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Re: target/295: [HP-UX] Missing pthread_* with g++ on HP-UX

Synopsis: [HP-UX] Missing pthread_* with g++ on HP-UX

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: rodrigc
State-Changed-When: Wed Dec 26 21:04:17 2001
    Based on your subsequent feedback, it looks like
    you have misconfigured your systems on which you
    have installed gcc on.
    We have successful bootstrap reports on HP-UX 10.20:
    Read the gcc configuration instructions for providing
    (or omitting) threads support at:
    If you enable threads support in gcc, when you
    compile your projects, you can add the -threads flag
    when you compile something with gcc.  That should eliminate
    your link time errors.

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