --  Access the underlying C pointer.

   procedure Set_Object
     (Object : access Root_Type'Class;
      Value  : in     System.Address);
   --  Modify the underlying C pointer.

   procedure Initialize_User_Data (Obj : access Root_Type'Class);
   --  Sets a user data field for the C object associated with Obj.
   --  This field will be used so that it is possible, knowing a
   --  C object, to get the full ada object.

   function Get_User_Data
     (Obj  : in System.Address;
      Stub : in Root_Type'Class) return Root_Type_Access;
   --  Get the user data that was set by GtkAda.
   --  If the Data is not set, return a new access type, that points to
   --  a structure with the same tag as Stub.

   function Unchecked_Cast
     (Obj  : access Root_Type'Class;
      Stub : Root_Type'Class) return Root_Type_Access;
   --  Cast Obj in an object of tag Stub'Class.
   --  Return the resulting object and free the memory pointed by Obj.

   function Count_Arguments
     (The_Type : Gtk_Type; Name : in String) return Guint;
   --  Return the number of arguments used in the handlers for the signal.
   --  Note that in the Connect functions, we always test whether the user
   --  has asked for *at most* the number of arguments defined by gtk+ for the
   --  callback. This is because having less argument is authorized (the
   --  extra parameters passed by gtk+ will simply be ignored), whereas having
   --  more arguments is impossible (they would never be set).
   --  Note that we provide this procedure here to avoid circularities.

   function Argument_Type
     (The_Type : Gtk_Type;
      Name     : in String;
      Num      : in Gint) return Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the type of the num-th argument for the handlers of signal name.
   --  If Num is negative, return the type returned by the handlers for this
   --  signal.
   --  Note that we provide this procedure here to avoid circularities.


   type Root_Type is tagged record
      Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
   end record;

   --  <doc_ignore>

   --  Note: the following functions and types should only be used
   --  for internal usage, not in the user's applications.
   --  If you use type inheritance for new widgets, you should not need
   --  these functions.

   GtkAda_String : constant String := "_GtkAda" & ASCII.NUL;
   GtkAda_String_Quark : Glib.GQuark := Glib.Unknown_Quark;
   --  The name for the user data that we set in the objects.
   --  The Quark version is to speed up the string lookup (this is done
   --  only once).

   function Conversion_Function
     (Obj : System.Address; Stub : Root_Type'Class) return Root_Type_Access;
   --  This function has to convert a C object to an Ada object.
   --  It will first try all the registered functions (in
   --  Gtk.Type_Conversion_Hooks) and by default, will create a Stub'Class
   --  object, no matter what the real C type is.
   --  Stub is the expected type.

   --  </doc_ignore>

   pragma Inline (Get_Object);
   pragma Inline (Set_Object);

   pragma Import (C, Major_Version, "ada_gtk_major_version");
   pragma Import (C, Minor_Version, "ada_gtk_minor_version");
   pragma Import (C, Micro_Version, "ada_gtk_micro_version");
   pragma Import (C, Gtk_Type_Gdk_Event, "ada_gtk_type_gdk_event");
end Gtk;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package provides definitions for the basic types used in Glib,
--  Gdk and Gtk.
--  </description>

with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with System;
with Interfaces.C;

package Glib is
   pragma Preelaborate;

   package C renames Interfaces.C;
   use type;
   use type C.unsigned;

   -- The basic types defined by glib --

   type Gshort is new C.short;
   type Glong  is new C.long;
   type Gint   is new;
   type Gchar  is new C.char;
   type Gboolean is new Gint;

   type Gushort is new C.unsigned_short;
   type Gulong  is new C.unsigned_long;
   type Guint   is new C.unsigned;
   type Guchar  is new C.unsigned_char;

   type Gfloat  is new C.C_float;
   type Gdouble is new C.double;

   subtype Gint8  is Gint range -(2 ** 7) .. (2 ** 7 - 1);
   subtype Gint16 is Gint range -(2 ** 15) .. (2 ** 15 - 1);
   subtype Gint32 is Gint range -(2 ** 31) .. (2 ** 31 - 1);

   subtype Guint8  is Guint range Guint'First .. (2 ** 8 - 1);
   subtype Guint16 is Guint range Guint'First .. (2 ** 16 - 1);
   subtype Guint32 is Guint range Guint'First .. (2 ** 32 - 1);

   -- Some Array types --

   type Gboolean_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Gboolean;
   type Gshort_Array   is array (Natural range <>) of Gshort;
   type Glong_Array    is array (Natural range <>) of Glong;
   type Gint_Array     is array (Natural range <>) of Gint;
   type Guint_Array    is array (Natural range <>) of Guint;
   type Guint32_Array  is array (Natural range <>) of Guint32;
   type Gushort_Array  is array (Natural range <>) of Gushort;
   type Gulong_Array   is array (Natural range <>) of Gulong;
   type Gfloat_Array   is array (Natural range <>) of Gfloat;
   type Guchar_Array   is array (Natural range <>) of Guchar;
   type Gdouble_Array  is array (Natural range <>) of Gdouble;

   type Boolean_Array  is array (Natural range <>) of Boolean;

   type Short_Array    is array (Natural range <>) of C.short;
   type Long_Array     is array (Natural range <>) of C.long;

   -- Conversion services --

   function To_Boolean_Array (A : in Gboolean_Array) return Boolean_Array;
   --  Convert a C-style boolean array into an Ada-style array.

   function To_Boolean (Value : in Gboolean) return Boolean;
   --  Convert a C boolean into an Ada boolean.

   function To_Boolean (Value : in Gint) return Boolean;
   --  Convert a C int into an Ada boolean.

   function To_Boolean (Value : in Guint) return Boolean;
   --  Convert a C uint into an Ada boolean.

   function To_Gboolean (Bool : in Boolean) return Gboolean;
   --  Convert an Ada boolean into a C boolean.

   function To_Gint (Bool : in Boolean) return Gint;
   --  Convert an Ada boolean into a C int.

   -- Some Access types --

   type Guchar_Array_Access is access Guchar_Array;

   type String_Ptr is access all String;

   --  <doc_ignore>
   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
     (Object => Guchar_Array, Name => Guchar_Array_Access);

   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
     (Object => String, Name => String_Ptr);
   --  </doc_ignore>

   --  <doc_ignore>
   type C_Dummy is limited private;
   --  </doc_ignore>

   type C_Proxy is access C_Dummy;
   --  General proxy for C structures.
   --  This type is used instead of System.Address so that the variables are
   --  automatically initialized to 'null'.
   --  The value pointed to is irrelevant, and in fact should not be accessed.
   --  It has thus been made limited private with no subprogram to access it.
   --  C_Proxy is a public type so that one can compare directly the value
   --  of the variables with 'null'.

   --  <doc_ignore>
   pragma Convention (C, C_Proxy);

   function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, C_Proxy);
   function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (C_Proxy, System.Address);
   --  Converts from a System.Address returned by a C function to an
   --  internal C_Proxy.

   --  </doc_ignore>

   -- Quarks --

   type GQuark is new Guint32;
   --  Represents a string internally in GtkAda. Once you know the
   --  equivalent for a string, you can always use it instead of the string,
   --  which provides a faster access for all the functions that use htables
   --  in GtkAda.
   --  There is a global htable that contains all the quarks defined in
   --  your application and GtkAda itself.

   Unknown_Quark : constant GQuark := 0;

   function Quark_From_String (Id : in String) return GQuark;
   --  Return, or create the quark associated with the string.
   --  Note that if the quark does not already exist, an entry is created for
   --  it in the global htable for quarks.

   function Quark_Try_String (Id : in String) return GQuark;
   --  Return the quark associated with the string, if it exists.
   --  If it does not exist, return Unknown_Quark.

   type C_Dummy is null record;
   --  This array can contain anything, since it is never used on the Ada side
   --  anyway.

end Glib;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This is the top level package of the Gdk hierarchy.
--  It provides the type definitions used to access underlying C structures.
--  </description>

with Glib;

package Gdk is
   pragma Preelaborate;

   subtype C_Proxy is Glib.C_Proxy;
   type Gdk_GC is new C_Proxy;
   type Gdk_Window is new C_Proxy;
   subtype Gdk_Drawable is Gdk_Window;
   subtype Gdk_Pixmap is Gdk_Drawable;
   subtype Gdk_Bitmap is Gdk_Drawable;

end Gdk;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This widget is the base of the tree for displayable objects.
--  (A displayable object is one which takes up some amount
--  of screen real estate). It provides a common base and interface
--  which actual widgets must adhere to.
--  This package provides some services which might have been more appropriate
--  in some other packages, but could not because of dependency circularities
--  (there are for instance some functions relating to colors and colormaps).
--  We have tried to reference these functions in the other packages as well.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.6</c_version>

with Gdk.Color;
with Gdk.Event;
with Gdk.Bitmap;
with Gdk.Rectangle;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gdk.Visual;
with Gdk.Window;
with Gtk.Accel_Group;
with Gtk.Adjustment;
with Gtk.Enums;
with Gtk.Object;
with Gtk.Style;
with Glib.Glist;
with Glib.GSlist;
with System;
pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.GSlist);

package Gtk.Widget is

   type Gtk_Widget_Record is new Object.Gtk_Object_Record with private;
   type Gtk_Widget is access all Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;

   type Gtk_Requisition is record
      Width  : Gint16;
      Height : Gint16;
   end record;
   --  Gtk_Requisition is the desired amount of screen real-estate a widget
   --  requests to the server. Its real allocated size might be different.
   --  See the section in the GtkAda user guide on how to create new widgets
   --  in Ada, and the examples/base_widget directory for an example on how to
   --  use this.
   pragma Pack (Gtk_Requisition);

   type Gtk_Requisition_Access is access all Gtk_Requisition;
   --  This type is used to create new widgets.

   type Gtk_Allocation is record
      X      : Gint16;
      Y      : Gint16;
      Width  : Guint16;
      Height : Guint16;
   end record;
   --  Gtk_Allocation indicates a size and position a widget was allocated.
   --  See the section in the user guide on how to create new widgets for more
   --  information.
   pragma Pack (Gtk_Allocation);

   type Gtk_Allocation_Access is access all Gtk_Allocation;
   --  This type is used to create new widgets.

   -- Widgets' life cycle --

   procedure Initialize_Widget (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --  Internal initialization function.
   --  See the section "Creating your own widgets" in the documentation.

   procedure Destroy_Cb (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --  This function should be used as a callback to destroy a widget.
   --  All it does is call Destroy on its argument, but its profile is
   --  compatible with the handlers found in Gtk.Handlers.

   procedure Unparent (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --  Detach the widget from its parent.
   --  As a side effect, the widget will be erased from the screen.
   --  Note that Widget will be destroyed if its reference count reaches 0.
   --  Thus, if you want to reuse it, you should first Gtk.Object.Ref it,
   --  before calling Unparent.

   procedure Show (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Schedule the widget to be displayed on the screen when its parent is
   --  also shown (emits the "show" signal).
   --  If its ancestors are already mapped to the screen, then the widget is
   --  immediately displayed through a call to Map below.

   procedure Show_Now (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Show the widget.
   --  If it is an unmapped toplevel widget, wait for it to be mapped. This
   --  creates a recursive main_loop.

   procedure Hide (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Hide the widget from the screen (emits the "hide" signal).
   --  If Widget was visible, it is immediately hidden.
   --  If one of its ancestor is later shown on the screen, Widget won't
   --  appear.

   procedure Show_All (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Show Widget and all its children recursively.

   procedure Hide_All (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Hide Widget and all its children.
   --  Note that if you simply want to delete Widget from the screen, you can
   --  simply call the Hide subprogram on it. This procedure Hide_All should
   --  only be used if you want to unschedule a widget to be displayed later,
   --  not to remove an actual widget from the screen.

   procedure Map (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Map a widget to the screen.
   --  A window is created for it on the screen (through a call to Realize) and
   --  Widget is then drawn on the screen (if its ancestors are also mapped).
   --  This function is recursive and will also map all the children of Widget.
   --  It is recommended to use the higher-level Show instead.

   procedure Unmap (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Unmap a widget from the screen.
   --  This results in the widget being hidden, but not destroyed. It can be
   --  shown again any time through a call to Map (provided its ancestors are
   --  also mapped).
   --  It is recommended to use the higher-level Hide instead.

   procedure Realize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Create a window for Widget and its ancestors (emit the "realize" signal)
   --  This does not mean that the widget will appear on the screen, but
   --  resources such as colormaps, etc. become available.
   --  Some routines require that the widget is realized before any call.
   --  You must set the Event_Mask before calling this routine if you want to
   --  change it from its default value.

   procedure Unrealize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Hide the widget from the screen and deletes the associated window.
   --  This does not destroy the widget itself, only its server-side
   --  resources.

      type Widget_Type is new Gtk_Widget_Record with private;
      with procedure Realize_Proc (Widget : access Widget_Type'Class);
   package Realize_Handling is

      procedure Set_Realize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
      --  Set the realize handler at the low level.
      --  This is needed to replace the default realize in new widgets.

   end Realize_Handling;

   function Get_Type return Gtk.Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Widget.

   -- Drawing a widget --

   procedure Queue_Draw (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Add a drawing request to the event queue for the whole widget.
   --  This is more efficient than calling Draw directly, since GtkAda groups
   --  drawing requests as much as possible to speed up the drawing process.
   --  The actual drawing will take place as soon as GtkAda is not busy
   --  processing other events, but before idle events.

   procedure Queue_Draw_Area
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      X      : Gint;
      Y      : Gint;
      Width  : Gint;
      Height : Gint);
   --  Add a drawing request to the event queue for part of the widget.
   --  This is more efficient that calling Draw directly (see Queue_Draw).

   procedure Queue_Clear (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Add a clear request to the event queue for the whole widget.
   --  This is added to the same list as for Queue_Draw, and thus is coalesced
   --  as much as possible with other drawing requests.

   procedure Queue_Clear_Area
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      X      : Gint;
      Y      : Gint;
      Width  : Gint;
      Height : Gint);
   --  Add a clear request to the event queue for part of the widget.
   --  This is added to the same list as for Queue_Draw, and thus is coalesced
   --  as much as possible with other drawing requests.

   procedure Queue_Resize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Queue drawing requests after a resizing of the widget.
   --  This clears the widget, and its parent if any, so that everything is
   --  correctly redrawn.
   --  You should not have to call this function directly.

   procedure Draw
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Area   : in Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle := Gdk.Rectangle.Full_Area);
   --  Emit a "draw" signal for a specific area of the widget.
   --  The visual aspect might be different whether the widget has the focus
   --  or not.

   procedure Draw_Focus (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Emit a "draw_focus" signal for the widget.
   --  The widget will be painted as it appears when it has the focus.

   procedure Draw_Default (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Emit a "draw_default" signal for the widget.
   --  The widget will be painted as it appears when it doesn't have the focus.

   -- Size and position --

   procedure Size_Request
     (Widget      : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Requisition : in out Gtk_Requisition);
   --  Emit a "size_request" event for the widget

   procedure Size_Allocate
     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Allocation : in out Gtk_Allocation);
   --  Emit a "size_allocate" event for the widget.
   --  Allocation'size is first constrained to a range between 1x1 and
   --  32767x32767.
   --  A clear and draw request is also queued if required.

   function Get_Child_Requisition
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk_Requisition;
   --  Return the size requests by the widget.
   --  This is the ideal size for the widget, not necessarily its actual size.
   --  See the user guide's section on how to create new widgets for more
   --  information on the size requisition and allocation.

   procedure Set_UPosition
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      X, Y   : in Gint);
   --  Modify the position of the widget.
   --  This should be used only for toplevel widgets (windows and dialogs),
   --  since other widgets' positions are handled by their parent.

   procedure Set_USize
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Width, Height : in Gint);
   --  Modify the size of the widget.
   --  This sets an absolute size for the widget, no matter what its requested
   --  size would be. For Gtk_Windows, you should consider using
   --  Set_Default_Size instead, which sets a minimal size, but use the
   --  widget's requested size if it is bigger.
   --  If Width or Height is negative, they are ignored, and the widget's
   --  default width is kept.

   function Get_Allocation_Width
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Guint;
   --  Return the current width of the widget.

   function Get_Allocation_Height
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Guint;
   --  Return the current height of the widget.

   function Get_Allocation_X (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gint;
   --  Return the current position of the widget, relative to its parent.

   function Get_Allocation_Y (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gint;
   --  Return the current position of the widget, relative to its parent.

   -- Accelerators --

   procedure Add_Accelerator
     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Accel_Signal : in String;
      Accel_Group  : in Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key    : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods   : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
      Accel_Flags  : in Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Flags);
   --  Add a new accelerator for the widget.
   --  The signal Accel_Signal will be sent to Widget when the matching
   --  key is pressed and the widget has the focus.

   procedure Remove_Accelerator
     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Accel_Group  : in Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key    : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods   : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);
   --  Remove an accelerator for the widget.

   procedure Remove_Accelerators
     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Accel_Signal : in String;
      Visible_Only : in Boolean := True);
   --  Remove all the accelerators for the widget that emits the Accel_Signal
   --  signal when the key is pressed.
   --  Visible_Only is currently unused in the code of gtk+.

   function Accelerator_Signal
     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Accel_Group  : in Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key    : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods   : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type) return Guint;
   --  Return the signal id of the signal emitted when Accel_Key is pressed
   --  inside the widget.

   procedure Lock_Accelerators (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Lock the accelerators for the widget.
   --  No new accelerator can be added to Widget (the default behavior is
   --  that the user can dynamically create new accelerators, for instance
   --  by pressing a not-yet assigned key on any menu item.
   --  If you call this function on the menu_item, this behavior will not
   --  longer be activated.

   procedure Unlock_Accelerators (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Unlock the accelerators for the widget.
   --  It is now possible to add new accelerators to the widget.

   --  Events and signals --

   function Event
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Gint;
   --  Emit a signal on the widget.
   --  The exact signal depends on the event type (i.e. if the type is
   --  Gdk_Button_Press, then a "button_press" signal is emitted).

   procedure Activate (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Emit an activate signal on the widget.
   --  The exact signal emitted depends on the widget type (i.e. for a
   --  Gtk_Button this emits a "clicked" signal, for a Gtk_Editable this emits
   --  the "activate" signal, ...).

   procedure Grab_Focus (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Emit the "grab_focus" signal for the widget.
   --  This is sent when the widget gets the focus. Its visual aspect might
   --  change.
   --  The "Can_Focus" flag must have been set first.

   procedure Set_Events
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Events : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask);
   --  Sets the event mask for the widget.
   --  Widget should not have been realized before, or nothing is done.
   --  This is the only way you can explicitly get mouse or keyboards events on
   --  widgets that do not automatically get them, as for instance in a
   --  Gtk_Drawing_Area.

   function Get_Events
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask;
   --  Get the event mask for the widget.
   --  This indicates the list of events that the widget receives.

   procedure Add_Events
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Events : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask);
   --  Add some events to the current event mask of the widget.

   procedure Set_Extension_Events
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Mode   : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Extension_Mode);
   --  Set the extension event mask for the widget.
   --  This is used to activate some special input modes for other devices than
   --  keyboard and mouse.

   function Get_Extension_Events
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Extension_Mode;
   --  Return the current extension events mask.

   function Default_Motion_Notify_Event
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Gint;
   --  Access to the standard default callback for motion events:
   --  This is mainly used for rulers in Gtk.Ruler (See the example in
   --  testgtk, with create_rulers.adb)

   function Has_Default_Motion_Notify_Handler
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Return True if Widget has a default handler for motion_notify events.
   --  Note that the function Default_Motion_Notify_Event should not be called
   --  if this one returns False, since it would create a segmentation fault.

   -- Colors and colormaps --

   function Get_Colormap
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;
   --  Return the colormap used for the widget. This will generally be the
   --  same one for all widgets, but might be different if for instance a
   --  Gtk_Drawing_Area needs to display some different colors on a screen
   --  that only has a limited amount of colors.

   function Get_Visual
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;
   --  Get the visual used for the widget.
   --  I.e. the structure that indicates the depth of the widget (number of
   --  bits per pixel), and some information used internally by GtkAda to
   --  handle colors and colormaps.

   procedure Set_Colormap
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Cmap : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);
   --  Modify the colormap of the widget.
   --  The widget must not have been realized.

   procedure Set_Visual
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Visual : Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual);
   --  Modify the visual of the widget.
   --  The widget must not have been realized.

   procedure Push_Colormap (Cmap : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);
   --  Modify temporarily the default colormap set for newly created widgets.
   --  You should use this in pair with Pop_Colormap below (Push the new value,
   --  create the widget, and pop the value).

   procedure Pop_Colormap;
   --  See Push_Colormap for more information.

   procedure Push_Visual (Visual : Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual);
   --  Modify temporarily the default visual set for newly created widgets.
   --  You should use this in pair with Pop_Colormap below (Push the new value,
   --  create the widget, and pop the value).

   procedure Pop_Visual;
   --  See Push_Visual for more information.

   function Get_Default_Colormap return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;
   --  Return the default colormap used when a widget is created.

   procedure Set_Default_Colormap (Cmap : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);
   --  Modify permanently the default colormap used when a widget is created.
   --  If you only want to modify this colormap temporarily for a few widgets,
   --  you should consider using Push_Colormap and Pop_Colormap instead.

   function Get_Default_Visual return Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;
   --  Return the default visual used when a new widget is created.

   procedure Set_Default_Visual (Visual : Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual);
   --  Modify permanently the default visual used when a widget is created.
   --  If you only want to modify this visual temporarily for a few widgets,
   --  you should consider using Push_Visual and Pop_Visual instead.

   -- Styles --

   procedure Push_Style (Style : Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
   --  Change the default values for styles.
   --  This is generally used just before creating a widget. You should use
   --  this procedure in pair with Pop_Style (Push the new value, create the
   --  widget then pop the value)

   procedure Pop_Style;
   --  Restore the default values for styles.
   --  This is generally used just after creating a widget. You should use
   --  this procedure in pair with Push_Style (Push the new value, create the
   --  widget then pop the value)

   procedure Set_Style
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Style  : Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
   --  Set the style for a given widget.

   function Get_Style (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record)
     return Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style;
   --  Return the style of a given widget.

   procedure Modify_Style
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Style  : Gtk_Rc_Style);
   --  Modify the default style of a widget.

   procedure Set_Default_Style (Style : Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
   --  Set the default global style.

   function Get_Default_Style return Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style;
   --  Get the default global style.

   procedure Set_Rc_Style (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Restore the default style of a widget.
   --  The default style is given by the configuration file initially parsed
   --  by GtkAda.

   procedure Ensure_Style (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Make sure that the widget has a style associated to it.
   --  Either the default one as set by Set_Rc_Style above or one set by the
   --  user with Set_Style.

   procedure Restore_Default_Style (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Restore the default style that was set for the widget.
   --  The default style is the first one that was set either by a call
   --  to Set_Style or Set_Rc_Style.

   procedure Reset_Rc_Styles (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  Restore the Rc style recursively for widget and its children.

   -- Widgets' tree --

   procedure Set_Name
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Name   : in String);
   --  Set the name for the widget.
   --  This name is used purely internally to identify the widget, and does not
   --  give any visual clue.

   function Get_Name (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return String;
   --  Return the name of the widget if it was set by Set_Name.
   --  Return the name of its class otherwise.

   procedure Set_Parent
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Parent : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --  Modify the parent for the widget.
   --  This is not the recommended way to do this, you should use
   --  Gtk.Container.Add or Gtk.Box.Pack_Start instead.

   procedure Set_Parent_Window
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Window : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
   --  Set the parent window for the actual Gdk_Window of the widget. This sets
   --  up required internal fields, and should be used only when you implement
   --  your own container, as opposed to using one of the standard containers.

   function Get_Parent (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk_Widget;
   --  Return the parent of the widget, or null if Widget is a toplevel
   --  widget.

   function Get_Toplevel (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk_Widget;
   --  Return the toplevel ancestor of the widget.
   --  This is the window or dialog in which the widget is included.
   --  The widget returned does not have any parent.

   function Get_Ancestor
     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Ancestor_Type : in Gtk_Type) return Gtk_Widget;
   --  Return the closest ancestor of Widget which is of type Ancestor_Type.
   --  Return null if there is none.

   function Is_Ancestor
     (Widget   : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Ancestor : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Return True if Ancestor is in the ancestor tree for Widget.
   --  I.e. if Widget is contained within Ancestor.

   procedure Reparent
     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      New_Parent : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --  Change the parent of the widget dynamically.
   --  If both the new parent and the widget are shown, then the widget is
   --  visually redrawn in its new parent.

   -- Misc functions --

   procedure Set_Scroll_Adjustments
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Hadj   : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment;
      Vadj   : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment);
   --  Emit the "set_scroll_adjustments" signal.
   --  The exact signal emitted depends on the widget type (see
   --  Gtk.Object.Initialize_Class_Record).
   --  The handler creates the adjustments if null is passed as argument, and
   --  makes sure both adjustments are in the correct range.

   procedure Popup (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; X, Y : in Gint);
   --  Realize the widget (see Realize above), moves it to the screen position
   --  (X, Y), and shows the widget.
   --  This should only be used for toplevel windows and dialogs, as you can
   --  no modify the position of a widget that has a parent (the parent is
   --  then responsible for its position).

   function Intersect
     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Area         : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle;
      Intersection : access Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle) return Boolean;
   --  Return True if the widget intersects the screen area Area.
   --  The intersection area is returned in Intersection.

   procedure Grab_Default (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
   --  The widget becomes the default widget for its parent window or dialog.
   --  All keyboard events will be sent to it if no other widget has the focus.
   --  Note that the "Can_Default" flag must have been set first on WIDGET.

   procedure Set_State
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      State : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type);
   --  Modify the state of the widget.
   --  This modifies its visual aspect, and thus should be used only if you
   --  change its behavior at the same time, so as not to confuse the user.

   function Get_State
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
   --  Return the state of the widget.

   procedure Set_Sensitive
     (Widget    : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Sensitive : in Boolean := True);
   --  Modify the sensitivity of the widget.
   --  An insensitive widget is generally grayed out, and can not be activated.
   --  For instance, an insensitive menu item is grayed, and can never be
   --  selected.

   procedure Set_App_Paintable
     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      App_Paintable : Boolean);
   --  Modify the "App_Paintable" flag for the widget.

   procedure Get_Pointer
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      X      : out Gint;
      Y      : out Gint);
   --  Return the coordinates of the pointer (i.e. mouse) relative to Widget.

   procedure Set_Window
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Window : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
   --  Set the Gdk window associated with the widget.

   function Get_Window
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
   --  Get the Gdk window associated with the widget.
   --  You can use this window if you need to draw directly on the widget using
   --  the functions found in the Gdk hierarchy.

   procedure Shape_Combine_Mask
     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
      Shape_Mask : Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
      Offset_X   : Gint;
      Offset_Y   : Gint);
   --  Modify the shape of the window that contains the widget.
   --  This allows for transparent windows, and requires the Xext library to be
   --  available on your system. If this library is not available, your program
   --  will still work.
   --  See the manual page for XShapeCombineMask(3x) for more information.

   -- Flags --
   --  Some additional flags are defined for all the visual objects (widgets).
   --  They are defined in addition to the ones defined in Gtk.Object.
   --  These flags are important in that they define exactly the different
   --  states a widget can be in.
   --  - "Toplevel":
   --    Set if the widget is a toplevel widget, ie has no parent. This is
   --    mostly true for windows and dialogs.
   --  - "No_Window":
   --    Set if the widget does not have an associated X11 window, ie can not
   --    receive events directly. For instance, a Gtk_Toolbar does not have
   --    an associated window. These objects are more lightweight, but require
   --    more work from GtkAda. This flag is only set if the widget will never
   --    have a window, even after it is realized.
   --  - "Realized":
   --    Set if the widget has been realized, ie its associated X11 window has
   --    been created (providing the widget excepts a window, see the No_Window
   --    flag
   --  - "Mapped":
   --    Set if the widget is visible on the screen. This is only possible if
   --    the Visible flag is also set.
   --  - "Visible":
   --    Set if the widget will be displayed on the screen when mapped (see the
   --    functions Show and Hide in this package).
   --  - "Sensitive":
   --    Set if the widget is listening to events. See the function
   --    Set_Sensitive in this package. An insensitive widget will generally
   --    have a different visual aspect to clue that it is unavailable (for
   --    instance an insensitive item menu will be grayed)
   --  - "Parent_Sensitive":
   --    Set if the parent is sensitive. A widget is sensitive only if both
   --    the Sensitive and Parent_Sensitive are set.
   --  - "Can_Focus":
   --    Set if the widget can have the focus, ie get keyboard events. Most
   --    widgets can not have the focus.
   --  - "Has_Focus":
   --    Set if the widget currently has the focus. See the function Grab_Focus
   --    in this package.
   --  - "Can_Default":
   --    Set if the widget can be the default widget in a window, ie the one
   --    that will get the keyboard events by default. For instance, the
   --    default button in a dialog is the one that gets clicked on when the
   --    user pressed Enter anywhere in the dialog.
   --  - "Has_Default":
   --    Set if the widget is currently the default widget. See the function
   --    Grab_Default in this package.
   --  - "Has_Grab":
   --    Set if the widget currently grabs all mouse and keyboard events in
   --    the application, even if it does not have the focus. There can be only
   --    such widget per application at any given time.
   --  - "Rc_Style":
   --    Set if the widget's style is either the default style, or in a
   --    customization file. This is unset if the style has been modified by
   --    the user.
   --  - "Composite_Child":
   --    ???
   --  - "No_Reparent":
   --    This flags is never used in gtk+.
   --  - "App_Paintable":
   --    For some containers (including Gtk_Window and Gtk_Layout), this is
   --    unset when the container itself has some special drawing routines.
   --  - "Receives_Default":
   --    Set when the widget receives the default at the time it receives the
   --    focus. This is how the default button in a dialog is automatically
   --    changed when you press another button.

   Toplevel         : constant := 2 ** 4;
   No_Window        : constant := 2 ** 5;
   Realized         : constant := 2 ** 6;
   Mapped           : constant := 2 ** 7;
   Visible          : constant := 2 ** 8;
   Sensitive        : constant := 2 ** 9;
   Parent_Sensitive : constant := 2 ** 10;
   Can_Focus        : constant := 2 ** 11;
   Has_Focus        : constant := 2 ** 12;
   Can_Default      : constant := 2 ** 13;
   Has_Default      : constant := 2 ** 14;
   Has_Grab         : constant := 2 ** 15;
   Rc_Style         : constant := 2 ** 16;
   Composite_Child  : constant := 2 ** 17;
   No_Reparent      : constant := 2 ** 18;
   App_Paintable    : constant := 2 ** 19;
   Receives_Default : constant := 2 ** 20;

   function Toplevel_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Toplevel flag is set.

   function No_Window_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the No_Window flag is set.

   function Realized_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Realized flag is set.

   function Mapped_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Mapped flag is set.

   function Visible_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Visible flag is set.

   function Drawable_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  True if the widget is both visible and mapped.
   --  In other words, if it does appear on the screen.

   function Is_Sensitive
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the widget is Sensitive.

   function Can_Focus_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Can_Focus flag is set.

   function Has_Focus_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Has_Focus flag is set.

   function Has_Default_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Has_Default flag is set.

   function Has_Grab_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Has_Grab flag is set.

   function Rc_Style_Is_Set
     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
   --  Test whether the Rc_Style flag is set.

   -- Definitions for lists of widgets --

   --  <doc_ignore>

   function Convert (W : in Gtk_Widget) return System.Address;
   function Convert (W : System.Address) return Gtk_Widget;
   package Widget_List is new Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gtk_Widget);
   package Widget_SList is new Glib.GSlist.Generic_SList (Gtk_Widget);

   --  </doc_ignore>

   -- Signals --

   --  <signals>
   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
   --  - "show"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget is to be shown (see explanation for the Show
   --    subprogam). This schedules the widget to be displayed on the screen,
   --    and if this is a toplevel widget it actually appears on the screen
   --    and all its children that have been shown.
   --  - "hide"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget is to be hidden (see explanation for the Hide
   --    subprogram). Hides the widget from the screen, and if its parent is
   --    shown, the widget will not appear on the screen again.
   --  - "map"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget is mapped on the screen (the default handler
   --    simply emits the "show" signal).
   --  - "unmap"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be unmapped on the screen (the default
   --    handler simply emits the "hide" signal).
   --  - "realize"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget is realized. The default handler creates the
   --    Gdk window associated with the widget, and its ancestors.
   --  - "unrealize"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget is unrealized. The default handler destroys the
   --    Gdk windows of the widget and all its children.
   --  - "draw"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                       Area   : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);
   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn. The default handler emits
   --    the "expose" event.
   --  - "draw_focus"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn and it has the focus. Some
   --    widgets might want to provide visual clues that they have the focus,
   --    like a black border. This is never called if the widget can not have
   --    the focus (ie the "Can_Focus" flag is unset).
   --  - "draw_default"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn and it does not have the
   --    focus. This is never called if the widget can not have the focus
   --    (ie the "Can_Focus" flag is unset).
   --  - "size_request"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget      : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                       Requisition : access Gtk_Requisition);
   --    Should return (in Requisition) the ideal size the widget would like to
   --    have. It is not sure this is the size that will be assigned to it,
   --    since it depends on the size of its parent).
   --  - "size_allocate"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                       Allocation : Gtk_Allocation);
   --    A size and position were assigned to the widget. This is called every
   --    time the size of the widget changes.
   --    The default handler takes care of resizing and moving the widget.
   --  - "state_changed"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget         : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                       Previous_State : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Type);
   --    The state of the widget has changed.
   --  - "parent_set"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                       Previous_Parent : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    A new parent has been set for the widget. The previous parent is
   --    given in arguments (if there was none,
   --    Gdk.Is_Created (Previous_Parent) returns False).
   --  - "style_set"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --                       Previous_Style : Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
   --    The widget's style has been changed (this is not call when some
   --    settings in the style are changed, only when the style itself is
   --    completely changed with a call to Set_Style or Set_Rc_Style).
   --  - "add_accelerator"
   --  ???
   --  - "remove_accelerator"
   --  ???
   --  - "grab_focus"
   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --    The widget has got the focus, ie will now get the keyboard events
   --    sent to a window. This is only called if the "Can_Focus" flag is
   --    set. The "Has_Focus" flag might not be set when this signal is
   --    emitted.
   --  - "event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    Some event was sent to the widget. This covers all the cases
   --    below, and acts as a general handler. This is called in addition to
   --    the relevant specific handler below.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "button_press_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    A button was pressed while the pointer was inside the widget.
   --    To get this signal, some widgets by have to use the Set_Events
   --    subprogram first to get this event.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "button_release_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    A button was released while the pointer was inside the widget.
   --    Note that in some cases (Gtk_Buttons for instance), another "clicked"
   --    signal could be emitted). This "button_release_event" should mainly
   --    be used for widgets that don't already have specific signals to cover
   --    that case (Gtk_Drawing_Area for instance).
   --    To get this signal, some widgets may have to use the Set_Events
   --    subprogram first to get this event.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "motion_notify_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Motion)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The pointer has moved while remaining inside the widget.
   --    The Set_Events subprogram has to be called first to get this event.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "delete_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The user has clicked on the "close" button in the window's frame
   --    (the button that is automatically set by the window manager). If the
   --    handler returns False, the widget will be destroyed (and the window
   --    closed), but if the handler returns True, nothing will be done.
   --    This is a good way to prevent the user from closing your application's
   --    window if there should be some clean ups first (like saving the
   --    document).
   --  - "destroy_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    This signal is apparently never emitted by Gtk+. You might want to
   --    use "destroy" instead, which is documented in Gtk.Object.
   --  - "expose_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Expose)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The widget needs to be partly redrawn. The exact area to redraw is
   --    found in Event. For some widgets, you should rather connect to the
   --    "draw" signal. However, for instance for Gtk_Drawing_Area widgets,
   --    you have to use this, after setting the correct event mask with
   --    Set_Events.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "key_press_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    A key has been pressed while Widget had the focus. Note that some
   --    widgets like Gtk_Editable provide some higher-level signals to handle
   --    this.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "key_release_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    A key has been released while Widget had the focus.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "enter_notify_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Crossing)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The pointer has just entered the widget. If the "Can_Focus" flag is
   --    set, Widget will gain the focus, and the widget might be drawn
   --    differently.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "leave_notify_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Crossing)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The pointer has just leaved the widget. If the "Can_Focus" flag is
   --    set, Widget will gain the focus, and the widget might be drawn
   --    differently.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "configure_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Configure)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    Some configuration of the window has changed (it has been
   --    moved or resized).
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "focus_in_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Focus)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The widget has just gained the focus.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "focus_out_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Focus)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The widget has just lost the focus.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "map_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The widget has just been mapped. This is different from the "map"
   --    signal, which is called *before* the widget is actually mapped.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "unmap_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The widget has just been unmapped. This is different from the "unmap"
   --    signal, which is called *before* the widget is actually unmapped.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "property_notify_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Property)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    ???
   --  - "selection_clear_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    ???
   --  - "selection_request_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    ???
   --  - "selection_notify_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    ???
   --  - "selection_received"
   --    Related to the selection mechanism, see Gtk.Selection
   --  - "selection_get"
   --    Related to the selection mechanism, see Gtk.Selection
   --  - "proximity_in_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    Used for special input devices. See the description of
   --    Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "proximity_out_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    Used for special input devices. See the description of
   --    Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "drag_leave"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "drag_begin"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "drag_end"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "drag_data_delete"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "drag_motion"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "drag_drop"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "drag_data_get"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "drag_data_received"
   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
   --  - "visibility_notify_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Visibility)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    The visibility state of the widget has changed (partially visible,
   --    fully visible, ...). You might want to use the "expose" signal
   --    instead.
   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
   --  - "client_event"
   --    ???
   --  - "no_expose_event"
   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
   --                     return Boolean;
   --    ???
   --  </signals>

   type Gtk_Widget_Record is new Object.Gtk_Object_Record with null record;

   pragma Import (C, Push_Style, "gtk_widget_push_style");
   pragma Import (C, Pop_Style, "gtk_widget_pop_style");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Default_Style, "gtk_widget_set_default_style");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Style, "gtk_widget_get_default_style");
   pragma Import (C, Pop_Colormap, "gtk_widget_pop_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Pop_Visual, "gtk_widget_pop_visual");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_widget_get_type");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Colormap, "gtk_widget_get_default_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Visual, "gtk_widget_get_default_visual");
   pragma Import (C, Push_Colormap, "gtk_widget_push_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Push_Visual, "gtk_widget_push_visual");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Default_Colormap, "gtk_widget_set_default_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Default_Visual, "gtk_widget_set_default_visual");
   pragma Inline (Toplevel_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (No_Window_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Realized_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Mapped_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Visible_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Drawable_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Is_Sensitive);
   pragma Inline (Can_Focus_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Has_Focus_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Has_Default_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Has_Grab_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Rc_Style_Is_Set);
end Gtk.Widget;

--  Functions that have no Ada equivalent:
--  - gtk_widget_new
--  - gtk_widget_get
--  - gtk_widget_getv
--  - gtk_widget_set
--  - gtk_widget_setv
--  - gtk_widget_get_parent_window  <= mainly internal
--  - gtk_widget_hide_on_delete     <= used as callback
--  - gtk_widget_set_composite_name
--  - gtk_widget_get_composite_name
--  - gtk_widget_push_composite_child
--  - gtk_widget_pop_composite_child
--  - gtk_widget_path
--  - gtk_widget_class_path
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package provides an interface to the color handling facilities in
--  gtk+. It is able to handle any kind of visual (monochrome, greyscale,
--  color with different depths, ...), but provides a common and easy
--  interface for all of them.
--  Some of these functions expect a Colormap. There are two ways you can
--  get such a colormap, either a system default colormap or a per-widget
--  colormap. It is recommended, unless you are writing your own new widget,
--  to always use the system default Colormap. All the functions to get
--  these colormaps are found in Gtk.Widget.
--  Getting the Red/Green/Blue components can be done through Parse, and is
--  actually recommended, since the exact color generally depends on the
--  visual your application is running on.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.6</c_version>

with Glib; use Glib;
with Gdk.Visual;

package Gdk.Color is

   type Gdk_Color is private;
   --  A color to be displayed on the screen.
   --  Currently, GtkAda only supports the RGB standard, ie each color is
   --  set by its red, green and blue components.
   --  An extra field (Pixel) is the internal representation of the color,
   --  which is set once the color has been allocated.

   type Gdk_Color_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Gdk_Color;
   --  An array of colors.

   Null_Color : constant Gdk_Color;
   --  No color. For most functions, this will select the default color in the
   --  context, although this exact specification depends on the function you
   --  want to use.

   type Gdk_Colormap is new C_Proxy;
   --  The set of colors the can be displayed on the screen.
   --  When the screen is not a true-color screen (ie there is only a limited
   --  number of possible colors, like 256), the colors are in fact indexes
   --  into a colormap, which gives the components of the color.
   --  This is the same concept as a palette.

   Null_Colormap : constant Gdk_Colormap;

   Wrong_Color : exception;
   --  Exception raised when some functions below could not find or allocate
   --  a color on the user's system.

   -- Creating and Destroying colors --

   function Parse (Spec : in String) return Gdk_Color;
   --  Parse the string Spec, and get its Red/Green/Blue components.
   --  The color is not allocated, and you need to call Alloc_Color.
   --  If the string could not be parsed to an existing color, Wrong_Color is
   --  raised.
   --  The string can be one of :
   --  - "RBG:FF/FF/FF" where the "FF" substrings are respectively the value
   --    of the red, green and blue components. Some other prefixes than RGB
   --    are defined in the X11 definition, please see some X11 documentation
   --    (or the man page XParseColor on unix systems).
   --  - "color_name" which can be any color name defined in the file rgb.txt
   --    of the user's system. You should always check that Wrong_Color was not
   --    raised, in case the color was not known on the user's system. This
   --    string is case insensitive.

   procedure Alloc_Color (Colormap   : in     Gdk_Colormap;
                          Color      : in out Gdk_Color;
                          Writeable  : in     Boolean := False;
                          Best_Match : in     Boolean := True;
                          Success    :    out Boolean);
   --  Allocate a new color.
   --  The fields RGB should have been set before calling this function.
   --  If Writeable is True, the color will be allocated read/write, that can
   --  be changed at any time. Not all visuals support this. On modern systems
   --  this usage has become less useful than before, since redrawing the
   --  screen with a new color is about as fast.
   --  If Best_Match is True, and the exact color can not be allocated, GtkAda
   --  will find the closest possible match, and modify the fields Red, Green
   --  and Blue of Color.
   --  Note that the allocation has more chances to succeed if Writeable is
   --  False and Best_Match is True.
   --  When you no longer use a color, you should call Free.

   procedure Alloc_Colors (Colormap   : in     Gdk_Colormap;
                           Colors     : in out Gdk_Color_Array;
                           Writeable  : in     Boolean := False;
                           Best_Match : in     Boolean := True;
                           Success    :    out Boolean_Array;
                           Result     :    out Gint);
   --  Allocate a set of colors.
   --  The parameters are the same as for Alloc_Color
   --  Result is the number of colors not successfully allocated.
   --  The size of the Boolean_Array is equal to the length of the
   --  Colors_Array. Usage of an array of a different size will
   --  probably lead to a Constraint_Error.

   procedure Alloc (Colormap  : in Gdk_Colormap;
                    Color     : in out Gdk_Color);
   --  Same function as Alloc_Colors above, but for a single color.
   --  The color is allocated non-writeable, and the best-match is taken.
   --  Raises Wrong_Color if the color could not be allocated

   function White (Colormap  : in Gdk_Colormap) return Gdk_Color;
   --  Return the default white color for the colormap.
   --  If this color was not found or could not be allocated, Wrong_Color is
   --  raised.

   function Black (Colormap  : in Gdk_Colormap) return Gdk_Color;
   --  Return the default black colors for the colormap.
   --  If this color is not found or could not be allocated, Wrong_Color is
   --  raised.

   function Get_System return Gdk_Colormap;
   --  Get the default colormap for the system.
   --  This is the same function as Gtk.Widget.Get_Default_Colormap.

   procedure Get_Visual (Colormap : in     Gdk_Colormap;
                         Visual   :    out Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual);
   --  Get the visual associated with a colormap.
   --  The main information you can get from there is the depth of the display.

   procedure Gdk_New (Colormap     :    out Gdk_Colormap;
                      Visual       : in     Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;
                      Private_Cmap : in     Boolean);
   --  Create a new colormap for the visual.
   --  If Private_Cmap is true, then the
   --  colormap won't be modifiable outside this scope. This might result in
   --  some strange colors on the display...

   procedure Unref (Colormap : in Gdk_Colormap);
   --  Unref is the only way to destroy a colormap once you no longer need it.
   --  Note that because gtk+ uses reference counts, the colormap will not
   --  be actually destroyed while at least one object is using it.

   procedure Ref (Colormap : in Gdk_Colormap);
   --  Increment the ref-count for the color.
   --  You should not have to use this function.

   function Get_System_Size return Gint;
   --  Return the number of entries in the default colormap on the system.

   procedure Free_Colors (Colormap : in Gdk_Colormap;
                          Colors   : in Gdk_Color_Array);
   --  Free Colors, assuming they are allocated in Colormap.

   procedure Store (Colormap : in Gdk_Colormap;
                    Colors   : in Gdk_Color_Array);
   --  Store the Colors in the Colormap

   procedure Alloc (Colormap   : in Gdk_Colormap;
                    Contiguous : in Boolean;
                    Planes     : in     Gulong_Array;
                    Pixels     : in     Gulong_Array;
                    Succeeded  :    out Boolean);
   --  Allocate some Read/Write color cells.
   --  Color cells' values can be changed
   --  dynamically. The pixels allocated are returned in Pixels.
   --  See XAllocColorCells(3) on Unix systems.
   --  The Planes parameter can be used to nondestructively overlay one
   --  set of graphics over another. See the X11 manual for more info.
   --  Note that this is a low-level function which you should rarely
   --  have to use.

   procedure Free (Colormap : in Gdk_Colormap;
                   Pixels   : in Gulong_Array;
                   Planes   : in Gulong);
   --  Free some colors in the colormap.
   --  See XFreeColors(3) on Unix systems.

   --  <doc_ignore>
   function Hash (Color_A : in Gdk_Color;
                  Color_B : in Gdk_Color) return Guint;
   --  Return a hash code for Color_A.
   --  This seems to be a internal function for gtk+ only.
   --  </doc_ignore>

   procedure Change (Colormap  : in Gdk_Colormap;
                     Color     : in out Gdk_Color;
                     Succeeded :    out Boolean);
   --  Change the Read/Write colormap cell corresponding to Color.
   --  The new value is the one contained in the Red, Green and Blue
   --  fields of Color.

   procedure Change (Colormap : in Gdk_Colormap;
                     Ncolors  : in Gint);
   --  Changes the first Ncolors defined in Colormap.

   procedure Copy (Source      : in     Gdk_Color;
                   Destination :    out Gdk_Color);
   --  Copy the Source color to Destination.

   function Equal (Colora, Colorb : in Gdk_Color) return Boolean;
   --  True if the Red, Green and Blue components of both colors are equal.

   -- Setting/Getting the fields of Gdk_Color --

   procedure Set_Rgb (Color   : out Gdk_Color;
                      Red, Green, Blue : in Gushort);
   --  Modify the fields of the color.
   --  You then have to allocate the color with one of the Alloc* functions
   --  above.

   procedure Set_Pixel (Color : in out Gdk_Color; Pixel : Gulong);
   --  This function should almost never be used. Instead, use Alloc_Color

   function Red (Color : in Gdk_Color) return Gushort;
   --  Return the Red field of Color.

   function Green (Color : in Gdk_Color) return Gushort;
   --  Return the Green field of Color.

   function Blue (Color : in Gdk_Color) return Gushort;
   --  Return the Blue field of Color.

   function Pixel (Color : in Gdk_Color) return Gulong;
   --  Return the Pixel field of Color.

   Null_Colormap : constant Gdk_Colormap := null;

   type Gdk_Color is
         Pixel : Gulong;
         Red   : Gushort;
         Green : Gushort;
         Blue  : Gushort;
      end record;
   --  The fields are to be chosen between 0 and 65535, not 0 and 255!!!

   Null_Color : constant Gdk_Color := (Gulong'Last, 1, 0, 0);
   --  Note: in the implementation of GtkAda, everytime a color is used, it
   --  is important to test whether this is Null_Color or not. If it is, then
   --  System.Null_Address should be passed to C instead of Null_Color'Address
   --  so that gtk+ can provide a default value for colors.

   pragma Inline (Set_Rgb);
   pragma Inline (Set_Pixel);
   pragma Inline (Red);
   pragma Inline (Green);
   pragma Inline (Blue);
   pragma Inline (Pixel);
   pragma Import (C, Get_System_Size, "gdk_colormap_get_system_size");
   pragma Import (C, Get_System, "gdk_colormap_get_system");
   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gdk_colormap_ref");
   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gdk_colormap_unref");
end Gdk.Color;

--  <example>
--  --  Here is an example how you can allocate a new color, when you know
--  --  its red/green/blue components: Note that we allocate white in fact
--  --  since the maximal value for color components is 65535.
--     Color   : Gdk_Color;
--     Success : Boolean;
--     Set_Rbg (Color, 65535, 65535, 65535);
--     Alloc_Color (Colormap   => Gtk.Widget.Get_Default_Colormap,
--                  Color      => Color,
--                  Writeable  => False,
--                  Best_Match => True,
--                  Success    => Success);
--     if not Success then
--         ...;  --  allocation failed
--     end if;
--  </example>
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Glib; use Glib;
with Glib.Glist;
pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Glist);

with Gdk.Types;
with System;
with Unchecked_Conversion;

package Gdk.Visual is

   type Gdk_Visual is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   Null_Visual : constant Gdk_Visual;
   --  This type is not private because we need the full declaration
   --  to instanciate Glib.Glist.Generic_List with it.

   type Gdk_Visual_Type_Array is array (Natural range <>)
     of Types.Gdk_Visual_Type;

   function Get_Best_Depth return Gint;

   function Get_Best_Type return Types.Gdk_Visual_Type;

   procedure Get_System (Visual : out Gdk_Visual);

   procedure Get_Best (Visual : out Gdk_Visual);

   procedure Get_Best
     (Visual :    out Gdk_Visual;
      Depth  : in     Gint);

   procedure Get_Best
     (Visual      :    out Gdk_Visual;
      Visual_Type : in     Types.Gdk_Visual_Type);

   procedure Get_Best
     (Visual      :    out Gdk_Visual;
      Depth       : in     Gint;
      Visual_Type : in     Types.Gdk_Visual_Type);

   function Query_Depths return Gint_Array;

   function Query_Visual_Types return Gdk_Visual_Type_Array;

   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (Gdk_Visual, System.Address);
   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Gdk_Visual);

   package Gdk_Visual_List is new Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gdk_Visual);

   function List_Visuals return Gdk_Visual_List.Glist;

   Null_Visual : constant Gdk_Visual := null;
   pragma Import (C, Get_Best_Depth, "gdk_visual_get_best_depth");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Best_Type, "gdk_visual_get_best_type");
end Gdk.Visual;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package implements a generic double-linked list.
--  Such lists are used throughout GtkAda to contain lists of widgets
--  (for the children of containers, or for the list of selected widgets
--  in a Gtk_Clist for instance), list of strings (for Gtk_Combo_Box),...
--  They provide a common interface to traverse these lists.
--  One useful note: you should only Free the lists that you have allocated
--  yourself, and not the lists that are returned by the subprograms in
--  GtkAda and should be left under GtkAda's control.
--  See the example below for an example on how to traverse a list.
--  Instantiating the package Generic_List requires two functions to convert
--  back and forth between your data type and a System.Address which is the
--  type stored at the C level.
--  Note that the lists used in GtkAda already have associated packages, like
--  Gtk.Enums.Gint_List, Gtk.Enums.String_List or Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.
--  </description>
--  <c_synchro>1.2.6</c_synchro>

with System;

package Glib.Glist is

      --  <doc_ignore>

      type Gpointer (<>) is private;
      with function Convert (P : Gpointer) return System.Address is <>;
      with function Convert (S : System.Address) return Gpointer is <>;

      --  </doc_ignore>

   package Generic_List is

      type Glist is private;
      --  This type is both a list and an item in the list.
      --  Each item points to its successor.

      Null_List : constant Glist;

      procedure Alloc (List : out Glist);
      --  Allocate a new item in the list.
      --  This item isn't associated with any data.
      --  You probably don't have to use this subprogram, since Append,
      --  Insert, Prepend, etc. already handle the allocation for you and
      --  give a new value to the item.

      procedure Append (List : in out Glist;
                        Data : in Gpointer);
      --  Add a new item at the end of the list, and stores the new list
      --  directly back in List.
      --  The complexity of this operation is O(n)

      function Concat (List1 : in Glist;
                       List2 : in Glist)
                      return Glist;
      --  Concatenate two lists, and return the result.
      --  List2 is added at the end of List1.
      --  The complexity is O(n1) (depends on the size of List1).

      procedure Insert (List : in out Glist;
                        Data : in Gpointer;
                        Position : in Gint);
      --  Insert an item in the middle of a list.
      --  If Position is 0, the item is added at the beginning of the list, if
      --  it is negative the item is added at the end.
      --  The complexity is O(Position).

      function Find (List : in Glist;
                     Data : in Gpointer)
                    return Glist;
      --  Find a value in the list, and return the first item that contains it.
      --  Note that this function will not work if the function Convert does
      --  not return the same value for two identical values.

      function First (List : in Glist) return Glist;
      --  Return the first item in the list.
      --  Note that if List is in fact an item of a larger list, the return
      --  value is the first item in the larger list itself.

      procedure Free (List : in out Glist);
      --  Free the list (but does not free the data in each of its elements).
      --  This only frees the memory associated with the list itself.
      --  You should only use this function on the lists that
      --  you have created yourself, not on the list that are returned by some
      --  functions in GtkAda (like Gtk.Clist.Get_Selection). These functions
      --  return directly the list managed by the underlying C widget, and you
      --  should never free the result yourself.
      --  Note also that the memory might not be actually freed. For efficiency
      --  reasons, GtkAda will keep the memory allocated and try to reuse it as
      --  much as possible.

      function Get_Data (List : in Glist) return Gpointer;
      --  Return the value pointed to by List.
      --  The System.Address container in the C list is converted to a Gpointer
      --  through a call to Convert.

      function Get_Data_Address (List : in Glist) return System.Address;
      --  Return directly the System.Address contained in the C list.
      --  This is used mainly internally in GtkAda to implement String lists,
      --  and you should not have to use this subprogram yourself.

      --  <doc_ignore>
      function Get_Gpointer (List : in Glist) return Gpointer;
      --  Sometimes, the data is not stored in the "data" field
      --  of each cell, but rather at each cell. In such cases,
      --  to retrieve the address of the data, we need to return
      --  the address of the cell itself, insted of the address
      --  pointed to by data.
      --  Ex: the GtkCTree row_list.
      --  </doc_ignore>

      function Index (List : in Glist;
                      Data : in Gpointer)
                     return Gint;
      --  Return the index of the first element in LIST that contains Data.
      --  Note that this function is irrelevant if Convert does not return the
      --  same value for two identical data.

      function Last (List : in Glist) return Glist;
      --  Return the last element in the list.

      function Length (List : in Glist) return Guint;
      --  Return the number of elements in the list.
      --  The last item's index is Length - 1.

      procedure List_Reverse (List : in out Glist);
      --  Reverse the order of the list (the last item becomes the first, etc.)

      function Next (List : in Glist) return Glist;
      --  Returns the Item following LIST in the global list that contains
      --  both.
      --  If there is no such item, return Null_List. This is how you
      --  stop iterating over a list.

      function Nth (List : in Glist;
                    N    : in Guint)
                   return Glist;
      --  Give the nth item following LIST in the global list that
      --  contains both.
      --  If there is no such item, return Null_List.

      function Nth_Data (List : in Glist;
                         N : in Guint)
                        return Gpointer;
      --  Return the Data contained in the N-th item of List.
      --  The result is undefined if there is no such item in the list.
      --  The actual result in that case is the result of
      --      Convert (System.Null_Address);
      --  which might not mean anything.

      function Position (List : in Glist;
                         Link : in Glist)
                        return Gint;
      --  Return the position of Link in the List.
      --  If Link is not contained in the list, -1 is returned.

      procedure Prepend (List : in out Glist;
                         Data : in Gpointer);
      --  Add an item at the beginning of the list.
      --  This operation always succeed.

      function Prev (List : in Glist) return Glist;
      --  Return the item before List in the global list that contains both.
      --  Return Null_List if there is no such item.

      procedure Remove (List : in out Glist;
                        Data : in Gpointer);
      --  Remove the first item in List that contains Data.
      --  Note that this operation can succeed only if Convert always return
      --  the same address for a given value.

      procedure Remove_Link (List : in out Glist;
                             Link : in Glist);
      --  Remove Link from the list to which it belongs.
      --  If that list is not List, no error is returned, but Link is removed
      --  anyway.

      function Is_Created (List : in Glist) return Boolean;
      --  Return True if there is a C widget associated with List.

      -- Internal functions --
      --  Please do not use the following functions. They are used internally
      --  by GtkAda.
      --  <doc_ignore>

      function Get_Object (Obj : in Glist) return System.Address;
      --  Returns the C object contained in OBJ.
      pragma Inline (Get_Object);

      procedure Set_Object (Obj : in out Glist; Value  : in System.Address);
      --  Modifies the C object contained in OBJ.
      pragma Inline (Set_Object);

      --  </doc_ignore>


      type Glist is
            Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
         end record;
      Null_List : constant Glist := (Ptr => System.Null_Address);
   end Generic_List;

end Glib.Glist;

--  <example>
--  <include>../examples/documentation/glist_traverse.adb</include>
--  </example>
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Glib; use Glib;

package Gdk.Types is

   type Gdk_Geometry is record
      Min_Width   : Gint;
      Min_Height  : Gint;
      Max_Width   : Gint;
      Max_Height  : Gint;
      Base_Width  : Gint;
      Base_Height : Gint;
      Width_Inc   : Gint;
      Height_Inc  : Gint;
      Min_Aspect  : Gdouble;
      Max_Aspect  : Gdouble;
   end record;
   pragma Pack (Gdk_Geometry);

   type Gdk_Point is record
      X : Gint16;
      Y : Gint16;
   end record;
   pragma Pack (Gdk_Point);
   for Gdk_Point'Size use Gint'Size;

   type Gdk_Points_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Gdk_Point;
   pragma Pack (Gdk_Points_Array);

   type Gdk_Segment is record
      X1 : Gint16;
      Y1 : Gint16;
      X2 : Gint16;
      Y2 : Gint16;
   end record;
   pragma Pack (Gdk_Segment);
   for Gdk_Segment'Size use 64;

   type Gdk_Segments_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Gdk_Segment;
   pragma Pack (Gdk_Segments_Array);

   --  See at the end of the package a list of all the types that
   --  have not been "bound".

   type Gdk_Atom is new Gulong;
   --  This type represents a property of the X-server, that can be
   --  manipulated through functions in Gdk.Property. They have an associated
   --  name, that can be printed, as well as a value whose type may vary.

   type Gdk_Axis_Use is

   type Gdk_Byte_Order is (Lsb_First, Msb_First);

   type Gdk_Cap_Style is (Cap_Not_Last, Cap_Butt, Cap_Round, Cap_Projecting);

   type Gdk_Crossing_Mode is (Crossing_Normal, Crossing_Grab, Crossing_Ungrab);

   type Gdk_Cursor_Type is

   type Gdk_Device_Id is new Guint32;
   --  This type is specific to GtkAda. In Gdk, guint32 is used instead.

   type Gdk_Event_Mask is mod 2 ** 21;
   --  Note that you need to change the event mask of a widget if you want
   --  to be able to get some events. To change this mask, the widget
   --  must first be Unrealized.

   Null_Event_Mask          : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Exposure_Mask            : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;

   Pointer_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   --  Every time the mouse moves, GtkAda will send a Motion_Notify event.
   --  These events will be sent as fast as possible, and your application
   --  needs to be able to respond as fast as possible (generally about
   --  200 events per second).

   Pointer_Motion_Hint_Mask : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   --  GtkAda will only send one Motion_Notify event when the mouse moves.
   --  The handler should call Gdk.Window.Get_Pointer, to get the current
   --  position and signals GtkAda that it is ready to get another
   --  Motion_Notify signal. No new Motion_Notify will be sent until
   --  Get_Pointer has been called.

   Button_Motion_Mask       : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Button1_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Button2_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Button3_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Button_Press_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Button_Release_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Key_Press_Mask           : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Key_Release_Mask         : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Enter_Notify_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Leave_Notify_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Focus_Change_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Structure_Mask           : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Property_Change_Mask     : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Visibility_Notify_Mask   : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Proximity_In_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   Proximity_Out_Mask       : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;
   All_Events_Mask          : constant Gdk_Event_Mask;

   type Gdk_Event_Type is
      Gdk_2button_Press,  --  Double-click
      Gdk_3button_Press,  --  Triple-click

   type Gdk_Extension_Mode is
     (Extension_Events_None, Extension_Events_All, Extension_Events_Cursor);

   type Gdk_Fill is (Solid, Tiled, Stippled, Opaque_Stippled);

   type Gdk_Fill_Rule is (Even_Odd_Rule, Winding_Rule);

   type Gdk_Function is

   type Gdk_Join_Style is (Join_Miter, Join_Round, Join_Bevel);

   type Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type is new Guint;
   Ic_Style                : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Client_Window        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Focus_Window         : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Filter_Events        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Spot_Location        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Line_Spacing         : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Cursor               : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Fontset      : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Area         : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Area_Needed  : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Foreground   : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Background   : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Pixmap       : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Colormap     : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Fontset       : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Area          : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Area_Needed   : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Foreground    : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Background    : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Pixmap        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Colormap      : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_All_Req              : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Area_Req     : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Preedit_Position_Req : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;
   Ic_Status_Area_Req      : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type;

   type Gdk_IM_Style is new Guint;
   Im_Preedit_Area      : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Preedit_Callbacks : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Preedit_Position  : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Preedit_Nothing   : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Preedit_None      : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Preedit_Mask      : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Status_Area       : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Status_Callbacks  : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Status_Nothing    : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Status_None       : constant Gdk_IM_Style;
   Im_Status_Mask       : constant Gdk_IM_Style;

   type Gdk_Input_Condition is (Input_Read, Input_Write, Input_Exception);

   type Gdk_Input_Mode is (Mode_Disabled, Mode_Screen, Mode_Window);

   type Gdk_Input_Source is

   type Gdk_Key_Type is new Guint;
   --  see Gdk.Types.Keysyms for key type constants

   type Gdk_Line_Style is (Line_Solid, Line_On_Off_Dash, Line_Double_Dash);

   type Gdk_Modifier_Type is new Guint;
   Shift_Mask    : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Lock_Mask     : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Control_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Mod1_Mask     : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Mod2_Mask     : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Mod3_Mask     : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Mod4_Mask     : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Mod5_Mask     : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Button1_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Button2_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Button3_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Button4_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Button5_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Release_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Modifier_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type;

   type Gdk_Notify_Type is

   type Gdk_Overlap_Type is

   type Gdk_Prop_Mode is
     (Prop_Mode_Replace, Prop_Mode_Prepend, Prop_Mode_Append);

   type Gdk_Subwindow_Mode is (Clip_By_Children, Include_Inferiors);

   type Gdk_GC_Values_Mask is new Guint;
   GC_Foreground    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Background    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Font          : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Function      : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Fill          : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Tile          : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Stipple       : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Clip_Mask     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Subwindow     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Ts_X_Origin   : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Tx_Y_Origin   : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Clip_X_Origin : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Clip_Y_Origin : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Exposures     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Line_Width    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Line_Style    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Cap_Style     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;
   GC_Join_Style    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask;

   type Gdk_Visibility_State is

   type Gdk_Visual_Type is

   type Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type is new Guint;
   Wa_Title    : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;
   Wa_X        : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;
   Wa_Y        : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;
   Wa_Cursor   : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;
   Wa_Colormap : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;
   Wa_Visual   : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;
   Wa_Wmclass  : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;
   Wa_Noredir  : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type;

   type Gdk_Window_Class is (Input_Output, Input_Only);

   type Gdk_Window_Hints is new Guint;
   Gdk_Hint_Pos        : constant Gdk_Window_Hints;
   Gdk_Hint_Min_Size   : constant Gdk_Window_Hints;
   Gdk_Hint_Max_Size   : constant Gdk_Window_Hints;
   Gdk_Hint_Base_Size  : constant Gdk_Window_Hints;
   Gdk_Hint_Aspect     : constant Gdk_Window_Hints;
   Gdk_Hint_Resize_Inc : constant Gdk_Window_Hints;

   type Gdk_Window_Type is

   type Gdk_Wm_Decoration is new Guint;
   Decor_All      : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration;
   Decor_Border   : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration;
   Decor_Resize_H : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration;
   Decor_Title    : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration;
   Decor_Menu     : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration;
   Decor_Minimize : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration;
   Decor_Maximize : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration;

   type Gdk_Wm_Function is new Guint;
   Func_All      : constant Gdk_Wm_Function;
   Func_Resize   : constant Gdk_Wm_Function;
   Func_Move     : constant Gdk_Wm_Function;
   Func_Minimize : constant Gdk_Wm_Function;
   Func_Maximize : constant Gdk_Wm_Function;
   Func_Close    : constant Gdk_Wm_Function;

   subtype Gdk_WChar is Standard.Wide_Character;
   subtype Gdk_WString is Standard.Wide_String;
   --  Gdk does not define a Gdk_WString type, but uses pointers
   --  to Gdk_WChar instead.


   --  Private constants  --

   Null_Event_Mask          : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 0;
   Exposure_Mask            : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 1;
   Pointer_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 2;
   Pointer_Motion_Hint_Mask : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 3;
   Button_Motion_Mask       : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 4;
   Button1_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 5;
   Button2_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 6;
   Button3_Motion_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 7;
   Button_Press_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 8;
   Button_Release_Mask      : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 9;
   Key_Press_Mask           : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 10;
   Key_Release_Mask         : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 11;
   Enter_Notify_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 12;
   Leave_Notify_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 13;
   Focus_Change_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 14;
   Structure_Mask           : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 15;
   Property_Change_Mask     : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 16;
   Visibility_Notify_Mask   : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 17;
   Proximity_In_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 18;
   Proximity_Out_Mask       : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 19;
   Substructure_Mask        : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 2 ** 20;
   All_Events_Mask          : constant Gdk_Event_Mask := 16#1FFFFF#;

   Ic_Style                : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 0;
   Ic_Client_Window        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 1;
   Ic_Focus_Window         : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 2;
   Ic_Filter_Events        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 3;
   Ic_Spot_Location        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 4;
   Ic_Line_Spacing         : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 5;
   Ic_Cursor               : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 6;
   Ic_Preedit_Fontset      : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 10;
   Ic_Preedit_Area         : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 11;
   Ic_Preedit_Area_Needed  : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 12;
   Ic_Preedit_Foreground   : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 13;
   Ic_Preedit_Background   : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 14;
   Ic_Preedit_Pixmap       : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 15;
   Ic_Preedit_Colormap     : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 16;
   Ic_Status_Fontset       : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 21;
   Ic_Status_Area          : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 22;
   Ic_Status_Area_Needed   : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 23;
   Ic_Status_Foreground    : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 24;
   Ic_Status_Background    : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 25;
   Ic_Status_Pixmap        : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 26;
   Ic_Status_Colormap      : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 27;
   Ic_All_Req              : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type :=
     Ic_Style or Ic_Client_Window;
   Ic_Preedit_Area_Req     : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type :=
     Ic_Preedit_Area or Ic_Preedit_Fontset;
   Ic_Preedit_Position_Req : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type :=
     Ic_Preedit_Area or Ic_Spot_Location or Ic_Preedit_Fontset;
   Ic_Status_Area_Req      : constant Gdk_IC_Attributes_Type :=
     Ic_Status_Area or Ic_Status_Fontset;

   Im_Preedit_Area      : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0001#;
   Im_Preedit_Callbacks : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0002#;
   Im_Preedit_Position  : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0004#;
   Im_Preedit_Nothing   : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0008#;
   Im_Preedit_None      : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0010#;
   Im_Preedit_Mask      : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#001F#;
   Im_Status_Area       : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0100#;
   Im_Status_Callbacks  : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0200#;
   Im_Status_Nothing    : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0400#;
   Im_Status_None       : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0800#;
   Im_Status_Mask       : constant Gdk_IM_Style := 16#0F00#;

   Shift_Mask   : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 0;
   Lock_Mask    : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 1;
   Control_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 2;
   Mod1_Mask    : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 3;
   Mod2_Mask    : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 4;
   Mod3_Mask    : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 5;
   Mod4_Mask    : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 6;
   Mod5_Mask    : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 7;
   Button1_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 8;
   Button2_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 9;
   Button3_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 10;
   Button4_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 11;
   Button5_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 12;
   Release_Mask  : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 2 ** 13;
   Modifier_Mask : constant Gdk_Modifier_Type := 16#3FFF#;

   Wa_Title    : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 1;
   Wa_X        : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 2;
   Wa_Y        : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 3;
   Wa_Cursor   : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 4;
   Wa_Colormap : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 5;
   Wa_Visual   : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 6;
   Wa_Wmclass  : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 7;
   Wa_Noredir  : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 8;

   GC_Foreground    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 0;
   GC_Background    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 1;
   GC_Font          : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 2;
   GC_Function      : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 3;
   GC_Fill          : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 4;
   GC_Tile          : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 5;
   GC_Stipple       : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 6;
   GC_Clip_Mask     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 7;
   GC_Subwindow     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 8;
   GC_Ts_X_Origin   : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 9;
   GC_Tx_Y_Origin   : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 10;
   GC_Clip_X_Origin : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 11;
   GC_Clip_Y_Origin : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 12;
   GC_Exposures     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 13;
   GC_Line_Width    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 14;
   GC_Line_Style    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 15;
   GC_Cap_Style     : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 16;
   GC_Join_Style    : constant Gdk_GC_Values_Mask := 2 ** 17;

   Gdk_Hint_Pos        : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 0;
   Gdk_Hint_Min_Size   : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 1;
   Gdk_Hint_Max_Size   : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 2;
   Gdk_Hint_Base_Size  : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 3;
   Gdk_Hint_Aspect     : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 4;
   Gdk_Hint_Resize_Inc : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 5;

   --  Representation clauses  --

   for Gdk_Event_Type use
     (Nothing => -1,
      Delete => 0,
      Destroy => 1,
      Expose => 2,
      Motion_Notify => 3,
      Button_Press => 4,
      Gdk_2button_Press => 5,
      Gdk_3button_Press => 6,
      Button_Release => 7,
      Key_Press => 8,
      Key_Release => 9,
      Enter_Notify => 10,
      Leave_Notify => 11,
      Focus_Change => 12,
      Configure => 13,
      Map => 14,
      Unmap => 15,
      Property_Notify => 16,
      Selection_Clear => 17,
      Selection_Request => 18,
      Selection_Notify => 19,
      Proximity_In => 20,
      Proximity_Out => 21,
      Drag_Enter => 22,
      Drag_Leave => 23,
      Drag_Motion => 24,
      Drag_Status => 25,
      Drop_Start => 26,
      Drop_Finished => 27,
      Client_Event => 28,
      Visibility_Notify => 29,
      No_Expose => 30);

   for Gdk_Input_Condition use
     (Input_Read      => 2 ** 0,
      Input_Write     => 2 ** 1,
      Input_Exception => 2 ** 2);

   for Gdk_Subwindow_Mode use (Clip_By_Children  => 0, Include_Inferiors => 1);

   --  Warning : these values should be kept synchronized with gdk/gdcursors.h
   --  ??? However, since these values are imported from Xlib, it is unlikely
   --  that they will change soon.

   for Gdk_Cursor_Type use
     (X_Cursor => 0,
      Arrow    => 2,
      Based_Arrow_Down => 4,
      Based_Arrow_Up => 6,
      Boat => 8,
      Bogosity => 10,
      Bottom_Left_Corner => 12,
      Bottom_Right_Corner => 14,
      Bottom_Side => 16,
      Bottom_Tee => 18,
      Box_Spiral => 20,
      Center_Ptr => 22,
      Circle => 24,
      Clock => 26,
      Coffee_Mug => 28,
      Cross => 30,
      Cross_Reverse => 32,
      Crosshair => 34,
      Diamond_Cross => 36,
      Dot => 38,
      Dotbox => 40,
      Double_Arrow => 42,
      Draft_Large => 44,
      Draft_Small => 46,
      Draped_Box => 48,
      Exchange => 50,
      Fleur => 52,
      Gobbler => 54,
      Gumby => 56,
      Hand1 => 58,
      Hand2 => 60,
      Heart => 62,
      Icon => 64,
      Iron_Cross => 66,
      Left_Ptr => 68,
      Left_Side => 70,
      Left_Tee => 72,
      Leftbutton => 74,
      Ll_Angle => 76,
      Lr_Angle => 78,
      Man => 80,
      Middlebutton => 82,
      Mouse => 84,
      Pencil => 86,
      Pirate => 88,
      Plus => 90,
      Question_Arrow => 92,
      Right_Ptr => 94,
      Right_Side => 96,
      Right_Tee => 98,
      Rightbutton => 100,
      Rtl_Logo => 102,
      Sailboat => 104,
      Sb_Down_Arrow => 106,
      Sb_H_Double_Arrow => 108,
      Sb_Left_Arrow => 110,
      Sb_Right_Arrow => 112,
      Sb_Up_Arrow => 114,
      Sb_V_Double_Arrow => 116,
      Shuttle => 118,
      Sizing => 120,
      Spider => 122,
      Spraycan => 124,
      Star => 126,
      Target => 128,
      Tcross => 130,
      Top_Left_Arrow => 132,
      Top_Left_Corner => 134,
      Top_Right_Corner => 136,
      Top_Side => 138,
      Top_Tee => 140,
      Trek => 142,
      Ul_Angle => 144,
      Umbrella => 146,
      Ur_Angle => 148,
      Watch => 150,
      Xterm => 152);

   Decor_All      : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 0;
   Decor_Border   : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 1;
   Decor_Resize_H : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 2;
   Decor_Title    : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 3;
   Decor_Menu     : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 4;
   Decor_Minimize : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 5;
   Decor_Maximize : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 6;

   Func_All      : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 0;
   Func_Resize   : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 1;
   Func_Move     : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 2;
   Func_Minimize : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 3;
   Func_Maximize : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 4;
   Func_Close    : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 5;
end Gdk.Types;

--  The following types were not bound because it did not seem
--  to be necessary (yet).
--  + GdkColorContextMode
--  + GdkCrossingMode
--  + GdkFilterReturn
--  + GdkFontType
--  + GdkNotifyType
--  + GdkPropertyState
--  + GdkStatus
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package provides functions dealing with events from the window system.
--  In GtkAda applications, the events are handled automatically in
--  Gtk.Main.Do_Event, and passed on to the appropriate widgets, so these
--  functions are rarely needed.
--  !! Warning !! This is one of the only package that requires manual
--  memory management in some cases. If you use the function Allocate,
--  you have to use the function Free too...
--  </description>

with System;
with Glib; use Glib;
with Gdk.Rectangle;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gdk.Window;

package Gdk.Event is

   --  Definition of the types --

   type Gdk_Event is new Gdk.C_Proxy;

   subtype Gdk_Event_Any is Gdk_Event;
   --  Change from GtkAda1.2.3: There is no longer a tagged type
   --  hierarchy, only one type.
   --  However there are now a few runtime tests for each of the
   --  function, to check whether a given field is available or not.
   --  Fields common to all events: Window, Send_Event, Event_Type

   subtype Gdk_Event_Button is Gdk_Event;
   --  A button was pressed or release. Relevant fields:
   --  Time, X, Y, Pressure, Xtilt, Ytilt, State, Button, Source,
   --  Device_Id, X_Root, Y_Root, Window.
   --  Type: Button_Press, Gdk_2Button_Press, Gdk_3Button_Press or
   --  Button_Release.

   subtype Gdk_Event_Configure is Gdk_Event;
   --  The window configuration has changed: either it was remapped,
   --  resized, moved, ...
   --  Note that you usually don't have to redraw your window when you
   --  receive such an event, since it is followed by an Gdk_Event_Expose.
   --  Relevant fields: X, Y, Width, Height
   --  Type: Configure

   subtype Gdk_Event_Crossing is Gdk_Event;
   --  The mouse has been moved in or out of the window
   --  Relevant fields: Time, SubWindow, X, Y, X_Root, Y_Root, Mode,
   --  Detail, Focus, State
   --  Type: Enter_Notify, Leave_Notify

   subtype Gdk_Event_Expose is Gdk_Event;
   --  The window needs to be redrawn. For efficiency, gtk gives you the
   --  smallest area that you need to redraw
   --  Relevant fields: Area, Count, Graphics_Expose
   --  Type: Expose

   subtype Gdk_Event_No_Expose is Gdk_Event;
   --  Indicate that the source region was completely available when parts of
   --  a drawable were copied.
   --  This is also emitted when a gc whose "exposures" attribute is set to
   --  False in a call to Copy_Area or Draw_Pixmap. See the documentation for
   --  Gdk.GC.Set_Exposures.
   --  No Relevent fields except the common ones
   --  Type: No_Expose

   subtype Gdk_Event_Focus is Gdk_Event;
   --  The focus has changed for a window.
   --  Relevant fields: in
   --  Type: Focus_Change

   subtype Gdk_Event_Motion is Gdk_Event;
   --  The mouse has moved
   --  Relevant fields: Time, X, Y, Pressure, Xtilt, Ytilt, State,
   --  Is_Hint, Source, Device_Id, X_Root, Y_Root
   --  Type: Motion_Notify

   subtype Gdk_Event_Key is Gdk_Event;
   --  A keyboard key was pressed
   --  Relevant fields: Time, State, Key_Val, String
   --  Type: Key_Press, Key_Release

   subtype Gdk_Event_Property is Gdk_Event;
   --  Some property of the window was modified. GtkAda provides a higher
   --  level interface, and you almost never need to use this event.
   --  Relevent fields: Atom, Time, Property_State
   --  Type: Property_Notify

   subtype Gdk_Event_Proximity is Gdk_Event;
   --  from gtk+: "This event type will be used pretty rarely. It only is
   --  important for XInput aware programs that are drawing their own
   --  cursor". This is only used with non standard input devices, like
   --  graphic tablets.
   --  Relevant fields: Time, Source, Device_Id
   --  Type: Proximity_In, Proximity_Out

   subtype Gdk_Event_Visibility is Gdk_Event;
   --  The visibility state of the window (partially visibly, fully visible,
   --  hidden). This event almost never need to be used, since other events
   --  are generated at the same time, like expose_events
   --  Relevant fields: Visibility_State
   --  type: Visibility_Notify

   subtype Gdk_Event_Selection is Gdk_Event;
   --  This is how X11 implements a simple cut-and-paste mechanism. However,
   --  GtkAda provides a higher level interface to the selection mechanism,
   --  so this event will almost never be used.
   --  Relevant fields: Selection, Target, Property, Requestor, Time
   --  Type: Selection_Clear, Selection_Request, Selection_Notify

   subtype Gdk_Event_Client is Gdk_Event;
   --  This is an event used to send arbitrary data from one X application
   --  to another. This event too is almost never used, and is not documented
   --  here. Please consult an X11 documentation for more information.
   --  Relevant fields: Message_Type, Data
   --  Type: Client_Event

   --  The following event types do not seem to have any associated type:
   --  Delete, Destroy, Map, Unmap, Drag_Enter, Drag_Leave, Drag_Motion,
   --  Drag_Status, Drag_Start, Drag_Finished

   -- Specific definition for the fields --

   type Gdk_Event_Client_Data_Format is
     (Char_Array, Short_Array, Long_Array);
   for Gdk_Event_Client_Data_Format use
     (Char_Array  => 8, Short_Array => 16, Long_Array  => 32);
   --  Values extracted from the XClientMessageEvent man page.

   Number_Of_Characters : constant := 20;
   Number_Of_Shorts     : constant := 10;
   Number_Of_Longs      : constant := 5;

   type Gdk_Event_Client_Data
     (Format : Gdk_Event_Client_Data_Format) is
      case Format is
         when Char_Array =>
            B : String (1 .. Number_Of_Characters);
         when Short_Array =>
            S : Gshort_Array (1 .. Number_Of_Shorts);
         when Long_Array =>
            L : Glong_Array (1 .. Number_Of_Longs);
      end case;
   end record;

   -- Access to fields of the event --

   Invalid_Field : exception;
   --  If a field does not exist for the event you gave, an exception
   --  Invalid_Field is raised

   function Get_Event_Type (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Types.Gdk_Event_Type;
   --  The type of the event.

   function Get_Send_Event (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
   --  Set to true if the event was generated by the application, False
   --  if generated by the X server/Win32.

   function Get_Window    (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
   --  The window the event occured on.

   function Get_Time      (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Guint32;
   --  Time when the event occured.

   function Get_X         (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdouble;
   --  Horizontal coordinate of the mouse when the event occured.
   --  The coordinates are relative to the parent window.

   function Get_Y         (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdouble;
   --  Vertical coordinate of the mouse when the event occured.
   --  The coordinates are relative to the parent window.

   function Get_X_Root    (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdouble;
   --  Horizontal coordinate of the mouse when the event occured.
   --  Relative to the root window.

   function Get_Y_Root    (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdouble;
   --  Vertical coordinate of the mouse when the event occured.
   --  Relative to the root window.

   function Get_Button    (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Guint;
   --  Number of the button that was pressed.

   function Get_State     (Event : in Gdk_Event)
                          return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   --  State of the mouse buttons and keyboard keys just prior to the event.

   function Get_Subwindow (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
   --  Child window for the event.
   --  For an Enter_Notify_Event, this is set to the initial window for the
   --  pointer; for an Leave_Notify_Event this is set to the window occupied
   --  by the pointer in its last position.

   function Get_Mode (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Crossing_Mode;
   --  Return the mode of an Event.
   --  Set to indicate whether the events are normal events, pseudo-motion
   --  events when a grab activates or pseudo-motion events when a grab
   --  deativates.

   function Get_Detail (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Notify_Type;
   --  Set to indicate the notify details.
   --  Most applications can ignore events with a Notify Virtual or a
   --  Notify_Non_Linear_Virtual detail.

   function Get_Focus (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
   --  Set to true if the window for the event is the focus window.

   function Get_Pressure  (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdouble;
   --  This is set to a constant in the gtk+ code itself, so it
   --  is most probably useless... Its value is 0.5.
   --  It is only used with some special input devices, like drawing
   --  tablets,...

   function Get_Xtilt     (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdouble;
   --  This is set to a constant in the gtk+ code itself, so it
   --  is most probably useless... Its value is 0.0.
   --  It is only used with some special input devices, like drawing
   --  tablets,...

   function Get_Ytilt     (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdouble;
   --  This is set to a constant in the gtk+ code itself, so it
   --  is most probably useless... Its value is 0.0.
   --  It is only used with some special input devices, like drawing
   --  tablets,...

   function Get_Width (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gint16;
   --  Get the width in a configure event.

   function Get_Height (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gint16;
   --  Get the height in a configure event.

   function Get_Source
     (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Input_Source;
   --  Set to a constant for now in the gtk+ source... Probably useless.

   function Get_Device_Id
     (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Device_Id;
   --  Set to a constant for now in the gtk+ source... Probably useless.
   --  Since multiple input devices can be used at the same time, like a mouse
   --  and a graphic tablet, this indicated which one generated the event.

   function Get_Area (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle;
   --  The minimal area on which the event applies.
   --  For Expose_Events, this is the minimal area to redraw.

   function Get_Count (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gint;
   --  Number of Expose_Events that are to follow this one.
   --  Most applications can ignore the event if Count is not 0, which also
   --  allows for optimizations.

   function Get_In (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
   --  True if the window has gained the focus, False otherwise.

   function Get_Is_Hint (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
   --  ???

   function Get_Key_Val (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
   --  Code of the key that was pressed (and that generated the event.

   function Get_String  (Event : in Gdk_Event) return String;
   --  Symbol of the key that was pressed, as a string.

   function Get_Atom (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
   --  Indicate which property has changed.
   --  ??? Atom should not be a Guint

   function Get_Property_State (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Guint;
   --  ??? The return type should be changed.

   function Get_Visibility_State
     (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Visibility_State;
   --  Return the new visibility state for the window.

   function Get_Selection (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
   --  What was selected in the window...

   function Get_Target (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
   --  ???

   function Get_Property (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
   --  ???

   function Get_Requestor (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Guint32;
   --  ???

   function Get_Message_Type (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
   --  ???

   function Get_Data (Event : in Gdk_Event) return Gdk_Event_Client_Data;
   --  ???

   -- Modifying the fields of an event --

   procedure Set_Window (Event : in Gdk_Event; Win : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
   --  Set the Window field of an event.

   procedure Set_X      (Event : in Gdk_Event; X : Gdouble);
   --  Set the X field of an event.

   procedure Set_Y      (Event : in Gdk_Event; Y : Gdouble);
   --  Set the Y field of an event.

   procedure Set_Xroot  (Event : in Gdk_Event; Xroot : Gdouble);
   --  Set the Xroot field of an event.

   procedure Set_Yroot  (Event : in Gdk_Event; Yroot : Gdouble);
   --  Set the Yroot field of an event.

   procedure Set_Width  (Event : in Gdk_Event; Width : Gint16);
   --  Set the Width field of an event.

   procedure Set_Height (Event : in Gdk_Event; Height : Gint16);
   --  Set the Height field of an event.

   procedure Set_Button (Event : in Gdk_Event; Button : Guint);
   --  Set the Button field of an event.

   procedure Set_Time (Event : in Gdk_Event; Time : Guint32);
   --  Set the time for the event.
   --  If Time is 0, then it is set to the current time.

   procedure Set_State  (Event : in Gdk_Event;
                         State : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);
   --  Set the State field of an event.

   procedure Set_Subwindow (Event  : in Gdk_Event;
                            Window : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
   --  Set the Subwindow field of an event.

   procedure Set_Mode   (Event : in Gdk_Event;
                         Mode  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Crossing_Mode);
   --  Set the Mode field of an event.

   procedure Set_Detail (Event  : in Gdk_Event;
                         Detail : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Notify_Type);
   --  Set the Detail field of an event.

   procedure Set_Focus (Event : in Gdk_Event; Has_Focus : Boolean);
   --  Set the Focus field of an event.

   procedure Set_Area  (Event : in Gdk_Event; Area : Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);
   --  Set the Area field of an event.

   procedure Set_In    (Event : in Gdk_Event; Focus_In : Boolean);
   --  Set the In field of an event.

   procedure Set_Is_Hint (Event : in Gdk_Event; Is_Hint : Boolean);
   --  Set the Is_Hint field of an event.

   procedure Set_Key_Val (Event : in Gdk_Event; Key : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type);
   --  Set the Key_Val field of an event.

   procedure Set_Atom (Event : in Gdk_Event; Atom : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom);
   --  Set the Atom field of an event.

   procedure Set_Property_State (Event : in Gdk_Event; State : Guint);
   --  Set the Property_State field of an event.

   procedure Set_Visibility_State (Event : in Gdk_Event;
                                   State : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Visibility_State);
   --  Set the Visibility_State field of an event.

   procedure Set_Selection (Event : in Gdk_Event;
                            Selection : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom);
   --  Set the Selection field of an event.

   procedure Set_Target (Event : in Gdk_Event; Target : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom);
   --  Set the Target field of an event.

   procedure Set_Property (Event : in Gdk_Event;
                           Property : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom);
   --  Set the Property field of an event.

   procedure Set_Requestor (Event : in Gdk_Event; Requestor : Guint32);
   --  Set the Requestor field of an event.

   procedure Set_Message_Type (Event : in Gdk_Event; Typ : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom);
   --  Set the Message_Type field of an event.

   procedure Set_String (Event : in Gdk_Event; Str : String);
   --  Set the string associated with an event.

   -- General functions --

   procedure Deep_Copy (From : Gdk_Event; To : out Gdk_Event);
   --  Deep copy for an event. The C structure is itself duplicated.
   --  You need to deallocated it yourself with a call to Free below.

   procedure Get_Graphics_Expose
     (Event  : out Gdk_Event_Expose;
      Window : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
   --  Waits for a GraphicsExpose or NoExpose event
   --  If it gets a GraphicsExpose event, it returns a pointer to it,
   --  otherwise it returns an event for which Is_Created is False.
   --  This function can be used to implement scrolling: you must call
   --  Gdk.GC.Set_Exposures with True on the GC you are using for the
   --  drawing, so that a events are generated for obscured areas and every
   --  time a new part of the widget is drawn. However, there is a race
   --  condition if multiple scrolls happen before you have finished
   --  processing the first one. A workaround is to call Get_Graphics_Expose
   --  after every scroll until it returns a null event.

   function Events_Pending return Boolean;
   --  Is there any event pending on the queue ?

   procedure Get (Event : out Gdk_Event);
   --  Get the next event on the queue.

   procedure Peek (Event : out Gdk_Event);
   --  Look at the next event on the queue, but leave if there.

   procedure Put (Event : in Gdk_Event);
   --  Add an event on the queue - Better to use Gtk.Signal.Emit_By_Name

   procedure Set_Show_Events (Show_Events : in Boolean := True);
   --  For debug purposes, you can choose whether you want to see the events
   --  GtkAda receives.

   function Get_Show_Events return Boolean;
   --  Return the current state of Show_Events.

   procedure Send_Client_Message_To_All (Event : in Gdk_Event);
   --  Low level routine to send an Event to every window.

   function Send_Client_Message
     (Event : in Gdk_Event;
      Xid   : in Guint32) return Boolean;
   --  Low level routine to send an Event to a specified X window.

   procedure Allocate
     (Event      : out Gdk_Event;
      Event_Type : in Types.Gdk_Event_Type;
      Window     : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
   --  Create an event, whose fields are uninitialized.
   --  You need to use the function Set_* above to modify them, before you can
   --  send the event with Emit_By_Name.
   --  !!Note!!: The event has to be freed if you have called this function.
   --  Use the function Free.

   procedure Free (Event : in out Gdk_Event);
   --  Free the memory (and C structure) associated with an event.
   --  You need to call this function only if the event was created through
   --  Allocate, not if it was created by GtkAda itself (or you would get
   --  a segmentation fault).

   type Event_Handler_Func is access procedure
     (Event : System.Address; Data : System.Address);
   --  Function that can be used as a new event handler.
   --  Use From_Address below to convert to a real event type.
   --  This function should dispatch all the events properly, since it replaces
   --  completly the default event handler. However, it can call
   --  Gtk.Main.Do_Event to take care of the events it does not know how to
   --  handle.

   procedure Event_Handler_Set
     (Func : Event_Handler_Func; Data : System.Address);
   --  Set up a new event handler.
   --  This handler replaces the default GtkAda event handler, and thus should
   --  make sure that all events are correctly handled.
   --  Note that managing the memory for Data is your responsability, and
   --  Data is passed as is to Func.

   function From_Address (C : System.Address) return Gdk_Event;
   --  Convert a C handler to the matching Event structure.

   function To_Address (C : Gdk_Event) return System.Address;
   --  Convert an event to the underlying C handler.

   function Is_Created (E : Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
   --  Return True if the underlying C event has been created.

   -- Design issues --
   --  See gdk-event.adb for some of the design issues behing that package.

   pragma Import (C, Get_Event_Type, "ada_gdk_event_get_type");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Window, "ada_gdk_event_get_window");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Time, "gdk_event_get_time");
   pragma Import (C, Put, "gdk_event_put");
   pragma Import
     (C, Send_Client_Message_To_All, "gdk_event_send_clientmessage_toall");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Window, "ada_gdk_event_set_window");

end Gdk.Event;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Glib; use Glib;

package Gdk.Rectangle is

   type Gdk_Rectangle is record
      X      : Gint16;
      Y      : Gint16;
      Width  : Guint16;
      Height : Guint16;
   end record;
   pragma Pack (Gdk_Rectangle);

   Full_Area : constant Gdk_Rectangle;
   --  The constant above can be used in Gtk.Widget.Draw when you want to
   --  redraw the whole widget

   procedure Intersect
     (Src1      : in     Gdk_Rectangle;
      Src2      : in     Gdk_Rectangle;
      Dest      :    out Gdk_Rectangle;
      Intersect :    out Boolean);

   procedure Union
     (Src1 : in     Gdk_Rectangle;
      Src2 : in     Gdk_Rectangle;
      Dest :    out Gdk_Rectangle);


   Full_Area : constant Gdk_Rectangle :=
     (Gint16'First, Gint16'First, Guint16'Last, Guint16'Last);

end Gdk.Rectangle;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  A Gdk_Window is the physical window that appears on the screen.
--  This is the low-level structure known to the X server or to Win32.
--  All the widgets are internally associated with a specific Gdk_Window,
--  that holds attributes such as the window decoration, whether the window
--  can be interactively resized,...
--  On some systems, the graphic server knows how to display non-rectangular
--  windows (this is part of the X extensions).
--  If you simply want to create a simply window, you should instead look
--  at the functions provided in Gtk.Window and Gtk.Widget, which are higher
--  level than these. See also the function Gtk.Widget.Get_Window to get the
--  Gdk_Window associated with a widget. Be aware that some of them don't have
--  such windows!
--  Scrolling can be implemented in several ways with GtkAda (toplevel
--  scrolling should be done with the Gtk_Scrolled_Window widget, but you
--  might want to handle scrolling yourself). See the function
--  Gdk.Event.Get_Graphics_Expose for more information.
--  <c_version>1.2.7</c_version>

with System;
with Glib; use Glib;
with Glib.Glist;
with Gdk;
with Gdk.Color;
with Gdk.Cursor;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gdk.Visual;
with Gdk.Window_Attr;
with Unchecked_Conversion;

package Gdk.Window is

   subtype Gdk_Window is Gdk.Gdk_Window;

   Null_Window : constant Gdk_Window;

   procedure Gdk_New
     (Window          : out Gdk_Window;
      Parent          : Gdk_Window;
      Attributes      : Gdk.Window_Attr.Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Attributes_Mask : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type);

   procedure Foreign_New (Window : out Gdk_Window; An_Id : Guint32);

   procedure Destroy (Window : in out Gdk_Window);
   --  Destroy a window and all its children.

   procedure Ref (Window : Gdk_Window);
   --  Increment the reference counter associated with window.

   procedure Unref (Window : Gdk_Window);
   --  Decrement the reference counter associated with window.

   procedure Window_At_Pointer
     (Win_X  : out Gint;
      Win_Y  : out Gint;
      Window : out Gdk_Window);
   --  Return the window and the coordinates corresponding to the current
   --  position of the cursor.

   procedure Show (Window : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Hide (Window : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Withdraw (Window : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Move
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : Gint;
      Y      : Gint);

   procedure Resize
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      Width  : Gint;
      Height : Gint);

   procedure Move_Resize
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : Gint;
      Y      : Gint;
      Width  : Gint;
      Height : Gint);

   procedure Reparent
     (Window     : Gdk_Window;
      New_Parent : Gdk_Window;
      X          : Gint;
      Y          : Gint);

   procedure Clear (Window : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Clear_Area
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : Gint;
      Y      : Gint;
      Width  : Gint;
      Height : Gint);
   --  Does not generate an expose event.

   procedure Clear_Area_E
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : Gint;
      Y      : Gint;
      Width  : Gint;
      Height : Gint);
   --  Same as Clear_Area, but generates an expose event.

   procedure Copy_Area
     (Window        : Gdk_Window;
      Gc            : Gdk.Gdk_GC;
      X             : Gint;
      Y             : Gint;
      Source_Window : Gdk_Window;
      Source_X      : Gint;
      Source_Y      : Gint;
      Width         : Gint;
      Height        : Gint);

   procedure Gdk_Raise (Window : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Lower (Window : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Set_Override_Redirect
     (Window            : Gdk_Window;
      Override_Redirect : Boolean := True);

   procedure Set_Child_Shapes (Window : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Merge_Child_Shapes (Window : Gdk_Window);

   function Is_Visible (Window : Gdk_Window) return Boolean;

   function Is_Viewable (Window : Gdk_Window) return Boolean;

   procedure Set_Hints
     (Window     : Gdk_Window;
      X          : Gint;
      Y          : Gint;
      Min_Width  : Gint;
      Min_Height : Gint;
      Max_Width  : Gint;
      Max_Height : Gint;
      Flags      : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Hints);

   procedure Set_Geometry_Hints
     (Window   : Gdk_Window;
      Geometry : in out Gdk.Types.Gdk_Geometry;
      Flags    : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Hints);

   procedure Set_Title (Window : Gdk_Window; Title : String);

   procedure Set_Role (Window : Gdk_Window; Role : String);

   procedure Set_Transient_For
     (Window : Gdk_Window; Leader : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Set_Background
     (Window : Gdk_Window; Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   procedure Set_Back_Pixmap
     (Window          : Gdk_Window;
      Pixmap          : Gdk.Gdk_Pixmap;
      Parent_Relative : Boolean);

   procedure Set_Cursor
     (Window : Gdk_Window; Cursor : Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor);
   --  Note: the window must be realized first, ie have an associated X11/Win32
   --  window.

   procedure Set_Colormap
     (Window : Gdk_Window; Colormap : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);

   procedure Get_Geometry
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : out Gint;
      Y      : out Gint;
      Width  : out Gint;
      Height : out Gint;
      Depth  : out Gint);
   --  You can get the size of the root window (ie the size of the screen)
   --  simply by giving Null_Window as the first argument to this procedure.

   procedure Get_Position
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : out Gint;
      Y      : out Gint);

   procedure Get_Size
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      Width  : out Gint;
      Height : out Gint);

   function Get_Visual (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;

   function Get_Colormap (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;

   function Get_Type (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Type;

   procedure Get_Origin
     (Window  : Gdk_Window;
      X       : out Gint;
      Y       : out Gint;
      Success : out Boolean);

   procedure Get_Desk_Relative_Origin
     (Window  : Gdk_Window;
      X       : out Gint;
      Y       : out Gint;
      Success : out Boolean);

   procedure Get_Root_Origin
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : out Gint;
      Y      : out Gint);

   procedure Get_Pointer
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      X      : out Gint;
      Y      : out Gint;
      Mask   : out Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
      Result : out Gdk_Window);

   function Get_Parent (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window;

   function Get_Toplevel (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window;

   function Get_Events (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask;

   procedure Set_Events
     (Window : Gdk_Window; Event_Mask : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask);

   procedure Set_Icon
     (Window      : Gdk_Window;
      Icon_Window : Gdk_Window;
      Pixmap      : Gdk_Pixmap;
      Mask        : Gdk_Bitmap);

   procedure Set_Icon_Name
     (Window : Gdk_Window;
      Name   : String);

   procedure Set_Group (Window : Gdk_Window; Leader : Gdk_Window);

   procedure Set_Decorations
     (Window      : Gdk_Window;
      Decorations : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Wm_Decoration);

   procedure Set_Functions
     (Window    : Gdk_Window;
      Functions : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Wm_Function);

   --  Gdk_Window_List
   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (Gdk_Window, System.Address);
   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Gdk_Window);

   package Gdk_Window_List is new
     Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gpointer => Gdk_Window);

   function Get_Children
     (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window_List.Glist;

   function Get_Toplevels return Gdk_Window_List.Glist;


   Null_Window : constant Gdk_Window := null;
   pragma Import (C, Clear, "gdk_window_clear");
   pragma Import (C, Clear_Area, "gdk_window_clear_area");
   pragma Import (C, Clear_Area_E, "gdk_window_clear_area_e");
   pragma Import (C, Copy_Area, "gdk_window_copy_area");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Events, "gdk_window_get_events");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Geometry, "gdk_window_get_geometry");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Parent, "gdk_window_get_parent");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Position, "gdk_window_get_position");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Root_Origin, "gdk_window_get_root_origin");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Size, "gdk_window_get_size");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Toplevel, "gdk_window_get_toplevel");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gdk_window_get_type");
   pragma Import (C, Hide, "gdk_window_hide");
   pragma Import (C, Lower, "gdk_window_lower");
   pragma Import (C, Merge_Child_Shapes, "gdk_window_merge_child_shapes");
   pragma Import (C, Move, "gdk_window_move");
   pragma Import (C, Move_Resize, "gdk_window_move_resize");
   pragma Import (C, Gdk_Raise, "gdk_window_raise");
   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gdk_window_ref");
   pragma Import (C, Reparent, "gdk_window_reparent");
   pragma Import (C, Resize, "gdk_window_resize");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Child_Shapes, "gdk_window_set_child_shapes");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Decorations, "gdk_window_set_decorations");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Events, "gdk_window_set_events");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Functions, "gdk_window_set_functions");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Geometry_Hints, "gdk_window_set_geometry_hints");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Group, "gdk_window_set_group");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Hints, "gdk_window_set_hints");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Transient_For, "gdk_window_set_transient_for");
   pragma Import (C, Show, "gdk_window_show");
   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gdk_window_unref");
   pragma Import (C, Withdraw, "gdk_window_withdraw");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Cursor, "gdk_window_set_cursor");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Colormap, "gdk_window_get_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Visual, "gdk_window_get_visual");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Colormap, "gdk_window_set_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Icon, "gdk_window_set_icon");
end Gdk.Window;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package provides the capability to create predefined mouse cursors
--  as well as user defined ones.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.8</c_version>

with Glib;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gdk.Color;

package Gdk.Cursor is

   type Gdk_Cursor is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   Null_Cursor : constant Gdk_Cursor;

   procedure Gdk_New
     (Widget      : out Gdk_Cursor;
      Cursor_Type : in  Gdk.Types.Gdk_Cursor_Type);
   --  Create a new standard cursor.

   procedure Gdk_New
     (Widget : out Gdk_Cursor;
      Source : in Gdk.Gdk_Pixmap;
      Mask   : in Gdk.Gdk_Pixmap;
      Fg     : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Bg     : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      X      : in Glib.Gint;
      Y      : in Glib.Gint);
   --  Create a new cursor from a given pixmap and mask.
   --  Both the pixmap and mask must have a depth of 1 (i.e. each pixel has
   --  only 2 values - on or off). The standard cursor size is 16 by 16 pixels.
   --   - Source is the pixmap specifying the cursor.
   --   - Mask is the pixmap specifying the mask, which must be the same size
   --   as source.
   --   - Fg is the foreground color, used for the bits in the source which are
   --   enabled. The color does not have to be allocated first.
   --   - Bg is the background color, used for the bits in the source which are
   --   disabled. The color does not have to be allocated first.
   --   - X is the horizontal offset of the 'hotspot' of the cursor.
   --   - Y is the vertical offset of the 'hotspot' of the cursor.

   procedure Destroy (Cursor : in Gdk_Cursor);
   --  Destroy a cursor, freeing any resources allocated for it.

   Null_Cursor : constant Gdk_Cursor := null;
   pragma Import (C, Destroy, "gdk_cursor_destroy");
end Gdk.Cursor;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Gdk.Color;
with Gdk.Cursor;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gdk.Visual;
with Glib;

package Gdk.Window_Attr is

   type Gdk_Window_Attr is new C_Proxy;
   Null_Window_Attr : constant Gdk_Window_Attr;

   procedure Gdk_New
     (Window_Attr       :    out Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Title             : in     String := "";
      Event_Mask        : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask :=
      X, Y              : in     Glib.Gint16 := 0;
      Width             : in     Glib.Gint16 := 0;
      Height            : in     Glib.Gint16 := 0;
      Wclass            : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Class :=
      Visual            : in     Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual :=
      Colormap          : in     Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap :=
      Window_Type       : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Type :=
      Cursor            : in     Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor :=
      Wmclass_Name      : in     String := "";
      Wmclass_Class     : in     String := "";
      Override_Redirect : in     Boolean := True);

   procedure Destroy (Window_Attr : in out Gdk_Window_Attr);

   procedure Set_Title
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Title       : in String);

   function Get_Title (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return String;

   procedure Set_Event_Mask
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Event_Mask  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask);

   function Get_Event_Mask
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr)
      return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Event_Mask;

   procedure Set_X
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      X           : in Glib.Gint16);

   function Get_X (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Glib.Gint16;

   procedure Set_Y
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Y           : in Glib.Gint16);

   function Get_Y (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Glib.Gint16;

   procedure Set_Width
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Width       : in Glib.Gint16);

   function Get_Width (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Glib.Gint16;

   procedure Set_Height
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Height      : in Glib.Gint16);

   function Get_Height (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Glib.Gint16;

   procedure Set_Window_Class
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Wclass      : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Class);

   function Get_Window_Class
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Class;

   procedure Set_Visual
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Visual      : in Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual);

   function Get_Visual
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;

   procedure Set_Colormap
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Colormap    : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);

   function Get_Colormap
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;

   procedure Set_Window_Type
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Window_Type : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Type);

   function Get_Window_Type
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Window_Type;

   procedure Set_Cursor
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Cursor      : in Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor);

   function Get_Cursor
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr)
      return Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor;

   procedure Set_Wmclass_Name
     (Window_Attr  : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Wmclass_Name : in String);

   function Get_Wmclass_Name (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return String;

   procedure Set_Wmclass_Class
     (Window_Attr   : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Wmclass_Class : in String);

   function Get_Wmclass_Class (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return String;

   procedure Set_Override_Redirect
     (Window_Attr       : in Gdk_Window_Attr;
      Override_Redirect : in Boolean);

   function Get_Override_Redirect
     (Window_Attr : in Gdk_Window_Attr) return Boolean;

   Null_Window_Attr : constant Gdk_Window_Attr := null;
   pragma Import (C, Get_Colormap, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Cursor, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_cursor");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Event_Mask, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_event_mask");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Height, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_height");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Visual, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_visual");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Width, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_width");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Window_Class, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_wclass");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Window_Type, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_window_type");
   pragma Import (C, Get_X, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_x");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Y, "ada_gdk_window_attr_get_y");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Colormap, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_colormap");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Cursor, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_cursor");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Event_Mask, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_event_mask");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Height, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_height");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Visual, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_visual");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Width, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_width");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Window_Class, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_wclass");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Window_Type, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_window_type");
   pragma Import (C, Set_X, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_x");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Y, "ada_gdk_window_attr_set_y");
end Gdk.Window_Attr;
--               GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome               --
--                                                                   --
--   Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet   --
--                Copyright (C) 2000-2001 ACT-Europe                 --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  Pixmaps are off-screen drawables. They can be drawn upon with the standard
--  drawing primitives, then copied to another drawable (such as a Gdk_Window)
--  with Gdk.Pixmap.Draw. The depth of a pixmap is the number of bits per
--  pixels. Bitmaps are simply pixmaps with a depth of 1. (That is, they are
--  monochrome bitmaps - each pixel can be either on or off).
--  @pxref{Package_Gdk.Pixmap} for more details on pixmap handling.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.7</c_version>

with Glib; use Glib;

with Gdk.Window;

package Gdk.Bitmap is

   subtype Gdk_Bitmap is Gdk.Gdk_Bitmap;
   --  A black and white image.
   --  This type is mainly used as a mask when drawing other colored images.
   --  Each pixel can have two values, 0 or 1.

   Null_Bitmap : constant Gdk_Bitmap;

   procedure Gdk_New (Bitmap : out Gdk_Bitmap;
                      Window : in  Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
                      Width  : in  Gint;
                      Height : in  Gint);
   --  Create a new bitmap with a given size.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new bitmap.
   --  Can be eventually null in which case the root window is used.
   --  Width is the width of the new bitmap in pixels.
   --  Height is the height of the new bitmap in pixels.

   procedure Ref (Bitmap : in Gdk_Bitmap);
   --  Add a reference to a bitmap.

   procedure Unref (Bitmap : in Gdk_Bitmap);
   --  This is the usual way to destroy a bitmap. The memory is freed when
   --  there is no more reference

   procedure Create_From_Data (Bitmap :    out Gdk_Bitmap;
                               Window : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
                               Data   : in     String;
                               Width  : in     Gint;
                               Height : in     Gint);
   --  Create a bitmap from data in XBM format.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new bitmap, can be
   --  null in which case the root window is used.
   --  Data is the XBM data.
   --  Width is the width of the new bitmap in pixels.
   --  Height is the height of the new bitmap in pixels.

   Null_Bitmap : constant Gdk_Bitmap := null;
   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gdk_bitmap_ref");
   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gdk_bitmap_unref");
end Gdk.Bitmap;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Gdk; use Gdk;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gtk.Object;

package Gtk.Accel_Group is

   type Gtk_Accel_Group is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   type Gtk_Accel_Entry is new Gdk.C_Proxy;

   type Gtk_Accel_Flags is new Guint;
   Accel_Visible        : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags;
   Accel_Signal_Visible : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags;
   Accel_Locked         : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags;
   Accel_Mask           : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags;

   --  Accelerator Groups  --

   procedure Gtk_New (Widget : out Gtk_Accel_Group);

   function Get_Default return Gtk_Accel_Group;

   --  procedure Ref
   --  procedure Unref

   function Activate
     (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key   : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type) return Boolean;

   function Accel_Groups_Activate
     (Object     : access Gtk.Object.Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
      Accel_Key  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type) return Boolean;

   procedure Attach
     (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Object      : access Gtk.Object.Gtk_Object_Record'Class);
   --  Object should be able to get key_press and key_release events (ie
   --  this won't work in a Gtk_Box which has no window).
   --  The recommended way is to attach the Accel_Group to the toplevel window.

   procedure Detach
     (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Object      : access Gtk.Object.Gtk_Object_Record'Class);

   procedure Lock (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group);

   procedure Unlock (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group);

   --  Accelerator Group Entries  --

   function Get_Entry
     (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key   : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type) return Gtk_Accel_Entry;

   procedure Lock_Entry
     (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key   : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);

   procedure Unlock_Entry
     (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key   : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);

   procedure Add
     (Accel_Group  : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key    : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods   : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
      Accel_Flags  : in     Gtk_Accel_Flags;
      Object       : access Gtk.Object.Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
      Accel_Signal : in     String);

   procedure Remove
     (Accel_Group : in Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key   : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods  : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
      Object      : access Gtk.Object.Gtk_Object_Record'Class);

   --  Accelerator Signals  --

   procedure Handle_Add
     (Object          : access Gtk.Object.Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
      Accel_Signal_Id : in     Guint;
      Accel_Group     : in     Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key       : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods      : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
      Accel_Flags     : in     Gtk_Accel_Flags);

   procedure Handle_Remove
     (Object      : access Gtk.Object.Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
      Accel_Group : in     Gtk_Accel_Group;
      Accel_Key   : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accel_Mods  : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);

   --  function Create_Add
   --  function Create_Remove
   --  procedure Marshal_Add
   --  procedure Marshal_Remove

   --  Miscellaneous  --

   --  function Accel_Groups_From_Object
   --  function Entries_From_Object

   --  Accelerators  --

   function Accelerator_Valid
     (Keyval    : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Modifiers : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type) return Boolean;

   procedure Accelerator_Parse
     (Accelerator      : in     String;
      Accelerator_Key  :    out Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accelerator_Mods :    out Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);

   function Accelerator_Name
     (Accelerator_Key  : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
      Accelerator_Mods : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type) return String;

   procedure Accelerator_Set_Default_Mod_Mask
     (Default_Mod_Mask : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);

   function Accelerator_Get_Default_Mod_Mask
     return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;


   Accel_Visible        : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags := 2 ** 0;
   Accel_Signal_Visible : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags := 2 ** 1;
   Accel_Locked         : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags := 2 ** 2;
   Accel_Mask           : constant Gtk_Accel_Flags := 16#07#;

   pragma Import (C, Accelerator_Set_Default_Mod_Mask,
   pragma Import (C, Accelerator_Get_Default_Mod_Mask,
   pragma Import (C, Get_Default, "gtk_accel_group_get_default");
   pragma Import (C, Lock, "gtk_accel_group_lock");
   pragma Import (C, Unlock, "gtk_accel_group_unlock");
end Gtk.Accel_Group;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This is the base class of the widget hierarchy.
--  Everything in GtkAda inherits from this class Gtk_Object, except for a few
--  structures in the Gdk.* packages (low-level drawing routines).
--  This class provides a set of handful features that you can choose to reuse
--  in your applications:
--  - Reference counting: an object is not deleted while there exists at least
--    one reference to it. Although GtkAda mostly takes care of that aspect
--    transparently, you might need in some obscure cases to increment or
--    decrement the reference counting for a widget manually, so that it is not
--    removed from memory while you still need it.
--  - User data: any number of data can be attached to a Gtk_Object or one of
--    its children. Theses data are references by a String, in a hash-table.
--    GtkAda itself uses this feature to provide an easy conversion between C
--    and Ada widgets.
--    Although you might prefer to have a completely object-oriented
--    application (and thus associate data through class inheritance), it
--    might be convenient to directly attach some data to your objects.
--  - It also contains the basic structures and subprograms required for signal
--    emission. This is of course used to implement the signal mechanism in
--    GtkAda itself, but can also be used to implement a Model/View/Controller
--    framework.
--  Note that a lot of functions provided in the C interface are not provided
--  here. They are used to emulate an object-oriented language in C, which can
--  of course be done much more conveniently in Ada. Therefore most of these
--  functions are not needed.
--  Here is a brief explanation on how the reference counting and destruction
--  process work. You should not have to understand all this to use GtkAda, but
--  it might help anyway.
--  When an object (descendant of Gtk.Object) is created, it has initially a
--  ref_count of 1. A flag is set to say the object is "floating".  See the
--  Flags functions in this package for how to retrieve the status of this
--  flag.
--  When the object gets a parent (ie Gtk.Widget.Set_Parent is called, possibly
--  from other subprograms like Gtk.Container.Add, Gtk.Box.Pack_Start, ...),
--  the ref_count of the object is incremented to 2.
--  If the object was still "floating", it is also "sinked", ie its ref_count
--  is decremented to 1, and the "floating" flag is cleared.
--  The same behavior as above happens when the object is registered as a
--  top-level widget (i.e. we know it won't have any parent).
--  Thus the normal life cycle of an object is to have a ref_count to 1, and
--  not be a "floating" object.
--  When the object is destroyed, the following happens:
--     A temporary reference to the object is created (call to Ref), and
--        ref_count to 2.
--     The object is shutdown:
--        It is removed from its parent (if any), and its ref_count is
--          decremented to 1.
--        The "destroy" signal is emitted, the user's handlers are called,
--          and then all the handlers connected to the object are destroyed.
--     The object is unref-ed. If its ref_count goes down to 0 (normal case),
--        the memory used by the object and its user_data is freed.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.6</c_version>

with System;
with Gtkada.Types;

package Gtk.Object is

   type Gtk_Object_Record is new Gtk.Root_Type with private;
   type Gtk_Object is access all Gtk_Object_Record'Class;

   procedure Ref (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record);
   --  Increment the reference count on the object.
   --  Since an object is not deleted while its reference count is not null,
   --  this is a way to keep an object in memory.
   --  GtkAda mostly takes care of everything, and you should not need this
   --  function except in special cases.

   procedure Unref (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record);
   --  Decrement the reference count for an object.
   --  If it passed from 1 to 0, then the memory allocated for the object is
   --  freed, and the object no longer usable.
   --  It is better to use Destroy than Unref to destroy an object, although
   --  both might be acceptable.

   procedure Sink (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record);
   --  Sink the object.
   --  If the object is floating (does not have a parent yet), it is unref-ed
   --  once and the floating flag is cleared.

   procedure Destroy (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record);
   --  Destroy the object.
   --  This emits a "destroy" signal, calls all your handlers, and then
   --  unconnects them all. The object is then unref-ed, and if its reference
   --  count goes down to 0, the memory associated with the object and its
   --  user data is freed.
   --  Note that when you destroy handlers are called, the user_data is still
   --  available.

   function Get_Type return Gtk.Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Object internally.
   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_object_get_type");

   function Get_Type (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record) return Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the type of Object.
   --  This function is mostly used internally, since in Ada you can simply
   --  test whether an object belong to a class with a statement like:
   --     if Object in Gtk_Button_Record'Class then ...
   --  which is easier.

   --  Flags  --
   --  Each object is associated with a set of flags, that reports the state
   --  of the object.
   --  The following flags are known by all objects:
   --  - "Destroyed":
   --     Set if the object is marked as destroyed (if its reference count is
   --     not yet 0, the memory has not been freed, but you should not use it
   --     anyway).
   --  - "Floating":
   --     The object has no parent yet, since it was just created. Its
   --     reference count is still 1 (as it was initially). This flag is
   --     cleared as soon as Set_Parent is called on the widget or the widget
   --     is qualified as a toplevel widget (see
   --     Gtk.Container.Register_Toplevel).
   --  - "Connected":
   --     Set if the object is connected to at least one handler
   --  - "Constructed":
   --     Set if the object has been fully constructed, and is now usable.
   --     Every time you create an object at the GtkAda level, the object will
   --     be fully constructed, and you shouldn't have to worry about that
   --     flag.

   Destroyed   : constant := 2 ** 0;
   Floating    : constant := 2 ** 1;
   Connected   : constant := 2 ** 2;
   Constructed : constant := 2 ** 3;

   function Flags (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record) return Guint32;
   --  Return the flags that are set for the object, as a binary mask.

   procedure Set_Flags (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record;
                        Flags  : in     Guint32);
   --  Set some specific flags for the object.
   --  Flags is a mask that will be added to the current flags of the object.

   procedure Unset_Flags (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record;
                          Flags  : in     Guint32);
   --  Unset some specific flags for the object.
   --  Flags is a mask that will be deleted from the current flags of the
   --  object.

   function Flag_Is_Set (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record;
                         Flag   : in     Guint32)
                        return Boolean;
   --  Return True if the specific flag Flag is set for the object.

   function Destroyed_Is_Set (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class)
                             return Boolean;
   --  Test if the Destroyed flag is set for the object.

   function Floating_Is_Set (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class)
                            return Boolean;
   --  Test if the Floating flag is set for the object.

   function Connected_Is_Set (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class)
                             return Boolean;
   --  Test if the Connected flag is set for the object.

   function Constructed_Is_Set (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class)
                               return Boolean;
   --  Test if the Constructed flag is set for the object

   -- Creating new widgets --
   --  These types and functions are used only when creating new widget types
   --  directly in Ada. These functions initialize the classes so that they are
   --  correctly recognized by gtk+ itself
   --  See the GtkAda user's guide for more information on how to create your
   --  own widget types in Ada.

   type Signal_Parameter_Types is array (Natural range <>, Natural range <>)
     of Gtk_Type;
   --  The description of the parameters for each event.
   --  Each event defined with Initialize_Class_Record below should have an
   --  entry in this table. If Gtk_Type_None is found in the table, it is
   --  ignored. For instance, a Signal_Parameter_Type like:
   --    (1 => (1 => Gdk_Type_Gdk_Event, 2 => Gdk_Type_Nonde),
   --     2 => (1 => Gdk_Type_Int,       2 => Gdk_Type_Int));
   --  defines two signals, the first with a single Gdk_Event parameter, the
   --  second with two ints parameters.

   Null_Parameter_Types : constant Signal_Parameter_Types (1 .. 0, 1 .. 0) :=
     (others => (others => Gtk_Type_None));
   --  An empty array, used as a default parameter in Initialize_Class_Record.

   procedure Initialize_Class_Record
     (Object                    : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
      Signals                   : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array;
      Class_Record              : in out System.Address;
      Parameters                : Signal_Parameter_Types :=
      Scroll_Adjustments_Signal : Guint := 0);
   --  Create the class record for a new widget type.
   --  It is associated with Signals'Length new signals. A pointer to the
   --  newly created structure is also returned in Class_Record.
   --  If Class_Record /= System.Null_Address, no memory allocation is
   --  performed, we just reuse it.
   --  Note: The underlying C widget must already have been initialized
   --  by a call to its parent's Initialize function.
   --  Parameters'Length should be the same as Signals'Length, or the result
   --  is undefined.
   --  As a special case, if Parameters has its default value, all signals are
   --  created with no argument. This is done for backward compatibility
   --  mainly, and you should instead give it an explicit value.
   --  Scroll_Adjustments_Signal is the index of the new signal that will be
   --  emitted when Gtk.Widget.Set_Scroll_Adjustments is called. If it is 0,
   --  no signal is emitted. The first signal in Signals has index 1. Note
   --  that the handlers for this signal take two arguments in addition to the
   --  widget (the horizontal and vertical adjustments to be used). See
   --  Gtk.Scrolled_Window and Gtk.Widget.Set_Scroll_Adustment for more
   --  information on this signal.
   --  Only the signals with no parameter can be connected from C. However,
   --  any signal can be connected from Ada. This is due to the way we define
   --  default marshallers for the signals.

   -- User_Data --
   --  This package allow you to associate your own Data to the C widgets. No
   --  type verification is made to check if you are using the correct
   --  matching Get function. This is your own responsability.
   --  We recommend using this package only if you want your data to be
   --  available from your own C code. If you just want to access it from Ada,
   --  you should consider creating a new tagged type instead.

   --  <doc_ignore>

      type Data_Type (<>) is private;
   package User_Data is
      function Get (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
                    Id     : in String := "user_data") return Data_Type;
      --  Get the information associated with the key ID.
      --  Raise Gtkada.Types.Data_Error if there is none.

      procedure Set (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
                     Data   : in Data_Type;
                     Id     : in String := "user_data");
      --  Associate some new user data with the object.
      --  The strings starting with "gtkada_" are reserved for GtkAda's
      --  internal use, please avoid using them.

      procedure Remove (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
                        Id     : in String := "user_data");
      --  Remove some data from the object

      function Get (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
                    Id     : in Glib.GQuark)
                   return Data_Type;
      --  Same function as Get above, but uses directly the Quark associated
      --  with the string, which speeds up the access time significantly.

      procedure Set (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
                     Data   : in Data_Type;
                     Id     : in Glib.GQuark);
      --  Same function as Set above, but uses directly the Quark associated
      --  with the string, which speeds up the access time significantly.

      procedure Remove (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class;
                        Id     : in Glib.GQuark);
      --  Same function as Remove above, but uses directly the Quark associated
      --  with the string, which speeds up the access time significantly.

   end User_Data;

   --  </doc_ignore>

   -- Signals --

   --  <signals>
   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
   --  - "destroy"
   --    procedure Handler (Object : access Gtk_Object_Record'Class);
   --    Raised when the object is about to be destroyed. The "destroyed"
   --    flag has been set on the object first. Handlers should not keep
   --    a reference on the object.
   --    Note that when your destroy handlers are called, the user_data is
   --    still available.
   --    The default implementation destroys all the handlers.
   --  </signals>

   type Gtk_Object_Record is new Gtk.Root_Type with null record;

   pragma Inline (Destroyed_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Floating_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Connected_Is_Set);
   pragma Inline (Constructed_Is_Set);

end Gtk.Object;

--  Functions that have no Ada equivalent:
--  - gtk_object_class_user_signal_new
--  - gtk_object_class_user_signal_newv
--  - gtk_object_new
--  - gtk_object_newv
--  - gtk_object_default_construct
--  - gtk_object_constructed
--  - gtk_object_weakref
--  - gtk_object_weakunref
--  - gtk_object_getv
--  - gtk_object_get
--  - gtk_object_set
--  - gtk_object_setv
--  - gtk_object_query_args
--  - gtk_object_class_add_signals => in Initialize_Class_Record
--  - gtk_object_add_arg_type
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This is the parent package for the GtkAda specific units.
--  </description>

package Gtkada is

   pragma Pure (Gtkada);

end Gtkada;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This package provides GtkAda specific types and their associated functions.
--  </description>

with Interfaces.C.Strings;

package Gtkada.Types is

   pragma Preelaborate;

   Data_Error : exception;

   --  <doc_ignore>
   subtype Chars_Ptr is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
   subtype Chars_Ptr_Array is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr_array;
   --  </doc_ignore>

   Null_Ptr : Chars_Ptr renames Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr;

   function Null_Array return Chars_Ptr_Array;
   --  Return a null array.
   pragma Inline (Null_Array);

   --  Handling of arrays of Strings  --
   --  The following functions provide a very convenient way to create
   --  C arrays of null terminated strings in Ada.
   --  You can either create such a String on the fly, or declare a variable:
   --     Signals : Chars_Ptr_Array := "clicked" + "missed" + "new signal";
   --  which corresponds to the C declaration:
   --     char *signals[] = @{"clicked", "missed", "new signal"@};
   --  Note that you still need to manually call Free (Signals) if you want to
   --  release the memory dynamically allocated by the "+" functions.

   function "+" (S1, S2 : String) return Chars_Ptr_Array;
   --  Create an array containing S1 and S2.
   --  Note that this function allocates memory to store S1 and S2 as null
   --  terminated Strings. The user is responsible for calling Free on the
   --  resulting array.

   function "+" (S1 : Chars_Ptr_Array; S2 : String) return Chars_Ptr_Array;
   --  Append S2 to S1.
   --  Note that this function allocates memory to store S2 as a null
   --  terminated Strings. The user is responsible for calling Free on the
   --  resulting array.

   function "+" (S1 : Chars_Ptr_Array; S2 : Chars_Ptr) return Chars_Ptr_Array;
   --  Append S2 to S1.
   --  Note that this function allocates memory to store S2 as a null
   --  terminated Strings. The user is responsible for calling Free on the
   --  resulting array.

   function "+" (S1 : Chars_Ptr; S2 : String) return Chars_Ptr_Array;
   --  Create an array containing S1 and S2.
   --  Note that this function allocates memory to store S2 as a null
   --  terminated string. The user is responsible for calling Free on the
   --  resulting array.

   procedure Free (A : in out Chars_Ptr_Array);
   --  Free all the strings in A.

end Gtkada.Types;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This object represents an adjustable bounded value.
--  It is used in many other widgets that have such internal values,
--  like Gtk_Scrollbar, Gtk_Spin_Button, Gtk_Range, ...
--  Modifying the value of these widgets is done through their
--  associated adjustments.
--  The modification of the value is left to the user, who should
--  call Value_Changed or Changed to emit the relevant signals.
--  </description>
--  <example>
--  The meaning of the most important fields can be explained on the
--  following figure (imagine this is a scrollbar):
--     [-------|=================|-------------------]
--    lower    value        value + page_size       upper
--  </example>
--  <c_version>1.2.6</c_version>

with Gtk.Data;

package Gtk.Adjustment is

   type Gtk_Adjustment_Record is new Data.Gtk_Data_Record with private;
   type Gtk_Adjustment is access all Gtk_Adjustment_Record'Class;

   Null_Adjustment : constant Gtk_Adjustment;

   procedure Gtk_New (Adjustment     : out Gtk_Adjustment;
                      Value          : in     Gfloat;
                      Lower          : in     Gfloat;
                      Upper          : in     Gfloat;
                      Step_Increment : in     Gfloat;
                      Page_Increment : in     Gfloat;
                      Page_Size      : in     Gfloat);
   --  Create a new adjustment.
   --  Value is the initial value of the adjustment. It must be in the
   --  range (Lower .. Upper) and the adjustment's value will never be
   --  outside this range.
   --  Step_Increment is the value used to make minor adjustments, such
   --  as when the user clicks on the arrows of a scrollbar.
   --  Page_Increment is used to make major adjustments, such as when
   --  the user clicks in the through on a scrollbar.
   --  Page_Size is the size of the area that is currently visible
   --  (for instance in a Gtk_Scrolled_Window).

   procedure Initialize (Adjustment     : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record'Class;
                         Value          : in     Gfloat;
                         Lower          : in     Gfloat;
                         Upper          : in     Gfloat;
                         Step_Increment : in     Gfloat;
                         Page_Increment : in     Gfloat;
                         Page_Size      : in     Gfloat);
   --  Internal initialization function.
   --  See the section "Creating your own widgets" in the documentation.

   function Get_Type return Gtk.Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Adjustment.

   -- Read functions --

   function Get_Value (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record)
                      return Gfloat;
   --  Return the current value of the adjustment.

   function Get_Lower (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record)
                      return Gfloat;
   --  Return the lower bound of the adjustment.

   function Get_Upper (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record)
                      return Gfloat;
   --  Return the upper bound of the adjustment.

   function Get_Step_Increment (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record)
                               return Gfloat;
   --  Return the step increment of the adjustment.

   function Get_Page_Increment (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record)
                               return Gfloat;
   --  Return the page increment of the adjustment.

   function Get_Page_Size (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record)
                          return Gfloat;
   --  Return the page size of the adjustment.

   -- Write functions --

   procedure Set_Upper (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record;
                        Upper      : in Gfloat);
   --  Modify the upper bound of the adjustment.
   --  You should call Changed after modifying this value.

   procedure Set_Lower (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record;
                        Lower      : in Gfloat);
   --  Modify the lower bound of the adjustment.
   --  You should call Changed after modifying this value.

   procedure Set_Value (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record;
                        Value      : in Gfloat);
   --  Modify the current value of the adjustment.
   --  You do not need to call Value_Changed after modifying this value,
   --  this is done automatically.

   procedure Set_Page_Size (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record;
                            Page_Size  : in Gfloat);
   --  Modify the page size of the adjustment.
   --  You should call Changed after modifying this value.

   procedure Set_Page_Increment (Adjustment     : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record;
                                 Page_Increment : in Gfloat);
   --  Modify the page increment of the adjustment.
   --  You should call Changed after modifying this value.

   procedure Set_Step_Increment (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record;
                                 Step_Increment : in Gfloat);
   --  Modify the step increment of the adjustment.
   --  You should call Changed after modifying this value.

   -- Misc functions --

   procedure Clamp_Page (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record;
                         Lower      : in     Gfloat;
                         Upper      : in     Gfloat);
   --  Update the Adjustment value to ensure that the range between Lower and
   --  Upper is in the current page (i.e. between value and value +
   --  page_size). If the range is larger than the page size, then only the
   --  start of it will be in the current page.
   --  A "value_changed" signal will be emitted if the value is changed.

   -- Signals emission --

   procedure Changed (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record);
   --  Emit the "changed" signal on Adjustment.
   --  This warns any listener that some field other than the value has been
   --  changed.

   procedure Value_Changed (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record);
   --  Emit the "value_changed" signal on Adjustment.
   --  This warns any listener that the value has been changed.

   -- Signals --

   --  <signals>
   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
   --  - "changed"
   --    procedure Handler (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record'Class);
   --    This signal is emitted every time one of the parameters is modified,
   --    except the value.
   --  - "value_changed"
   --    procedure Handler (Adjustment : access Gtk_Adjustment_Record'Class);
   --    This signal is emitted every time the value of the adjustment is
   --    modified
   --  </signals>


   type Gtk_Adjustment_Record is new Data.Gtk_Data_Record with null record;

   Null_Adjustment : constant Gtk_Adjustment := null;

   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_adjustment_get_type");
end Gtk.Adjustment;

--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  Abstract class for objects containing data
--  This object is currently not very useful since it only provides
--  a single "disconnect" signal.
--  This is the "Model" in the Model/View/Controller framework.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.6</c_version>

with Gtk.Object;

package Gtk.Data is

   type Gtk_Data_Record is new Object.Gtk_Object_Record with private;
   type Gtk_Data is access all Gtk_Data_Record'Class;

   function Get_Type return Gtk.Gtk_Type;
   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Data.

   -- Signals --

   --  <signals>
   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
   --  - "disconnect"
   --    procedure Handler (Data : access Gtk_Data_Record'Class);
   --    Emitted just before Data is destroyed.
   --  </signals>

   type Gtk_Data_Record is new Object.Gtk_Object_Record with null record;
   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_data_get_type");
end Gtk.Data;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Glib;
with Glib.Glist;
pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Glist);

with System;

package Gtk.Enums is

   type Gtk_State_Type is

   type Gtk_Window_Type is (Window_Toplevel, Window_Dialog, Window_Popup);

   type Gtk_Button_Action is new Guint;
   Button_Ignored : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 0;
   Button_Selects : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 1 ** 0;
   Button_Drags   : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 1 ** 1;
   Button_Expands : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 1 ** 2;

   type Gtk_Button_Box_Style is

   type Gtk_Direction_Type is

   type Gtk_Shadow_Type is

   type Gtk_Arrow_Type is (Arrow_Up, Arrow_Down, Arrow_Left, Arrow_Right);

   type Gtk_Cell_Type is

   type Gtk_Pack_Type is (Pack_Start, Pack_End);

   type Gtk_Policy_Type is (Policy_Always, Policy_Automatic, Policy_Never);

   type Gtk_Update_Type is

   type Gtk_Relief_Style is (Relief_Normal, Relief_Half, Relief_None);

   type Gtk_Attach_Options is new Glib.Guint32;
   Expand : constant Gtk_Attach_Options := 1;
   Shrink : constant Gtk_Attach_Options := 2;
   Fill   : constant Gtk_Attach_Options := 4;

   type Gtk_Window_Position is

   type Gtk_Submenu_Direction is (Direction_Left, Direction_Right);

   type Gtk_Submenu_Placement is (Top_Bottom, Left_Right);

   type Gtk_Resize_Mode is
     (Resize_Parent,     --  Pass request to the parent
      Resize_Queue,      --  Queue resizes on this widget
      Resize_Immediate); --  Perform the resizes now

   type Gtk_Metric_Type is (Pixels, Inches, Centimeters);

   type Gtk_Scroll_Type is

   type Gtk_Trough_Type is

   type Gtk_Position_Type is

   type Gtk_Preview_Type is (Preview_Color, Preview_Grayscale);

   type Gtk_Justification is

   type Gtk_Selection_Mode is

   type Gtk_Orientation is (Orientation_Horizontal, Orientation_Vertical);

   type Gtk_Spin_Button_Update_Policy is (Update_Always, Update_If_Valid);

   type Gtk_Toolbar_Child_Type is

   type Gtk_Toolbar_Style is (Toolbar_Icons, Toolbar_Text, Toolbar_Both);

   type Gtk_Toolbar_Space_Style is (Toolbar_Space_Empty, Toolbar_Space_Line);

   type Gtk_Tree_View_Mode is (Tree_View_Line, Tree_View_Item);

   type Gtk_Visibility is
     (Visibility_None, Visibility_Partial, Visibility_Full);

   type Gtk_Progress_Bar_Style is
     (Progress_Continuous, Progress_Discrete);

   type Gtk_Progress_Bar_Orientation is

   type Gtk_Ctree_Line_Style is
      --  No line will be drawn in the Ctree

      --  Solid lines will be drawn

      --  Dotted lines will be drawn

      --  The tree won't be highlighted by lines but by tabs surrounding nodes
   --  See Gtk.Ctree.Set_Line_Style for more details.

   type Gtk_Ctree_Expander_Style is
      --  No pixmap will be drawn, you will have to double-click on the node to
      --  expand it.

      --  The pixmap will be a square

      --  The pixmap will be a triangle

      --  The pixmap will be a circle
   --  See Gtk.Ctree.Set_Expander_Style for more details.

   --  Some Glib instantiations

   function Convert (S : String) return System.Address;
   function Convert (S : System.Address) return String;
   function Convert_I (I : Gint) return System.Address;
   function Convert_A (S : System.Address) return Gint;
   pragma Import (C, Convert_I, "convert_i");
   pragma Import (C, Convert_A, "convert_a");

   package String_List is new Glib.Glist.Generic_List (String);
   --  Warning: when you create this list, new memory gets allocated for
   --  all the strings. You should use the function Free_String_List
   --  instead of Glib.Glist.Free to be sure to free this memory.

   procedure Free_String_List (List : in out String_List.Glist);
   --  Free the memory occupied by all the strings in the list, as well
   --  as the memory occupied by the list itself.

   package Gint_List is new
     Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gint, Convert_I, Convert_A);

   function Convert_UI (I : Guint) return System.Address;
   function Convert_UA (S : System.Address) return Guint;
   pragma Import (C, Convert_UI, "convert_ui");
   pragma Import (C, Convert_UA, "convert_ua");
   package Guint_List is new
     Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Guint, Convert_UI, Convert_UA);

end Gtk.Enums;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Gdk; use Gdk;
with Gdk.Color;
with Gdk.GC;
with Gdk.Font;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gdk.Pixmap;
with Gdk.Window;
with Gtk.Enums;

package Gtk.Style is

   type Gtk_Style is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   --  Type used to handle styles.
   --  @pxref{Package_Gtk.Widget} for style handling.

   Null_Style : constant Gtk_Style := null;

   procedure Gtk_New (Style : out Gtk_Style);

   function Copy (Source : in Gtk_Style) return Gtk_Style;

   function Attach
     (Style  : in Gtk_Style;
      Window : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window) return Gtk_Style;

   procedure Detach (Style : in Gtk_Style);

   procedure Set_Background
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      Window     : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type);

   procedure Set_Foreground
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   procedure Set_Fg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color) renames Set_Foreground;

   function Get_Foreground
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   function Get_Fg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color
      renames Get_Foreground;

   procedure Set_Background
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   procedure Set_Bg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color) renames Set_Background;

   function Get_Background
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   function Get_Bg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color
      renames Get_Background;

   procedure Set_Light
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   function Get_Light
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   procedure Set_Dark
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   function Get_Dark
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   procedure Set_Middle
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   procedure Set_Mid
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color) renames Set_Middle;

   function Get_Middle
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   function Get_Mid
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color
      renames Get_Middle;

   procedure Set_Text
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   function Get_Text
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   procedure Set_Base
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Color      : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   function Get_Base
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   procedure Set_Black
     (Style : in Gtk_Style;
      Color : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   function Get_Black (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   procedure Set_White (Style : in Gtk_Style; Color : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);

   function Get_White (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;

   procedure Set_Font (Style : in Gtk_Style; Font : in Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font);

   function Get_Font (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font;

   procedure Set_Black_GC (Style : in Gtk_Style; GC : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Black_GC (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Black
     (Style : in Gtk_Style; GC : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Black_GC;

   function Get_Black
     (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC renames Get_Black_GC;

   procedure Set_White_GC (Style : in Gtk_Style; GC : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_White_GC (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_White
     (Style : in Gtk_Style; GC : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_White_GC;

   function Get_White
     (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC renames Get_White_GC;

   procedure Set_Foreground_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Foreground_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Foreground
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Foreground_GC;

   function Get_Foreground
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Foreground_GC;

   procedure Set_Fg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Foreground_GC;

   function Get_Fg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Foreground_GC;

   procedure Set_Fg_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Foreground_GC;

   function Get_Fg_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Foreground_GC;

   procedure Set_Background_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Background_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Background
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Background_GC;

   function Get_Background
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Background_GC;

   procedure Set_Bg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Background_GC;

   function Get_Bg
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Background_GC;

   procedure Set_Bg_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Background_GC;

   function Get_Bg_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Background_GC;

   procedure Set_Light_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Light_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Light
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Light_GC;

   function Get_Light
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Light_GC;

   procedure Set_Dark_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Dark_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Dark
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Dark_GC;

   function Get_Dark
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Dark_GC;

   procedure Set_Middle_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Middle_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Middle
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Middle_GC;

   function Get_Middle
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Middle_GC;

   procedure Set_Mid_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Middle_GC;

   function Get_Mid_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Middle_GC;

   procedure Set_Mid
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Middle_GC;

   function Get_Mid
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Middle_GC;

   procedure Set_Text_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Text_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Text
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Text_GC;

   function Get_Text
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Text_GC;

   procedure Set_Base_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC);

   function Get_Base_GC
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;

   procedure Set_Base
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      GC         : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC) renames Set_Base_GC;

   function Get_Base
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC
      renames Get_Base_GC;

   procedure Set_Bg_Pixmap
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Pixmap     : in Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap);

   function Get_Bg_Pixmap
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type) return Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;

   function X_Thickness (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gint;
   --  Width of the vertical scrollbars and ranges when Style is applied.
   --  In fact, this thickness is used for a lot of widgets whose width
   --  does not depend on their content, such as rulers,...

   function Y_Thickness (Style : in Gtk_Style) return Gint;
   --  Height of the horizontal scrollbars and ranges when Style is applied.

   procedure Draw_Hline
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      Window     : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      X1, X2     : in Gint;
      Y          : in Gint);

   procedure Draw_Vline
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      Window     : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Y1, Y2     : in Gint;
      X          : in Gint);

   procedure Draw_Shadow
     (Style       : in Gtk_Style;
      Window      : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type  : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Shadow_Type : in Enums.Gtk_Shadow_Type;
      X, Y        : in Gint;
      Width       : in Gint;
      Height      : in Gint);

   procedure Draw_Polygon
     (Style      : in Gtk_Style;
      Window     : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Shadow_Type : in Enums.Gtk_Shadow_Type;
      Points     : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_Points_Array;
      Fill       : in Boolean);

   procedure Draw_Arrow
     (Style       : in Gtk_Style;
      Window      : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type  : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Shadow_Type : in Enums.Gtk_Shadow_Type;
      Arrow_Type  : in Enums.Gtk_Arrow_Type;
      Fill        : in Boolean;
      X, Y        : in Gint;
      Width       : in Gint;
      Height      : in Gint);

   procedure Draw_Diamond
     (Style       : in Gtk_Style;
      Window      : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type  : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Shadow_Type : in Enums.Gtk_Shadow_Type;
      X, Y        : in Gint;
      Width       : in Gint;
      Height      : in Gint);

   procedure Draw_Oval
     (Style       : in Gtk_Style;
      Window      : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type  : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      Shadow_Type : in Enums.Gtk_Shadow_Type;
      X, Y        : in Gint;
      Width       : in Gint;
      Height      : in Gint);

   procedure Draw_String
     (Style       : in Gtk_Style;
      Window      : in Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      State_Type  : in Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
      X, Y        : in Gint;
      Str         : in String);

   procedure Ref (Object : in Gtk_Style);
   procedure Unref (Object : in Gtk_Style);

   pragma Import (C, Attach, "gtk_style_attach");
   pragma Import (C, Copy, "gtk_style_copy");
   pragma Import (C, Detach, "gtk_style_detach");
   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gtk_style_ref");
   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gtk_style_unref");
   pragma Import (C, Draw_Diamond, "gtk_draw_diamond");
   pragma Import (C, Draw_Hline, "gtk_draw_hline");
   pragma Import (C, Draw_Oval, "gtk_draw_oval");
   pragma Import (C, Draw_Shadow, "gtk_draw_shadow");
   pragma Import (C, Draw_Vline, "gtk_draw_vline");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Font, "ada_style_set_font");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Font, "ada_style_get_font");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Black_GC, "ada_style_set_black_gc");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Black_GC, "ada_style_get_black_gc");
   pragma Import (C, Set_White_GC, "ada_style_set_white_gc");
   pragma Import (C, Get_White_GC, "ada_style_get_white_gc");
   pragma Import (C, X_Thickness, "ada_style_get_x_thickness");
   pragma Import (C, Y_Thickness, "ada_style_get_y_thickness");
end Gtk.Style;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  A graphic context is a structure that describes all the attributes
--  used by the drawing functions in Gdk.
--  The colors, line styles, Fill styles and so on are defined through
--  this structure.
--  On X11 systems, this structure is stored directly on the XServer,
--  which speeds up the transfer of the drawing attributes a lot. Instead
--  of transferring all of them every time you call one of the drawing
--  functions, you simply specify which GC you want to use.
--  Thus, it is recommended to create as many GCs as you need, instead
--  of creating a single one that is modified every time you need to
--  modify one of the attributes.
--  On Unix machines, you should have a look at the external utility 'xgc'
--  which demonstrates all the basic settings of the graphic contexts.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.6</c_version>

with Glib; use Glib;
with Gdk.Color;
with Gdk.Font;
with Gdk.Rectangle;
with Gdk.Region;
with Gdk.Types;
with Gdk.Window;

package Gdk.GC is

   subtype Gdk_GC is Gdk.Gdk_GC;
   --  A graphic context that contain all the information to draw graphics
   --  on the screen.
   --  Creating these GC is more efficient than passing a lot of parameters
   --  to each of the drawing functions, since these GC are stored on the
   --  server side and do not need to be pass through the network.

   type Gdk_GC_Values is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   --  A structure used on the client side to store the same information
   --  as the GC. Creating a GC from this structure is more efficient than
   --  calling a lot of functions to modify the GC directly, since there is
   --  a single call to the server.

   Null_GC : constant Gdk_GC;
   Null_GC_Values : constant Gdk_GC_Values;

   -- Gdk_GC --

   procedure Gdk_New (GC     :    out Gdk_GC;
                      Window : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
   --  Create a new graphic context.
   --  The window must have been realized first (so that it is associated
   --  with some resources on the Xserver).
   --  The GC can then be used for any window that has the same root window,
   --  and same color depth as Window.
   --  See the manual page for XCreateGC on Unix systems for more information.

   procedure Gdk_New (GC          :    out Gdk_GC;
                      Window      : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
                      Values      : in     Gdk_GC_Values;
                      Values_Mask : in     Types.Gdk_GC_Values_Mask);
   --  Create a new graphic context.
   --  It is directly created with the values set in Values, and whose
   --  associated field has been set in Values_Mask.
   --  This is faster than calling the simple Gdk_New function and each of
   --  other functions in this package, since each of them requires a call
   --  to the server.

   procedure Destroy (GC : in Gdk_GC);
   --  Free the memory allocated on the server for the graphic context.
   --  Graphic contexts are never freed automatically by GtkAda, this is
   --  the user responsibility to do so.

   procedure Ref (GC : in Gdk_GC);
   --  Increment the reference counting for the graphic context.
   --  You should usually not have to use it.

   procedure Unref (GC : in Gdk_GC);
   --  Decrement the reference counting for the graphic context.
   --  When this reaches 0, the graphic context is destroyed.

   procedure Get_Values (GC     : in Gdk_GC;
                         Values : in Gdk_GC_Values);
   --  Get the values set in the GC.
   --  This copies the values from the server to client, allowing faster
   --  modifications. Values can then be copied back to the server by
   --  creating a new graphic context with the function Gdk_New above.
   --  Values should have been allocated first with a call to Gdk_New.

   procedure Set_Foreground (GC    : in Gdk_GC;
                             Color : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the foreground color for the graphic context.
   --  This color is the one that is used by most drawing functions.

   procedure Set_Background (GC     : in Gdk_GC;
                             Color  : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Set the background color for the graphic context.

   procedure Set_Font (GC   : in Gdk_GC;
                       Font : in Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font);
   --  Set the font used by the graphic context.
   --  This font is used by the function Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Text.

   procedure Set_Function (GC   : in Gdk_GC;
                           Func : in Types.Gdk_Function);
   --  Set the function in the graphic context.
   --  This function specifies how the points are put on the screen, ie
   --  if GtkAda how GtkAda should mix the point already on the screen
   --  and the new point being put.
   --  Note that setting the function to Gdk_Xor is not the right way
   --  to do animation. You should instead save the background pixmap,
   --  put the image, and then restore the background.
   --  In general, there are three basic steps to drawing: reading the source
   --  pixels, reading the destination pixels, and writing the destination
   --  pixels.  Some functions only perform the third step (Set and Clear),
   --  some do not need the middle step (Copy), whereas most require the three
   --  steps, and thus can be much slower.

   procedure Set_Fill (GC   : in Gdk_GC;
                       Fill : in Types.Gdk_Fill);
   --  Set the pattern used for filling the polygons.

   procedure Set_Tile (GC   : in Gdk_GC;
                       Tile : in Gdk.Gdk_Pixmap);

   procedure Set_Stipple (GC      : in Gdk_GC;
                          Stipple : in Gdk.Gdk_Pixmap);

   procedure Set_Clip_Mask (GC    : in Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;
                            Mask  : in Gdk.Gdk_Bitmap);
   --  If Mask is set to Null_Bitmap, then no clip_mask is used for drawing.
   --  Points will be drawn through this GC only where the bits are set to 1
   --  in the mask. See also the function Set_Clip_Origin for
   --  how to move the mask inside the GC.

   procedure Set_Ts_Origin (GC   : in Gdk_GC;
                            X, Y : in Gint);
   --  Set the Tile and Stipple origin in the graphic context.

   procedure Set_Clip_Origin (GC   : in Gdk_GC;
                              X, Y : in Gint);
   --  Set the origin of the clip mask.
   --  See the functions Set_Clip_Rectangle, Set_Clip_Region and
   --  Gdk.Bitmap.Set_Clip_Mask for more explanation.

   procedure Set_Clip_Rectangle
     (GC        : in Gdk_GC;
      Rectangle : in Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);
   --  Set the clip rectangle.
   --  Only the points that are drawn inside this rectangle will be displayed
   --  on the screen. Note that you might have to modify the Clip origin first
   --  with Set_Clip_Origin.
   --  See Set_Clip_Mask to delete the current clip mask.

   procedure Set_Clip_Region (GC     : in Gdk_GC;
                              Region : in Gdk.Region.Gdk_Region);
   --  Define a clip region on the screen.
   --  This is just like Set_Clip_Rectangle, except that a region is a more
   --  complex region, that can be the intersection or union of multiple
   --  rectangles. Note that the Clip_Origin can have an influence on this
   --  function.

   procedure Set_Subwindow (GC   : in Gdk_GC;
                            Mode : in Types.Gdk_Subwindow_Mode);
   --  Set the subwindow mode for the graphic context.
   --  This specifies whether the drawing routines should be clipped to
   --  the specific window they are drawn into, or if they should extend
   --  to subwindows as well.

   procedure Set_Exposures (GC        : in Gdk_GC;
                            Exposures : in Boolean);
   --  Exposures indicates whether you want "expose" and "noexpose" events to
   --  be reported when calling Copy_Area and Copy_Plane with this GC.
   --  You should disable this if you don't need the event and want to optimize
   --  your application.
   --  If Exposures is True, then any call to Copy_Area or Draw_Pixmap will
   --  generate an expose event. Otherwise, these will generate a no_expose
   --  event.

   procedure Set_Line_Attributes (GC         : in Gdk_GC;
                                  Line_Width : in Gint;
                                  Line_Style : in Types.Gdk_Line_Style;
                                  Cap_Style  : in Types.Gdk_Cap_Style;
                                  Join_Style : in Types.Gdk_Join_Style);
   --  Set the line attributes for this GC.
   --  Line_Width is the width of the line. If its value is 0, the line is as
   --  thin as possible, possibly even more so than if the width is 1. It is
   --  also faster to draw a line with width 0 than any other line width.
   --  Line_Style specifies whether the line should be solid or dashed.
   --  With Line_On_Off_Dash, the colors are alternatively the foreground
   --  color, and blank. With Line_Double_Dash, the colors are
   --  alternatively the foreground and background colors.
   --  Cap_Style specifies how the line should end, either flat or rounded.
   --  Join_Style specifies how two consecutive lines drawn by Draw_Lines are
   --  connected.

   procedure Set_Dashes (Gc          : in Gdk_GC;
                         Dash_Offset : in Gint;
                         Dash_List   : in Guchar_Array);
   --  Specify the dash pattern when the line's style is anything but solid.
   --  The values in the array alternatively give the length (in pixels) of
   --  the plain dash, the empty dash, the second plain dash, ... None of
   --  these values can be 0. If there is an odd number of items in Dash_List,
   --  this is equivalent to giving the array concatenated with itself.
   --  Dash_Offset specifies the phase of the pattern to start with.

   procedure Copy (Dst_GC : in Gdk_GC;
                   Src_GC : in Gdk_GC);
   --  Copy a Src_GC to Dst_GC.

   -- Gdk_Color_Values --

   function Gdk_New return Gdk_GC_Values;
   --  Allocate a new Values structure on the client.
   --  Note that this function allocates a C structure, and thus needs to
   --  be freed with a call to Free below.

   procedure Free (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values);
   --  Free the C structure associated with Values.

   procedure Set_Foreground (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                             Color  : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Same as Set_Foreground, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Background (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                             Color  : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Same as Set_Background, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Font (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                       Font   : in Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font);
   --  Same as Set_Font, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Function (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                           Func   : in Types.Gdk_Function);
   --  Same as Set_Function, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Fill (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                       Fill   : in Types.Gdk_Fill);
   --  Same as Set_Fill, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Ts_Origin (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                            X, Y   : in Gint);
   --  Same as Set_Ts_Origin, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Clip_Origin (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                              X, Y   : in Gint);
   --  Same as Set_Clip_Origin, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Subwindow (Values : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                            Mode   : in Types.Gdk_Subwindow_Mode);
   --  Same as Set_Subwindow, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Exposures (Values    : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                            Exposures : in Boolean);
   --  Same as Set_Exposures, but on the client side

   procedure Set_Line_Attributes (Values     : in Gdk_GC_Values;
                                  Line_Width : in Gint;
                                  Line_Style : in Types.Gdk_Line_Style;
                                  Cap_Style  : in Types.Gdk_Cap_Style;
                                  Join_Style : in Types.Gdk_Join_Style);
   --  Same as Set_Line_Attributes, but on the client side

   Null_GC : constant Gdk_GC := null;
   Null_GC_Values : constant Gdk_GC_Values := null;

   pragma Import (C, Copy, "gdk_gc_copy");
   pragma Import (C, Destroy, "gdk_gc_destroy");
   pragma Import (C, Free, "ada_gdk_gc_free_values");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Values, "gdk_gc_get_values");
   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gdk_gc_ref");
   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gdk_gc_unref");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Stipple, "gdk_gc_set_stipple");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Tile, "gdk_gc_set_tile");
   pragma Import (C, Set_Clip_Mask, "gdk_gc_set_clip_mask");
end Gdk.GC;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This is the base package for handling fonts.
--  GtkAda knows about bitmap and vectorial fonts, and can draw both.
--  The list of fonts available to you depends on what is installed on
--  your system.
--  The name of the font is indicated in the standard X11 fashion, namely:
--  (example extracted from the Xlib manual):
--  -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1
--  where:
--    - adobe     : foundry
--    - courier   : font family
--    - bold      : weight (e.g. bold, medium)
--    - o         : slant (e.g. roman, italic, oblique)
--    - normal    : set width (e.g. normal, condensed, narrow, double)
--    - 10        : pixels
--    - 100       : points (in tenths of a point)
--    - 75        : horizontal resolution in dpi
--    - 75        : vertical resolution in dpi
--    - m         : spacing (e.g. monospace or proportional)
--    - 60        : average width (in tenths of a pixel)
--    - iso8859-1 : character set
--  Any of the fields can have a '*' instead, so that the system will
--  automatically find a font that matches the rest of the string, and won't
--  care about that specific field.
--  But the easiest way to select a font is by using some external programs,
--  for instance xfontsel, xlsfont, gfontsel, or even the font selection
--  dialog example in the testgtk/ directory of the GtkAda distribution.
--  @pxref{Package_Gtk.Extra.PsFont} for a package that processes postscript
--  fonts, with their more usual names, and can easily convert them to standard
--  Gdk_Font structures.
--  Some of the functions below should be used only for wide-character strings.
--  This is needed for languages with more than 256 characters.
--  Wide character values between 0 and 127 are always identical in meaning to
--  the ASCII character codes.
--  An alternative to wide characters is multi-byte characters, which extend
--  normal char strings to cope with larger character sets. As the name
--  suggests, multi-byte characters use a different number of bytes to store
--  different character codes. For example codes 0-127 (i.e. the ASCII codes)
--  often use just one byte of memory, while other codes may use 2, 3 or even
--  4 bytes. Multi-byte characters have the advantage that they can often be
--  used in an application with little change, since strings are still
--  represented as arrays of char values. However multi-byte strings are much
--  easier to manipulate since the character are all of the same size.
--  On Unix systems, the external utility 'xfd' can be used to display all
--  the characters in a font.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.7</c_version>
--  <screenshot>font</screenshot>

with Glib; use Glib;
with Gdk.Types;

package Gdk.Font is

   type Gdk_Font is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   --  A font used to draw text.
   --  This can represent a bitmap font, a scalable (vectorial) font, or
   --  a fontset. A fontset is a list of comma-separated fonts, that permits
   --  GtkAda to obtain the fonts needed for a variety of locales from a
   --  single locale-independent base font name. The single base font name
   --  should name a family of fonts whose members are encoded in the various
   --  charsets needed by the locales of interest.
   --  The algorithm used to select the font is described in the manual page
   --  for XCreateFontSet(3X).

   Null_Font : constant Gdk_Font;

   procedure Load (Font      :    out Gdk_Font;
                   Font_Name : in     String);
   --  Load a new font, given its name.
   --  This is the first step before using a font.
   --  The font is first looked up in the cache, and if it was already
   --  loaded, it is not reloaded again. Thus, it does not harm to call
   --  this function multiple times with the same Font_Name.
   --  Null_Font is returned if the font could not be loaded.

   procedure Fontset_Load (Font         :   out Gdk_Font;
                           Fontset_Name : in    String);
   --  Load a new font set.
   --  Fontset_Name is a comma-separated list of fonts that will be loaded
   --  as part of the fontset.

   procedure Ref (Font : in Gdk_Font);
   --  Increment the reference counter for the font.
   --  You should not make any assumption of the initial value of the fonts
   --  returned by Load or Fontset_Load, since these can be extracted from a
   --  cache.

   procedure Unref (Font : in Gdk_Font);
   --  Decrement the reference counter for the font.
   --  When this counter reaches 0, the font is deleted from memory.

   function Id (Font : in Gdk_Font) return Gint;
   --  Return the X font id for the font.
   --  This Id will only be needed if you want to call directly X11 functions,
   --  you won't need it with GtkAda.

   function Equal (Fonta, Fontb : in Gdk_Font) return Boolean;
   --  Compare two fonts or two fontsets for equality.
   --  Two fonts are equal if they have the same font Id.
   --  Two fontsets are equal if the name given to Fontset_Load was the same.

   function Get_Ascent (Font : in Gdk_Font) return Gint;
   --  Return the maximal ascent for the font.
   --  This is the logical extent above the baseline for spacing between two
   --  lines.

   function Get_Descent (Font : in Gdk_Font) return Gint;
   --  Return the maximal descent for the font.
   --  This is the logical extent below the baseline for spacing between two
   --  lines.

   function String_Width (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                          Str  : in String)
                         return Gint;
   --  Return the width in pixels that Str will occupy if drawn with Font.
   --  The value returned is the distance between the origin of the text and
   --  the position at which the next string should be drawn.

   function Text_Width (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                        Text : in String)
                       return Gint;
   --  This is the same function as String_Width.
   --  In C, this function is intended to measure only the width of a part
   --  of the string, but you can simply pass it a substring in Ada.

   function Text_Width (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                        Text : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_WString)
                       return Gint;
   --  Return the width in pixels that Text will occupy on the screen.
   --  This function should be used with strings that contain Unicode
   --  characters

   function Char_Width (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                        Char : in Character)
                       return Gint;
   --  Return the width in pixels occupied by a single character on the screen.
   --  The value returned is the distance between Char's origin on the screen
   --  and the origin of the next character in the string.

   function Char_Width (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                        Char : in Gdk.Types.Gdk_WChar)
                       return Gint;
   --  Return the width in pixels occupied by a single wide-character.

   function String_Measure (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                            Str  : in String)
                           return Gint;
   --  Determine the distance from the origin to the rightmost portion of Str.
   --  This is not the correct value for determining the origin of the next
   --  portion when drawing text in multiple pieces.
   --  See String_Width instead.

   function Text_Measure (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                          Text : in String)
                         return Gint;
   --  Same function a String_Measure.
   --  In C, this function is intended to measure only the width of a part of
   --  the string, but you can simply pass it a substring in Ada.
   --  This is also called the right bearing of the string.

   function Char_Measure (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                          Char : in Character)
                         return Gint;
   --  Return the width in pixels of Char.
   --  As opposed to Char_Width, the value returned is not the distance at
   --  which the next character should be drawn.
   --  This is also called the right bearing of the character.

   procedure String_Extents (Font     : in     Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font;
                             Str      : in     String;
                             Lbearing :    out Gint;
                             Rbearing :    out Gint;
                             Width    :    out Gint;
                             Ascent   :    out Gint;
                             Descent  :    out Gint);
   --  Return the metrics for a given text.
   --  See the picture for more explanations on all the fields.
   --  Lbearing : Origin to left edge of character.
   --  Rbearing : Origin to right edge of character.
   --  Width    : Advance to next character's origin.
   --  Ascent   : Baseline to top edge of character.
   --  Descent  : Baseline to bottom edge of character.

   procedure Text_Extents (Font        : in     Gdk_Font;
                           Text        : in     String;
                           Lbearing    :    out Gint;
                           Rbearing    :    out Gint;
                           Width       :    out Gint;
                           Ascent      :    out Gint;
                           Descent     :    out Gint);
   --  Return all the metrics for a given text.
   --  See the picture for more explanations on all the fields.
   --  in C, this function would be used for part of a string, which you can
   --  simulate in Ada with a substring.

   procedure Text_Extents (Font        : in     Gdk_Font;
                           Text        : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_WString;
                           Lbearing    :    out Gint;
                           Rbearing    :    out Gint;
                           Width       :    out Gint;
                           Ascent      :    out Gint;
                           Descent     :    out Gint);
   --  Return all the metrics for a given wide-character string.
   --  See the picture for more explanations on the returned values.

   function String_Height (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                           Str  : in String)
                          return Gint;
   --  Return the height in pixels of the string.
   --  This is the total height, and you can not easily tell how this height
   --  is split around the baseline.

   function Text_Height (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                         Str  : in String)
                        return Gint;
   --  Same as String_Height.
   --  In C, this function is intended to measure only the width of a part of
   --  the string, but you can simply pass it a substring in Ada.
   --  This is also called the right bearing of the string.

   function Char_Height (Font : in Gdk_Font;
                         Char : in Character)
                        return Gint;
   --  Return the total height in pixels of a single character.

   Null_Font : constant Gdk_Font := null;
   pragma Import (C, Char_Height, "gdk_char_height");
   pragma Import (C, Id, "gdk_font_id");
   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gdk_font_ref");
   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gdk_font_unref");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Ascent, "ada_gdk_font_get_ascent");
   pragma Import (C, Get_Descent, "ada_gdk_font_get_descent");
end Gdk.Font;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-1999                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

with Glib; use Glib;
with Gdk.Rectangle;
with Gdk.Types;

package Gdk.Region is

   type Gdk_Region is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
   Null_Region : constant Gdk_Region;

   procedure Gdk_New (Region : out Gdk_Region);

   procedure Destroy (Region : in out Gdk_Region);

   procedure Get_Clipbox
     (Region    : in     Gdk_Region;
      Rectangle :    out Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);

   function Empty (Region : in Gdk_Region) return Boolean;

   function "=" (Left, Right : in Gdk_Region) return Boolean;

   function Point_In
     (Region : in Gdk_Region;
      X, Y   : in Integer) return Boolean;

   function Rect_In
     (Region : in Gdk_Region;
      Rect   : in Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle) return Types.Gdk_Overlap_Type;

   procedure Polygon
     (Region :    out Gdk_Region;
      Points : in     Gdk.Types.Gdk_Points_Array;
      Fill_Rule : in     Types.Gdk_Fill_Rule);

   procedure Offset
     (Region : in Gdk_Region;
      Dx     : in Gint;
      Dy     : in Gint);

   procedure Shrink
     (Region : in Gdk_Region;
      Dx     : in Gint;
      Dy     : in Gint);

   procedure Union_With_Rect
     (Result :    out Gdk_Region;
      Region : in     Gdk_Region;
      Rect   : in     Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);

   procedure Intersect
     (Result  :    out Gdk_Region;
      Source1 : in     Gdk_Region;
      Source2 : in     Gdk_Region);

   procedure Union
     (Result  :     out Gdk_Region;
      Source1 : in      Gdk_Region;
      Source2 : in      Gdk_Region);

   procedure Substract
     (Result  :     out Gdk_Region;
      Source1 : in      Gdk_Region;
      Source2 : in      Gdk_Region);

   procedure Gdk_Xor
     (Result  :     out Gdk_Region;
      Source1 : in      Gdk_Region;
      Source2 : in      Gdk_Region);

   Null_Region : constant Gdk_Region := null;
   pragma Import (C, Offset, "gdk_region_offset");
   pragma Import (C, Shrink, "gdk_region_shrink");
end Gdk.Region;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  Pixmaps are off-screen drawables. They can be drawn upon with the standard
--  drawing primitives, then copied to another drawable (such as a Gdk_Window)
--  with Gdk.Pixmap.Draw. The depth of a pixmap is the number of bits per
--  pixels. Bitmaps are simply pixmaps with a depth of 1. (That is, they are
--  monochrome bitmaps - each pixel can be either on or off).
--  @pxref{Package_Gdk.Bitmap} for more details on bitmap handling.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.7</c_version>

with Glib; use Glib;
with Gdk.Bitmap;
with Gdk.Color;
with Gdk.Window;
with Gtkada.Types;

package Gdk.Pixmap is

   subtype Gdk_Pixmap is Gdk.Gdk_Pixmap;
   --  A server-side image.
   --  You can create an empty pixmap, or load if from external files in
   --  bitmap and pixmap format. See Gdk.Pixbuf if you need to load
   --  images in other formats.

   Null_Pixmap : constant Gdk_Pixmap;

   procedure Gdk_New (Pixmap :    out Gdk_Pixmap;
                      Window : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
                      Width  : in     Gint;
                      Height : in     Gint;
                      Depth  : in     Gint := -1);
   --  Create a new pixmap with a given size.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new pixmap.
   --  Can be eventually null.
   --  Width is the width of the new pixmap in pixels.
   --  Height is the height of the new pixmap in pixels.
   --  Depth is the depth (number of bits per pixel) of the new pixmap.
   --  If -1, and window is not null, the depth of the new pixmap will be
   --  equal to that of window.
   --  Automatically reference the pixmap once.

   procedure Ref (Pixmap : in Gdk_Pixmap);
   --  Add a reference to a pixmap.

   procedure Unref (Pixmap : in Gdk_Pixmap);
   --  This is the usual way to destroy a pixmap. The memory is freed when
   --  there is no more reference

   procedure Create_From_Data (Pixmap :    out Gdk_Pixmap;
                               Window : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
                               Data   : in     String;
                               Width  : in     Gint;
                               Height : in     Gint;
                               Depth  : in     Gint;
                               Fg     : in     Color.Gdk_Color;
                               Bg     : in     Color.Gdk_Color);
   --  Create a pixmap from data in XBM format.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new bitmap, can be
   --  null in which case the root window is used.
   --  Data is the XBM data.
   --  Width is the width of the new bitmap in pixels.
   --  Height is the height of the new bitmap in pixels.
   --  Depth is the depth (number of bits per pixel) of the new pixmap.
   --  Fg is the foreground color.
   --  Bg is the background color.

   procedure Create_From_Xpm (Pixmap      :    out Gdk_Pixmap;
                              Window      : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
                              Mask        : in out Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
                              Transparent : in     Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
                              Filename    : in     String);
   --  Create a pixmap from a XPM file.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new pixmap.
   --  Mask is a pointer to a place to store a bitmap representing the
   --  transparency mask of the XPM file. Can be null, in which case
   --  transparency will be ignored.
   --  Transparent is the color to be used for the pixels that are transparent
   --  in the input file. Can be null, in which case a default color will be
   --  used.
   --  Filename is the filename of a file containing XPM data.

   procedure Create_From_Xpm (Pixmap      :    out Gdk_Pixmap;
                              Window      : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
                              Colormap    : in     Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;
                              Mask        : in out Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
                              Transparent : in     Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
                              Filename    : in     String);
   --  Create a pixmap from a XPM file using a particular colormap.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new pixmap. Can be
   --  null if colormap is given.
   --  Colormap is the Gdk_Colormap that the new pixmap will use. If omitted,
   --  the colormap for window will be used.
   --  Mask is a pointer to a place to store a bitmap representing the
   --  transparency mask of the XPM file. Can be null, in which case
   --  transparency will be ignored.
   --  Transparent is the color to be used for the pixels that are transparent
   --  in the input file. Can be null, in which case a default color will be
   --  used.
   --  Filename is the filename of a file containing XPM data.

   procedure Create_From_Xpm_D
     (Pixmap      :    out Gdk_Pixmap;
      Window      : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      Mask        : in out Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
      Transparent : in     Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Data        : in     Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array);
   --  Create a pixmap from data in XPM format.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new pixmap.
   --  Mask is a pointer to a place to store a bitmap representing the
   --  transparency mask of the XPM file. Can be null, in which case
   --  transparency will be ignored.
   --  Transparent will be used for the pixels that are transparent in the
   --  input file. Can be null in which case a default color will be used.
   --  Data is a pointer to a string containing the XPM data.

   procedure Create_From_Xpm_D
     (Pixmap      :    out Gdk_Pixmap;
      Window      : in     Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
      Colormap    : in     Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;
      Mask        : in out Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
      Transparent : in     Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
      Data        : in     Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array);
   --  Create a pixmap from data in XPM format using a particular colormap.
   --  Window is used to determine default values for the new pixmap.
   --  Colormap is the Gdk_Colormap that the new pixmap will be use. If
   --  omitted, the colormap for window will be used.
   --  Mask is a pointer to a place to store a bitmap representing the
   --  transparency mask of the XPM file. Can be null, in which case
   --  transparency will be ignored.
   --  Transparent will be used for the pixels that are transparent in the
   --  input file. Can be null in which case a default color will be used.
   --  Data is a pointer to a string containing the XPM data.

   Null_Pixmap : constant Gdk_Pixmap := null;
   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gdk_pixmap_ref");
   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gdk_pixmap_unref");
end Gdk.Pixmap;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

--  <description>
--  This packages provides the implementation of a generic single-linked
--  list.
--  One instantiation is found in Gtk.Widget.Widget_Slist for a list of
--  widgets.
--  See the documentation of Glib.Glist for more information, it provides
--  the same API as this package.
--  Single linked lists are traversed the same way as double-linked lists,
--  even though most subprograms are less efficient than their
--  double-linked counterparts.
--  </description>
--  <c_version>1.2.6</c_version>

with System;

package Glib.GSlist is

   --  <doc_ignore>

      type Gpointer (<>) is private;
      with function Convert (P : Gpointer) return System.Address is <>;
      with function Convert (S : System.Address) return Gpointer is <>;
   package Generic_SList is

      type GSlist is private;
      Null_List : constant GSlist;

      procedure Alloc (List : out GSlist);
      procedure Append (List : in out GSlist;
                        Data : in Gpointer);
      function Concat (List1 : in GSlist;
                       List2 : in GSlist)
                       return GSlist;
      procedure Insert (List : in out GSlist;
                        Data : in Gpointer;
                        Position : in Gint);
      function Find (List : in GSlist;
                     Data : in Gpointer)
                     return GSlist;
      procedure Free (List : in out GSlist);
      function Get_Data (List : in GSlist)
                         return Gpointer;
      function Index (List : in GSlist;
                      Data : in Gpointer)
                      return Gint;
      function Last (List : in GSlist)
                     return GSlist;
      function Length (List : in GSlist)
                       return Guint;
      procedure List_Reverse (List : in out GSlist);
      function Next (List : in GSlist)
                     return GSlist;
      function Nth (List : in GSlist;
                    N    : in Guint)
                    return GSlist;
      function Nth_Data (List : in GSlist;
                         N : in Guint)
                         return Gpointer;
      function Position (List : in GSlist;
                         Link : in GSlist)
                         return Gint;
      procedure Prepend (List : in out GSlist;
                         Data : in Gpointer);
      procedure Remove (List : in out GSlist;
                        Data : in Gpointer);
      procedure Remove_Link (List : in out GSlist;
                             Link : in GSlist);
      function Get_Object (Obj : in GSlist)
                           return System.Address;
      pragma Inline (Get_Object);
      procedure Set_Object (Obj    : in out GSlist;
                            Value  : in     System.Address);
      pragma Inline (Set_Object);

      type GSlist is
            Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
         end record;
      Null_List : constant GSlist := (Ptr => System.Null_Address);
   end Generic_SList;

   --  </doc_ignore>

end Glib.GSlist;
--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

package body Glib.Glist is

   use type System.Address;

   package body Generic_List is
      -- Alloc --

      procedure Alloc (List : out Glist) is
         function Internal return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_alloc");
         Set_Object (List, Internal);
      end Alloc;

      -- Append --

      procedure Append
        (List : in out Glist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_append");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data)));
      end Append;

      -- Concat --

      function Concat
        (List1 : in Glist;
         List2 : in Glist)
         return Glist
         function Internal (List1 : System.Address;
                            List2 : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_append");
         Tmp : Glist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List1),
                                    Get_Object (List2)));
         return Tmp;
      end Concat;

      -- Insert --

      procedure Insert
        (List     : in out Glist;
         Data     : in     Gpointer;
         Position : in     Gint)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address;
                            Pos  : Gint)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_insert");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data), Position));
      end Insert;

      -- Find --

      function Find
        (List : in Glist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         return Glist
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_find");
         Tmp : Glist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                    Convert (Data)));
         return Tmp;
      end Find;

      -- First --

      function First (List : in Glist)
                      return Glist
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_first");
         Tmp : Glist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
         return Tmp;
      end First;

      -- Free --

      procedure Free (List : in out Glist) is
         procedure Internal (List : System.Address);
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_free");
         Internal (Get_Object (List));
      end Free;

      -- Get_Data --

      function Get_Data (List : in Glist) return Gpointer is
         function Internal (List : in System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "ada_list_get_data");
         return Convert (Internal (Get_Object (List)));
      end Get_Data;

      -- Get_Data --

      function Get_Data_Address (List : in Glist) return System.Address is
         function Internal (List : in System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "ada_list_get_data");
         return Internal (Get_Object (List));
      end Get_Data_Address;

      --  Get_Gpointer  --

      function Get_Gpointer (List : in Glist) return Gpointer is
         return Convert (Get_Object (List));
      end Get_Gpointer;

      -- Get_Object --

      function Get_Object (Obj : in Glist)
                           return System.Address is
         return Obj.Ptr;
      end Get_Object;

      -- Index --

      function Index
        (List : in Glist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         return Gint
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return Gint;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_index");
         return Internal (Get_Object (List),
                          Convert (Data));
      end Index;

      --  Is_Created  --

      function Is_Created (List : in Glist) return Boolean is
         return Get_Object (List) /= System.Null_Address;
      end Is_Created;

      -- Last --

      function Last (List : in Glist) return Glist is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_last");
         Tmp : Glist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
         return Tmp;
      end Last;

      -- Length --

      function Length (List : in Glist) return Guint is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return Guint;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_length");
         return Internal (Get_Object (List));
      end Length;

      -- List_Reverse --

      procedure List_Reverse (List : in out Glist) is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_reverse");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
      end List_Reverse;

      -- Next --

      function Next (List : in Glist) return Glist is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "ada_list_next");
         Tmp : Glist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
         return Tmp;
      end Next;

      -- Nth --

      function Nth
        (List : in Glist;
         N    : in Guint)
         return Glist
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            N    : Guint)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_nth");
         Tmp : Glist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List), N));
         return Tmp;
      end Nth;

      -- Nth_Data --

      function Nth_Data
        (List : in Glist;
         N    : in Guint)
         return Gpointer
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            N    : Guint)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_nth_data");
         return Convert (Internal (Get_Object (List), N));
      end Nth_Data;

      -- Position --

      function Position
        (List : in Glist;
         Link : in Glist)
         return Gint
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Link : System.Address)
                            return Gint;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_position");
         return Internal (Get_Object (List), Get_Object (Link));
      end Position;

      -- Prepend --

      procedure Prepend
        (List : in out Glist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_prepend");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data)));
      end Prepend;

      -- Prev --

      function Prev (List : in Glist) return Glist is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "ada_list_prev");
         Tmp : Glist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
         return Tmp;
      end Prev;

      -- Remove --

      procedure Remove
        (List : in out Glist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_remove");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data)));
      end Remove;

      -- Remove_Link --

      procedure Remove_Link
        (List : in out Glist;
         Link : in Glist)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Link : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_list_remove_link");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Get_Object (Link)));
      end Remove_Link;

      -- Set_Object --

      procedure Set_Object (Obj   : in out Glist;
                            Value : in     System.Address) is
         Obj.Ptr := Value;
      end Set_Object;

   end Generic_List;
end Glib.Glist;

--          GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit              --
--                                                                   --
--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2000                       --
--        Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet          --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
--                                                                   --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
-- General Public License for more details.                          --
--                                                                   --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
--                                                                   --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --

package body Glib.GSlist is

   package body Generic_SList is
      -- Alloc --

      procedure Alloc (List : out GSlist) is
         function Internal return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_alloc");
         Set_Object (List, Internal);
      end Alloc;

      -- Append --

      procedure Append
        (List : in out GSlist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_append");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data)));
      end Append;

      -- Concat --

      function Concat
        (List1 : in GSlist;
         List2 : in GSlist)
         return GSlist
         function Internal (List1 : System.Address;
                            List2 : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_append");
         Tmp : GSlist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List1),
                                    Get_Object (List2)));
         return Tmp;
      end Concat;

      -- Get_Data --

      function Get_Data (List : in GSlist)
                         return Gpointer
         function Internal (List : System.Address) return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "ada_gslist_get_data");
         return Convert (Internal (Get_Object (List)));
      end Get_Data;

      -- Insert --

      procedure Insert
        (List     : in out GSlist;
         Data     : in     Gpointer;
         Position : in     Gint)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address;
                            Pos  : Gint)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_insert");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data), Position));
      end Insert;

      -- Find --

      function Find
        (List : in GSlist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         return GSlist
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_find");
         Tmp : GSlist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                    Convert (Data)));
         return Tmp;
      end Find;

      -- Free --

      procedure Free (List : in out GSlist) is
         procedure Internal (List : System.Address);
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_free");
         Internal (Get_Object (List));
      end Free;

      -- Get_Object --

      function Get_Object (Obj : in GSlist)
                           return System.Address is
         return Obj.Ptr;
      end Get_Object;

      -- Index --

      function Index
        (List : in GSlist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         return Gint
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return Gint;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_index");
         return Internal (Get_Object (List),
                          Convert (Data));
      end Index;

      -- Last --

      function Last (List : in GSlist) return GSlist is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_last");
         Tmp : GSlist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
         return Tmp;
      end Last;

      -- Length --

      function Length (List : in GSlist) return Guint is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return Guint;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_length");
         return Internal (Get_Object (List));
      end Length;

      -- List_Reverse --

      procedure List_Reverse (List : in out GSlist) is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_reverse");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
      end List_Reverse;

      -- Next --

      function Next (List : in GSlist) return GSlist is
         function Internal (List : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "ada_gslist_next");
         Tmp : GSlist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List)));
         return Tmp;
      end Next;

      -- Nth --

      function Nth
        (List : in GSlist;
         N    : in Guint)
         return GSlist
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            N    : Guint)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_nth");
         Tmp : GSlist;
         Set_Object (Tmp, Internal (Get_Object (List), N));
         return Tmp;
      end Nth;

      -- Nth_Data --

      function Nth_Data
        (List : in GSlist;
         N    : in Guint)
         return Gpointer
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            N    : Guint)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_nth_data");
         return Convert (Internal (Get_Object (List), N));
      end Nth_Data;

      -- Position --

      function Position
        (List : in GSlist;
         Link : in GSlist)
         return Gint
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Link : System.Address)
                            return Gint;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_position");
         return Internal (Get_Object (List), Get_Object (Link));
      end Position;

      -- Prepend --

      procedure Prepend
        (List : in out GSlist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_prepend");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data)));
      end Prepend;

      -- Remove --

      procedure Remove
        (List : in out GSlist;
         Data : in Gpointer)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Data : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_remove");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Convert (Data)));
      end Remove;

      -- Remove_Link --

      procedure Remove_Link
        (List : in out GSlist;
         Link : in GSlist)
         function Internal (List : System.Address;
                            Link : System.Address)
                            return System.Address;
         pragma Import (C, Internal, "g_slist_remove_link");
         Set_Object (List, Internal (Get_Object (List),
                                     Get_Object (Link)));
      end Remove_Link;

      -- Set_Object --

      procedure Set_Object (Obj   : in out GSlist;
                            Value : in     System.Address) is
         Obj.Ptr := Value;
      end Set_Object;

   end Generic_SList;
end Glib.GSlist;


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