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Re: solaris 2.7 binutils problem

Nils Lohner wrote:
> Well, another failed attempt.  PLEASE make the build process fail on a
> configure instead of breaking in the compile process.  For people who
> don't often build compilers it'll save much time...
> --with-gnu-as doesn't seem to work as you'd expect, so even reading the
> INSTALL guides online and applying them can result in errors.
> Here I tried to be clever and use:
> /sup/build/gcc-3.0.1/build > ../configure --prefix=/sup --with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-nm --with-gnu-as

Well, that's probably why
     Specify that the compiler should assume that the assembler it finds
     is the GNU assembler. However, this does not modify the rules to find an
     assembler and will result in confusion if found assembler is not
     actually the GNU assembler. (Confusion will also result if the compiler
     finds the GNU assembler but has not been configured with
     --with-gnu-as.) If you have more than one assembler installed on your
     system, you may want to use this option in connection with --with-as=pathname. 
     Specify that the compiler should use the assembler pointed to by
     pathname, rather than the one found by the standard rules to find an
     assembler, which are: 

You have to use both options. Same for GNU ld.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:

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