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Re: how to read out binary data

Bomin Sun wrote:

> the  linux system I am using is installed in the pc with intel III.
> I have a problem in reading binary data file (e.g., a binary file
> (integer*2) downloaded from a website) using a fortran program under my
> linux environment.
> The program (also was provided by those data people) to read the file
> is:
> integer*2 isea(100,100)
> open(1,file='seatemp.dat',form='unformatted')
>  read(1) isea
> print*,isea(1,1)
> stop
> end
> I used g77 to compile that program. The output from that program is
> totally wrong.
> for example, the value of isea(1,1) is a very large integer number.
> does anyone know how to correctly read out the binary data ?

Sorry for the long delay - somehow I couldn't find your message back ...

Unfortunately, your problem is not easy to solve.  The way Fortran
programs write unformatted (sequential) files is different for different
machines / compilers.

Please ask the people providing the data to write it out formatted,

      integer*2 isea(100,100)
      write(1,'(10i8)') isea

This way, you'll be able to read it as follows:

      integer*2 isea(100,100)
      open(1, file='seatemp.dat')
      read(1,'(10i8)') isea

Hope this helps,

Toon Moene - - phoneto: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
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