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Re: Putting builtins in the std namespace

> Benjamin requested that I work on putting builtins (like `abs') in the
> `std' namespace in C++ (when -fhonor-std is in use) since the
> libstdc++ people need that for some work they're doing.

Hey Mark, thanks for paying attention to my plea.

> Here's a first cut.  This patch doesn't move builtins whose names
> start with a `_' since those are already reserved names, and since I
> bet a lot of macros depend on them.

don't worry about those.

> The following simple program worked:
>   namespace std {
>   int abs (int);
>   }
>   int main ()
>   {
>     return std::abs (-3);
>   }

Err. Yeah.

As Phil noted, this change has hosed v-3 builds, which I'm sure is a just a simple mix up on
your part.

The real problem that I was trying to solve was with a v-3 build (which, as Phil also noted,
turns on -fhonor-std by default and which is the reason we would like it fully operational)
is the following:

(line 55 of libsupc++/new)
// replaceable signatures
void *operator new (size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc);

Note this line no longer compiles with your change.

I'm trying to get this to work so that I can change the above line to:

void *operator new (std::size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc);

Which, I'm sure you'll agree, is a truly-C++ standard-compliant signature.  (see 18.4)

Seems simple enough. However, it's a bit more complicated than that., because the C++ type
for size_t has to match the extern "C" size_t type. (Long, complicated analysis of this is
on The libstdc++-v3 attempt to deal with this is
--enable-cshadow-headers, which uses include/c_std instead of the default include/c
directory to correctly wrap the "C" library headers for use with the C+ library for cFOO
type headers (ie ctype.h -> cctype, FOO == ctype)

Anyway. Perhaps more detail that you cared about.

The end result is that both of these cases have to compile, when using -fhonor-std,
hopefully with one <new> header.

#if 1
// stddef.h
extern "C" {typedef unsigned int size_t ;}
// cstddef
namespace _C_legacy {
  extern "C" {
typedef unsigned int size_t;
} // namespace _C_legacy

namespace std {
  using _C_legacy::size_t;
} // namespace std

void *operator new (std::size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc);

I hope this makes the problem I was trying to solve a bit easier to grasp.

thanks again,

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