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bug? Need help deciding.

Hi!  I'm hoping someone can help me out, since I'm not sure what to do. 
I'm trying to compile something, and gcc keeps crashing.  It reports a
segmentation fault, and tells me to submit a full bug report.  Since I'm
not exactly an ace programmer, I'm assuming that I'm probably doing
something wrong, but I wouldn't know for sure.  What should I do?  Try
to figure out how to use this gnat thing?  If I give a brief description
here, maybe you could tell me if it's likely something I'm doing wrong,
or if it really is a bug that I should report:

I'm in a unix systems programming course, and we have an assignment that
requires us to write a simple program that uses semaphores and shared
memory.  As soon as I included the header files /sys/types.h, /sys/ipc.h
and /sys/sem.h, gcc would crash every single time I would try to
compile.  I can't figure out if I've messed it up somehow, if it's a
library issue, or a gcc issue.  My code is probably horribly bad, but
I'm using examples given to us by our instructor, so it shouldn't be too
bad.  ;-)  And the program is pretty small, so I can't see how I could
break gcc with something so little!  Finally, my gcc version is 2.96 and
it's running in Red Hat 7 (and I've been too lazy to go back to Red Hat

If you think I should submit a bug report, as it keeps telling me to do,
let me know and I'll give it my best shot.  Until then, wish me luck
since I'm going to have to try to figure this out so that I can get my
assignment done!  :-)



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