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Internal compiler error (with wrong code, though)

[submitted to the Debian BTS, reproduceable with CVS 20010121 on i386-linux]

From: Michael Piefel <>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <>
Subject: Internal compiler error (with wrong code, though)

The following little program (this is the *.ii file)
# 1 ""
class _fred {
    virtual void do_it(int, int) =0;

typedef _fred * fred;

class _barney:public _fred{
    using fred::do_it;

causes an internal compiler error 89 in line 9 when using "g++ -c".

Note that of course the code is wrong, as fred is the pointer not the
class, but an internal compiler error is a little harsh an error

This is not the known using-bug found on the web page, AFAICS.


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