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packing on arm

typedef struct TSTRU0
char byte1 __attribute__ ( (packed));
short sz __attribute__ ( (packed));
int iz __attribute__ ( (packed));
int lz __attribute__ ( (packed));
} tstru0;

typedef struct TSTRU1
char byte1;
short sz;
int iz;
int lz;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) tstru1;

int mysize0 =  sizeof (tstru0);
int mysize1 =  sizeof (tstru1);

@ Generated by gcc 2.7.9-970819 for ARM/coff
@ GNU C version 2.7.9-970819 (arm-wrs-vxworks) compiled by GNU C version cygnus-2.7-96q4.
@ options passed: 
@ options enabled:  -fpeephole -ffunction-cse -fkeep-static-consts
@ -freg-struct-return -fcommon -fverbose-asm -fgnu-linker -mapcs-32
@ -msoft-float

	.global	_mysize0
	.align	0
	.word	11
	.global	_mysize1
	.align	0
	.word	11

@ Generated by gcc 2.9-010413 (2.96+) ARM/Thumb/StrongARM/XScale VxWorks 5.4 for ARM/VxWorks
	.global	_mysize0
	.align	2
	.word	12
	.global	_mysize1
	.align	2
	.word	11

?  Is this a new bug in later compilers or a desired behavior?

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