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template/friend bug(s)

	The attached program fails under g++ 2.96:

	$ g++ -v
	Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.96/specs
	gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Linux-Mandrake 8.0 2.96-0.48mdk)

	$ g++ gcc-bug.c
	gcc-bug.c: In function `int main ()':
	cc-bug.c:39: no match for `B & == int &'

	If you undefine TEMPLATE, the code compiles.  The code is valid
	regardless of whether the class is a template.

	Alternatively, if you undefine FRIEND, the code compiles.  The
	code is valid regardless of whether operator== is declared
	inline as a friend vs. at file scope.

	This code compiles correctly (in all variants) under 2.95.

	- Paul

/* ----- CUT ----- CUT ----- CUT ----- CUT ----- CUT ----- CUT ----- */
#include <iostream>

#define	TEMPLATE /**/
template< class T > class A;
#define	A_CLASS	A<int>
#define	A_CLASS	A
struct A_CLASS {
#define	FRIEND /**/
#ifdef	FRIEND
	friend bool operator==( A_CLASS const&, int ) {
		cerr << "operator==( A&, int )" << endl;
		return false;

#ifndef	FRIEND
inline bool operator==( A_CLASS const&, int ) {
	cerr << "operator==( A&, int )" << endl;
	return false;

main() {
	int i;

	a == i;

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