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Erronous warning in g++ compile

Please try compiling this file with:

g++ -Wall -O -c compiler_error.cpp

For some reason, it tells me that I reach the end of a non-void function
without returning a value, when I obviously do.  This does NOT occur if
I turn off optimization, or use -fno-default-inline.
This works with any class I've tested inside the vector.  I've commented
the file well to highlight the error.

The GCC version I use is 2.95.2 19991024
The platform is Linux 2.4.x (i486-suse-linux).

Just thought you would like to know this warning is triggering erronously.


_O_ PreZ :)                           Finger _O_
 |                      for full PGP Public Key   |

PGP FingerPrint: B3 0C F3 32 DE 5A 7D 90  26 F6 FA 38 CC 0A 2D D8
Goth Code '98:   tSKeba5qaSabsaaaGbaa75KAASWGuajmsvbieqcL4BaaLb3F4
Magick Code .92: MWI S W++ N+ PCE/NA++ D A a+ C G QO+ 666 Y

/* Proof of bug in compiler ...
 * The below will cause a 'reaches end of non-void function' warning when
 * a class is used in the vector definition, and ANY inlining is done.
 * This means any optimization is on, and -fno-default-inline is NOT
 * defined.  This code should NOT cause any warning.
 * NOTE: This only occurs when the return is in {}'s, however there are
 * times (for example when you want to #define a special return that does
 * more than one thing, but still be able to use it after an if without
 * having to put {}'s around it yourself) when you would want to put the
 * return in {}'s (like I have done in my project that found this error).
 * Also note, -Wall should be used in the compiler options to show up
 * the problem.
 * Bug found by Preston A. Elder <>

#include <vector>

class SomeClass {};

int SomeFunc()
    vector<SomeClass> blah;

    { return 0; }

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